Classes finally ended and Deku and I were dragging ourselves back to the dorms. We went directly to Deku's room cause it was closer and I hadn't gotten a chance to either change or clean my bed yet and I'm way too tired to do it now. Deku gave me a pair of his looser sweat pants and we crawled into his bed and passed out. 


I wake up and throw the covers off of me and stomp to the door, Deku only just sitting up groggily as I fling the door open. "What the fuck do you want now?" I screamed at the shocked Aizawa Sensei standing at the door currently with Iida. "Why the fuck are you beating on the fucking door at," I turned around and I looked at the clock. "It's only 7? Whatever we have been up since 6 am central standard time Sunday morning which would have been 9 pm here. So for God's sake tell me what is so fucking important?" I was screaming again not even caring anymore. 

"Bakugo no one could find you and it is-" I slammed the door in his face locking it and turning around again. I didn't walk two steps before someone was beating on the door again. 

I unlock and open it again, glaring at the teacher I used to admire when Deku came up behind me still rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Sensei what's going on?" He asked in his oh so innocent sweet voice. They are all lucky that I am in love with him or I would have said fuck this place a long time ago and went to America with Uncle Hiroshi to stay. 

"Why are you both in the same room again?" He got to the point this time. 

"We weren't exactly here to clean and we are both too exhausted now. Time zones and all that? Now leave us the fuck alone!" I slammed the door again and I heard Deku sigh. 

'Kacchan?' He started talking in Wonder, getting my attention again. 'Don't take this the wrong way,' I looked at him confused but he reached up and locked the door before turning back to me pulling me in for a kiss. His lips were against mine and it felt like an electric shock went through my system. My arms were around his body and I couldn't feel, hear or think of anything else in this world. 

Deku pulled me back to bed the drawstrings on my pants went ignored while Deku slipped them off of me and I returned the favor fuck that went from 0 to 100 real quick. My hands gripped his thick strong ass, he jumped into my arms and I fell on the bed and Deku pins me down his tongue in my mouth...

"Kacchan!" I fall to the floor somehow right back in front of the still open doorway, Aizawa Sensei and Iida still standing there, Deku's voice the only thing running through my head as darkness claims me. 


"Kacchan please wake up!" I hear Deku crying nearby. 

"Is sleep really that terrible? I'm fucking tired," I groan reaching for my head that felt like it was spinning. 

"Kacchan!" Deku cried jumping on me making me groan more. 

"What the fuck? Seriously why won't everyone just..." I open my eyes to find myself in Recovery Girls office again. "What?" I see Recovery Girl pick up her cane. "Wait! What the fuck happened? Why am I here? We were just laying down to sleep and fucking Aizawa Sensei and Four Eyes were banging on the door like there was a fucking fire or some shit. I didn't DO anything this time!" I defended myself from the wrath of the tiny old woman. 

"I know Bakugo, it's my fault for not seeing it when you were here last week. You have walking pneumonia. You'll be fine in a few days with some antibiotics and my quirk." I let out a sigh, relieved I didn't somehow fuck up. "Midoriya you also seem to have it although it is weaker. My guess is it was while you two were working in the monsoon a few weeks ago. So you'll both be excused from classes for the remainder of the week."

I flopped back on the pillow groaning, " Can't we have one normal day?" I pick my pillow up and scream into it just wanting all of this nonsense to be over. 

"I don't want to go back to fighting each other though," I hear Deku whine and I take the pillow off my face and give him a look. 

"You plan on doing the thing again?" I asked him and he looked at me confused. I switched to Wonder 'Quirkless? Are you going to leave me all alone again?'

"I never wanted to do that in the first place, Kacchan! That's not fair," He pouted and I frowned at him before putting the pillow over my head again and screaming again. "Kacchan!" I removed the pillow again and glared at him. 

Deku kept talking in Wonder, 'I never want to leave your side. But you get so angry when I'm clingy like that. All I want is to hold you close and never let go. But that probably sounds wrong or gross or-'

'Deku!' I cut him off and wait until he looks at me again with his eyes full of tears again, I switch back to Japanese. "You're the son of Dragon, America's number one pro hero. Relax, just a little bit?" He smiles sadly at me nodding before crawling up on the bed and cuddling on my chest again. 

"I would like to know how I wasn't aware of that?" I look up to Aizawa Sensei grumbling to himself. 

"Because you're a shit teacher who doesn't care about his students at all! Have you ever noticed that Icyhot is literally afraid of his old man? It's easy to see the bruises on him whenever he comes back from being home, tell me how is he so accident prone at home but on missions and work studies he comes back without a scratch?"

I am fuming mad how he gets off being mad about not knowing who Deku's dad is? "Or how about when Ponytail loses a shit ton of weight anytime she goes home? The bitch isn't fat to start with and with her quirk I have to wonder if they force her to make things like diamonds or gold or other bullshit."

"Don't get me started on fucking Four Eyes they have him so paranoid about following rules that he ONLY ever talks about them. Have you tried having a single conversation with any of your students? Do you know what my parents even do for a living? Do you even care? Of course you fucking don't so stay the fuck out of it!" I held up a hand and set off explosions trying to release the excess tension in my body but it wasn't helping. 

"Don't pretend to care only to let it fall through again. I don't even like the fucking extras but I can easily see what they are going through. I know their birthdays, I know when they are having a hard time, I know what each of their favorite foods are. I hate being around them, BUT A HERO IS THERE. So I will fucking be there! I will make their favorite foods on their birthday or after they just found out a family member was in an accident or villain attack. I will continue to switch Momo's weight loss shakes with nutritional protein shakes. I will continue to piss Iida off so he has somewhere to direct all that fucking structure and proper this or that bullshit. I will continue to pick fights with the emotionally void hell that is Todoroki, it has to be the only time he feels anything besides fear," I was shaking with anger at his, I'm better than you bull shit and it ends today. 

"Did you even know that Kirishima has been homeless the last 6 months? His parents kicked him out after finding out he was gay. Or how Kaminari has ADHD and dyslexia? Ashido tries so hard to be happy all the goddamn time but she has been cutting herself since before middle school. Sero literally hangs a noose for himself everyday just to take it down again. Tsu is bipolar as fucking shit and Uraraka can barely buy a goddamn pencil. I hate them all. They all 'try' everyday. They try to be happy and pretend that life hasn't been kicking them where it hurts the most. They try to understand but they never do. Then there are the others, each person is unique and you ignore it all." 

"Tell me Aizawa Sensei was there one thing on that list that you did already know? Or are you just going to stand there shocked that I actually know there fucking names? They are stupid and careless. But they care, they try. They even fucking kidnapped Deku just to make make sure I wasn't holding him hostage. Should they? Fucking no they are lucky Uncle Hiroshi didn't end them all. But at least they care," Fuck I'm crying and Deku is just laying his head on my chest. I could feel his sobs shaking his body, I can't deal with this. 

'Deku let's go, I'm fucking done with this shit,' Deku raised his head wiping his tears away before getting off of me. I hold out a hand to Recovery Girl and she puts our medication in it and we leave them all standing there speechless. Aizawa Sensei, All Might, Present Mic, Midnight, Nezu and Recovery Girl. They listened to what I had to say regardless of if they actually wanted to or not. Now they fucking know. So what will their excuses be now that I took that one excuse away?