We walk into the dorms and go straight to the kitchen and I look at the damage to the kitchen from while we were gone. We are wide awake now anyway so I make a list of groceries for Iida to go get tomorrow and I heat up a couple plates of the special spicy curry from the bowl that now had biohazard written in big bold permanent marker, I'm not even mad, it was smart on their part, for once. 

Deku went up to strip both of our beds and get the laundry started. We needed to start over with a clean slate and after dealing with the fucking idiot that is our homeroom teacher I needed it even more now. I threw a few things together having seen Kirishima's shoes were still at the door. He always takes his shoes to his room at night when he is done. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:30. 

I let out a sigh and picked up my phone. I scanned through all the messages in the class chat like I do everyday and then opened the chat with just the Bakusquad. 

Dynamight: Thinking of french toast, who wants some?

I watched as they all responded with yes and that they would be right down or some other shit. While I pulled out a couple loaves of bread and everything else I needed to cook with. Knowing them the only one that might have eaten was Kaminari but he got distracted so much it hurt me. So unless I make them a sit down meal they all forget/skip altogether. 

I start cooking and by the time the extras come down I have several already done so they can each have a large serving. "Oi you can't have french toast without milk! One of you start pouring glasses. I think there was some chocolate milk in there." I heard them cheer and do as I said. By the time they finished eating they were complaining about eating too much. 

"Tough shit, now maybe you fuckers will actually sleep and leave me the fuck alone?" I growl at them only to see them all smiling back at me. "Don't fucking sit there! You know the rules; I cook, you clean!" I kick them all out of their seats and they laugh doing as I told them. They kept laughing while I kept cooking and when I was down to the last loaf of bread I sent a message in the class chat. 

Dynamight: Get your asses down here to eat french toast! There's plenty. 

I watched until I saw a response from everyone and once I did I put my phone back down and continued cooking the sweet breakfast food. 

Momo came in first and I can see how thin she is, looks like she had to go home for the weekend again. I throw her a shake when she only puts two of the smallest pieces on her plate. I hear her all too polite thanks before taking a seat and like always she didn't bother to check to see if I switched her shake out for one of Sato's. 

His quirk required sugar yes but otherwise he had to be super healthy with his meals and when he can have what. The shakes were only used for breakfast anyway and this gave him a more balanced meal even if it is still just a shake, mostly because I made him take a piece of fruit too.

Before long everyone was in the kitchen was telling me their thank you's and sorry for the other day. A few tried to give me a formal apology but I rolled my eyes. 

"You did it for Deku right?" When they answered with yes which they all did in one way or another I went on, "Then I don't fucking care. Now go eat!" 

Mine and Deku's food was still in the microwave but they would probably all vanish once I heated it up and they could smell the spiciness of the peppers again. 

I listened to them talk about their lives pretending not to care as I prepped tomorrow night's dinner. 

"Dude! I have missed your food so much!" Kaminari actually fucking moaned stuffing his face again.

"I was only gone for two days," I rolled my eyes already knowing from what was left in the fridge that the most any of them did was cook raman or left overs from the week. Also all of our cereal seemed to be gone. Figures but it's better than them burning the kitchen down. 

"Oi Four Eyes, I have the grocery list, you can pick everything up tomorrow after school. Who's turn is it too pay?" I call out and notice Uraraka squirming. "Fuck it I'll pay this week just don't forget anything this time." I kept grumbling to myself like it was too much of a bother. I pay for my week's Uraraka and Kirishima's but none of them seem to have noticed yet. I put extra supplies on Uraraka and Kirishima's weeks so they assume that that is why I'm doing it. Sometimes Deku jumps in instead and once or twice Iida will remember it was Uraraka and he would pay before I could add the extra items. 

"Dumb ass extras listen up," I yell and get everyone's attention. "What have I told you? Don't fuck with my kitchen! I open the freezer door and show the now half empty freezer, "When I don't cook, you grab something from here. One of these is enough for five people. You get it out in the morning and let it thaw in the sink until dinner time, then you put it on a plate and microwave it. It's not that hard I fucking promise." I was still doing my arrogant jerk routine that they seemed to love so fucking much, "Since so many of you decided not to eat at all you're all taking lunches tomorrow. Pick what you want now." I tapped my fingers on the counter waiting and when they all just looked at me I started setting off explosions making them jump to it.  

When they did what I told them I dished out what I could into bowls and they put them into their lunch bags. I waited until Uraraka was the last one around, she always waited until last. "Oi Pink Cheeks, make sure to take these home tomorrow when you go home. They'll go bad otherwise and no one wastes my food." I see her blush and add, "It's not like you couldn't take a bag everyday to be honest. With as much as these fuckers try to waste, until I get a hold of them that is." I started grumbling, walking away ignoring the way her eyes teared up a bit. 

I have been putting one in her bag every once in a while and the first few times she came crying to me about not knowing how they got there, that was our first year right after we got put into the dorms. 

"Then you better have fucking ate it!" She agreed, crying and I had stomped away cursing. But she never helped herself and I heard her tell Tsu that they didn't have any grocery money for the next few weeks, so this should keep them from going hungry if nothing else, not that I care or anything. 

Once everyone was done packing their lunches and cleaning the kitchen again Iida started trying to direct everyone to bed. "Oh no you don't Four Eyes, you and all the other extras are sleeping in the common room tonight. I walked into the dorms today and this place reaks so you'll all be cleaning your rooms tomorrow like decent fucking people!" I love watching Iida get all confused, angry and relieved just to start over again not sure which emotion to settle on. 

"Oi Raccoon Eyes have all the girls stay in your room or get Ponytail to let you all stay in her's. I mean all of your rooms are getting it tomorrow!" I watch them all high five and see Momo walk in hearing my announcement. I also see her tell all the girls she would be happy to host. Taking care of these extras is exhausting. 

Deku comes down the stairs and takes a piece of french toast from the serving plate and starts munching. 'Hand me my pills would you?' I ask him and he reaches into his coat pocket, reads the label and hands me the dose I need and I take it with a glass of juice making a face as I do. The juice is just too sweet, fucking pineapple bullshit.  

I started meal planning for the week and added the extra items, they were nothing all that serious, just marshmallows and cocoa or a pack of pocky sticks. Just enough to make it personal. 

Iida directed people to go get their bedding and we got all the machines running and people pulled out sleeping bags and Kirishima, Sato and Shoji moved all the furniture around so we could comfortably get everyone in. They all know I absolutely hate all of them so if I say they stank then they do and if I say we are cleaning the dorms we are. It always results in this sleepover thing and usually I'll do it on a Friday so they can stay up playing games but too many of them are having issues to wait that long. 

'Kacchan can I still sleep with you?' Deku looks at me with those big pleading eyes of his. Just how does he not realize what he is saying?

'Yeah but come on we need to get all these extras straightened out,' I try not to blush but I think my ears were giving me away. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why? 

It's not long before everyone but Momo has what I call a perfume bomb going off in their room. They explode and cover the room in silver and spray a deodorizer. We let them go for 6 hours and then we go in and clean. I picked silver because it's the only damn color that someone in our class doesn't have an unhealthy fascination with. Aoyami likes sparkles but he likes himself most so... Right. But Deku is still adorable in green...

Kirishima and Todoroki get the hot cocoa while Kaminari and Sato get the snacks and Iida is putting in The Rise of All Might because if I have to be involved in this shit it better be something I can watch and Deku is the kind of cute that can stop a heartbeat with this one. 

I am on the couch in the back and Deku picks up his throw blanket and throws it on top of mine before snuggling in on my chest. "You better be fucking ready, I won't hit pause!" No one made to get up and I hit play. We munched on our snacks and drinks and I could hear Deku whispering along with the lines. It's almost the end of the movie and he goes quiet so he must be asleep. I watch to the end and once I look around to see everyone else out cold I hit play again. 

'Thank you Kacchan,' I jumped a little but tried to play it off as me adjusting. 

'You're going to be the end of me one day. It goes off this time,' I whisper back and he nods. We watched it again and this time when it ends I'm still awake. 'Damn jet lag,' I grumble to myself. I check to make sure Deku is actually asleep and hit play and kiss him on the forehead. 'Sweet dreams Deku,' I lay back and close my eyes hoping to fall asleep this time. A while into the movie things started to fade out of focus for me and I relaxed into it. Finally sleep. 


Alarms started going off all around the room and people were getting up and getting ready. Since Deku and I don't have school I go to the kitchen while he works on laundry. I'm feeling like scrambled eggs for some reason... 

I pick up my phone after cooking for a little while and send a message in the class chat. 

Dynamight: Hot breakfast come and get it. Bacon and Eggs. 

Again I slowly cooked while watching as everyone responded and when everyone but Deku did I put my phone down. And pulled out the buttered toast from the oven. Who needs a toaster? I stacked the already pre buttered toast on a plate at the end and started pouring cups. Two shakes; one for Sato and another for Momo almost everyone else either got chocolate or strawberry milk and two glasses of juice one apple and another aloe. 

I piled the forks on the end and plates at the beginning. Everyone started trickling in and when they started picking at it I growled, "Do I need to make your plate for you?" She jumped and quickly made her plate. Of course the girls would be ready first. It was Hagakure; being invisible she is extremely self-conscious about her body image. It drives me fucking crazy honestly but she makes it a habit to starve herself on purpose. Apple juice is for her. I hand her the glass and she goes to her seat. 

I watched as all the girls came in and got their plates and I handed them either chocolate or strawberry milk except Momo who I gave a shake too. Then the boys started coming in and the same process followed with them Sato took his shake and finally Aoyami came up and he got his aloe juice. Good special diets aside everyone was ready except I have way too many fucking eggs for just me and Deku. 

"Oi extras do you really think Deku and I can eat that many eggs? Hold your plates up!" I grumble taking the pan and dishing up a second serving on everyone's plate except Hagakure. Somehow the spoon slipped and she got double. "You all know the rules! If it's on your plate you eat it!" I growled before making a plate for Deku and I. 

They quickly finished eating and cleaned up after themselves and Deku came downstairs just as I plated our own food. "Time to eat nerd!" I handed him a glass and we both sat down. 

Food was served, dishes were almost done, lunches packed, and now Deku and I were finally eating. Maybe I'm just the world's best mom? I chuckle at the thought but otherwise eat in peace.