Once all the extras left, I finally started to relax but not for long. Deku and I cleaned all the silver shit from our rooms vacuuming and scrubbing. We didn't see each other again until lunch when we sat down to eat. 

"I'm exhausted!" He frowned plopping down at the table only too happy to see more of the spicy curry that I nuked for us. 

"You're telling me?" I shake my head groaning. We ate our food recapping the progress of each of our stupid extras. When we were finally done I groaned. "What the fuck is going to happen after we graduate huh? We won't be able to keep this up. They'll all return to their abusive ass families and toxic as fuck habits."

Deku nods, "At this rate I'm willing to beat up most of their families. I mean even Uraraka's family? They shouldn't be putting that kind of stress on her. If only we could buy a building that was set up like the dorms and we could just keep going on the way we have been."

"Deku how are you both a dumb ass and a genius?" I asked him seriously, he looked at me confused for several moments and I just waited until it clicked. 

"Oh!" The shock and excitement filtered across his face. "We can do it when we open our own hero agency, The Wonder Duo!" 

"Deku, that was when we were kids do you really think that we could actually do that now?" I asked him, surprised that he remembered that particular detail. 

"Now that we're together again we can do anything." 

"Am I hallucinating again?" I looked at him completely serious which should have freaked him out but instead of him badgering me with questions, he surprised me more. 

"Yes," he walked away. He fucking walked away? My head. Why? Just how? None of this makes any sense.

"Here," I look up to see him handing me something and I take it. Pills. Oh I see. I just groan and take my meds, at this point what is the point of arguing? He walked away and this time I followed him. We walked into his room and just used a blanket to throw over the bed, crawl on it and go to sleep. I'm so fucking tired I could probably sleep for a year. 


I woke up to Deku's alarm going off telling us it was the end of the school day. Our classmates would be back soon so we got up and both went to the laundry room. We switched the loads putting the now dry clothes in front of each correct person's room and took our own and made our beds. 

Such a long boring day, I went to the kitchen and started rearranging things and generally tidying up and Deku was at the counter writing in one of his notebooks about something or another when our classmates started coming in, along with both Aizawa Sensei and All Might. 

"Young Midoriya Young Bakugo I was wondering if we could have a chat?" All Might asked while I was pulling out ingredients for tonight. 

"Give me a few would ya? I'm busy and you picked a bad day," I grumbled and our classmates started walking in as usual. The only difference was that Deku was sitting there and I had All Might and Aizawa Sensei stand in the stairway so they wouldn't disrupt our day. 

Hagakure was the first one to walk in, "Oi ghosty, I need you to try a new recipe, sit down and eat it already!" I growl at her, making her jump. 

"I'm sorry I just came for a glass of water-" I cut her off like usual. 

"So what? I said eat," I put the plate of Italian pasta down with a fork and spoon and grab her a glass, "I'll be nice and let you have a drink with it milk or juice?" 


"Milk or juice?" I repeat and I hear her sigh before answering with milk. I give her the glass and she starts picking at the food and after exactly 20 seconds. "So?" She jumps and I set off a few explosions and she quickly starts eating. After a few more seconds she responds with the fact that it is amazing. 

"Of course it's fucking amazing I made it," I grumble some more and when she puts her fork down I set off more explosions. "You know the rules!" I yell and she shrieks alnd picks the fork back up again and starts eating again. 

I turn and leave her to her small meal, it wasn't a lot just enough to quiet the growling of her stomach. I start setting out more of the small bowls and pull out my phone and open the Bakusquad's group chat. 

Dynamight: Food. Come now. 

It's like I fucking summoned them they all ran into the kitchen excited to see what I made this time and I give them their bowls and even invisible I can see Hagkure relax since she isn't the only one to get pulled into this. 

"Grab your bowls and eat you shit heads. No snacking allowed today, it's cleaning day and you all know what that means!" I snap at them. 

"The Bakugo all you can eat buffet!" Kaminari yelled excited and I glared at him. 

"No it means you all fucking clean all that fucking silver shit out of your rooms or I'm going to explode anything you miss!" I started shouting and Deku is laughing at the exchange but otherwise the squad is just smiling at me. "Fuck it! Eat and leave. I don't have time for your nonsense if you want your goddamn buffet!" They laugh some more but quickly eat and leave. I pull out my phone and send a message in the class group chat. 

Dynamight: Food get your asses down here. 

Deku started pouring chocolate milk for everyone and I pulled out the shake for Momo and we handed them their food and drinks as they came in. Once everything was said and done I gave Iida the list and my card and he read over it to make sure I didn't miss anything. I roll my eyes like I have ever forgotten anything ever. 

"This time don't forget the fucking milk do you have any idea how much we go through in a day? Make sure you get the correct brands for everything or we'll have people getting sick you don't know their food allergies so stick to what I have written or so help me I will blow those engines you call legs to smithereens!" I was yelling and he was just sighing like I was the child and he was the adult before I finally let him go. 

"Oh and tell Pink Cheeks that I'll have her shit ready in 5!" I yell after him while he is walking out the door. I pulled out the canvas bag and started loading it up with all the partially empty freezer foods that were left over from them packing their lunches and checked the dates in the fridge and packing a few more of those as well. 

She comes skipping in and starts clinging to Deku who is trying very hard not to cry at the close physical contact. 

"Pink Cheeks, you're going home today right? This is the shit that we opened last night and a few others that were getting close to expiring take them with you," I drop the large bag in front of her making her jump at the noise of ice hitting the counter. 

"Oh and pick some shit up on your way back from the pharmacy," I hand her another list and some cash. "Use all the money I'm tired of hearing Raccoon Eyes complain about the bullshit." I watched her face grow red and gave her a little more cash, "Pick up a couple movies too we all know how you extras are." I turn back to the stove ignoring her and listen to Deku tell her bye before telling her to hurry her fucking ass up or she was going to miss out on dinner. 

"Right!" she squeaked and ran out again. 

I look at Deku and start lecturing him in Wonder, 'You should have told her you were uncomfortable with her shit." 

"I know it's just hard, you know?" He asked reverting back to Japanese instead of Wonder. 

"She is just going to accuse you of stringing her along if you don't nip this in the butt," I answer in kind. If he's okay with our teachers knowing then so be it. 

"It's not an easy subject. There is a lot of judgment that comes with it and once you say it you can't take it back," he looked like he was about to cry. Fuck I check that the door to the common area is actually closed and pull him into a hug. 

"I won't make you come out of the closet, it's not my place to. You just need to tell her you're just not interested, okay?" I whisper and I feel him relax into my arms for a moment before I let him go and look at the clock. 

"Well now I'm going to put you to work," I throw him an apron and point at the sink and he smiles before washing his hands and standing back at the counter in front of the cutting board and I pull out my list. Just in time for Sato to come in wearing his own apron. 

The next couple hours go by with Deku and I working on dinner and Sato baking. I almost forgot about our teachers watching us from the staircase, almost. But they can just get comfortable because we are not even close to done. 

Iida returned first putting things on the table and I snapped at Deku to put them away, he knows the system I use. It's the same one my old Hag and Aunty Inko use at home. 

"Now get your shit done. I'll make my rounds before anyone is allowed to eat and you're no exception. I find a speck of that silver shit on even one pair of your extra glasses and I will blow them up." I hissed and growled at him before he left. It wasn't hard to figure out that he, since he was a stickler for the rules, that if I claimed it was a rule and actually enforced it then he would fall in line fast. It was really depressing how quick he was to accept all my petty rules for no other reason than I said they were rules. 

Sato had a cookie tree thing, basically a cupcake tree stand only covered in all kinds of cookies and I could practically feel him huming with pride. Thank fuck he is done. I kicked him out of the kitchen after smacking his hand away from trying to grab a cookie and sent him to finish his own room. 

Uraraka came in carrying two large black trash bags and I rolled my eyes before shooing her away to put away the crap herself. Toiletries; everything from toilet paper to feminine products to cleaning supplies because on silver days we always run out. Everyone worked diligently running around getting this or that and when everything was finally over almost everyone crashed in the common area. 

"Alright you fucking extras inspection time!" I yelled. "Four eyes, your rooms last." Deku stayed in the kitchen finishing the last few things while I was dragged from room to room. As usual the only room there were explosions in was Mineta's. 

"Fucking Grapist, your a waste of fucking air and you fucking know it!" I raged as I blew up his porn that no matter how much he scrubbed wouldn't come clean. When everything was done I had Uraraka bring me the movies and the stalker she is for Deku all of them were All Might movies. Joke's on her. There is a reason my hero name is Dynamight. 

"Alright extras, you're not a complete waste of space you can eat now!" I flipped them all off and they all started lining up and getting plates returning to the common area because the table was covered in different foods and there wasn't room for any of them to sit. Ashido put on some music and like every other time we have a silver day it turned into a party. Kaminari and Sero pour and pass out sodas and juice at the makeshift bar in the common area, knowing I will end them if they try to spike any of the drinks, their own or not. 

Deku and I go back to the kitchen and open up the staircase to see Aizawa Sensei and All Might still watching everything in confused silence. "I told you, you picked a bad day."