"I mean why would you pick silver day?" I was still a bit confused. Aizawa Sensei and All Might just stood there staring at me though so I rolled my eyes and looked back at Deku.

"Did you send it to the others?" I waited to see him nod and show me his phone just in time for someone to ring the bell. "Looks like they're here. I'll take care of this and get some popcorn going." He nodded and left the kitchen leaving me alone with the two pro heroes. 

"You can come out anytime now you know?" I tell them before turning around back to the stove top and putting the popcorn on. 

"Wait are you throwing a party?" All Might asked, looking disappointed. 

"You are already here, why would we send you an invite?" I asked him scowling before pointing at the table, "Now go make yourselves a plate before I have to start shoving food down your throats too." They remained quiet but did as I said anyway. 

After a few minutes they started eating after I glared at them and when they finished I was already filling the bowls with the popcorn. "Well All Might I hope you don't mind watching your own movies but I swear to God if you give away any spoilers I will end you," I glared before shoving a large bowl of popcorn towards each of them before, carrying two myself. 

"Come on the masses will start flooding my kitchen if we don't get moving," I grumble before leading the way out of the kitchen and into the common area where not only class A was sitting but the majority of class B and a fair size chunk of general studies and support classes while Deku was setting up the TV. 

"None of you fuckers better leave here hungry there is enough food on the table to feed a goddamn army but you all know the rules; if it's on your plate you eat it. I cook, you clean and for god's sake if any of you touch the All Might merch know you're going to die!" I announced before passing the bowls around and several of them jumped up to get their own plates. "Oi teachers are included in that!" I yelled seeing Midnight heaping mac and cheese on her plate she just smiled and winked at me. 

"Wait... Teachers are here too? Besides us?" Aizawa Sensei asked confused and I scoffed gesturing towards Nezu and Present Mic by the drink bar that Kaminari and Sero were still running but I can see that Kirishima had brought them food so they could eat while they passed out drinks. 

"What is all of this?" Aziawa Sensei finally asked, getting frustrated. 

"This is silver day, we spend the whole day cleaning and then I let the extras get together to let off some steam and between Iida and Momo people tend to behave but then there is me, I will fucking kill them if they so much as dare to do something stupid." 

"Bakugo! I see your spread is as popular as ever!" Nezu scurries over, seriously is he a bear or rat or some combination of them both? Maybe a ferret?

"Your shit is still in the kitchen give me a minute," I go back to the kitchen and get the nasty ass bitter tea he likes so damn much and pour it into a teapot before walking out with it not bothering to grab a tea cup for him. He always has one on his person. 

"You knew about this?" I heard Aizawa sensei asking the principle. 

"Of course Young Bakugo sends it to the teacher group chat with an invite all the time." 

"Don't be telling him that shit, we only do this every few months not all the time." I hiss at him putting the tea pot at his usual seat. 

"Right, right of course." He chuckled to himself before pulling a teacup out of fucking no where. I give up, I shake my head and turn to leave. 

"Oi Deku are you going to start the movie some time today?" I yell at him setting off explosions as I did. 

He grins at me holding up the remote before diving to his seat, and I do mean his seat, the last time someone tried to take the best seat in the house I had to drag them off to Recovery Girl. 

"Last call we do not pause movies here extras!" There was a slight rush towards the drinks and food and when people settled down again I hit the lights and Deku hit play motioning for me to join him. For the first time ever I sat in the best seat in the house and Deku was crammed up next to me and we watched All Might's Civil Union. Nobody was stupid enough to be on their phones and we all watched.


By the end of the third movie we had people passed out on the blankets and pillows they brought with them, even Monamoa knew better than to start shit on Silver day. A few went back to their own dorms and all the girls were ushered into one of the girls rooms here, probably Momo's while the boys just slept wherever they dropped. I made sure Hagakure was actually with Ashido before Deku and I put in The Rise of All Might and fell asleep to our favorite childhood movie. 


'GOOD MORNING UA! THE TIME IS FOUR O'CLOCK WAKE UP CALL!" Present Mic came in using his quirk for it and everyone jumped out of their makeshift bedding. 

I stand up stretching before I started setting off explosions making the rest of the dumb asses wake up. "Get your fucking asses out of bed. You all know the rules; I cook, you clean!" I started screaming and even Deku started getting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He barely flinched at my explosions anymore it was kind of disturbing actually. 

"Why 4 am?" I heard Shinso crab from next to Kaminari as they all got up. 

"Because you all knew it was a school night last night and Deku and I are not spending all day cleaning up after you!" I yell back at him and they all started moving a lot faster being reminded that they still had to get ready for classes. 

Deku and I go to the kitchen and start making breakfast for only God knows how many people. I don't like to do the same meals twice in a row but scrambled eggs is just the easiest thing to make for a crowd. I checked the fridge and saw that yes Shoji remembered to put away the leftovers last night and I went about breakfast. Deku and I were still serving on paper plates because fuck who wants to do that many dishes? Who even owned that many fucking dishes? 


When everyone was finally fed and dishes were done Deku and I collapsed on the couch we slept on last night while they all started running around getting ready for the day or leaving so they could go back to their own dorms. I took my meds with a large glass of water and laid back exhausted. 

"Cooking for that many people must be exhausting," I hear someone comment and I hum in agreement not caring who it was. I was turning the movie on ignoring the All Might blanket and plushies I was surrounded by while I yawned and go into the settings to set the movie on the extended theatrical cut with director commentary before Deku came in and dives onto the couch again and snuggled up in his blanket and plushies like it was the most normal thing in the world. Once he was comfortable I hit play and Deku puts the All Might pillow between us and we lay down again. 

"Never doing that again, why do I have to put up with all those extras?" I yawn again as the movie comes on. 

'Because on some level you like them all,' Deku responded in Wonder since there were still stragglers leaving for classes. 

"Yeah yeah whatever, let's just watch the movie." I yawned again and before I knew it it was already over and I could feel sleep tugging at me again. I reached over and hit play again knowing that Deku and I were the only ones here because classes started over an hour ago. 

I must have been shivering or some shit because when I open my eyes again I am now surrounded by all the plushies and Deku is lying curled up against me facing the TV with the blanket on top of us. Too comfortable to bother moving I just hit play again. Deku and I have seen The Rise of All Might more times than either of us could ever care to count. It didn't take long before sleep was pulling at me again. and I just curled around Deku, my face buried in his sweet strawberries and cream scented hair and I let it. 

"Wow you two have gotten close," I jumped an explosion at the ready only to see All Might and Aizawa Sensei hovering over my face and I relaxed again. I almost just died, I forgot all about the All Might merch surrounding me and I would have damaged something if I didn't stop myself first. 

"What the fuck do you want? In case you forgot we are actually doing what we are supposed to be doing, resting." I grumble before rubbing sleep out of my eyes. Deku is next to me doing the same thing. 

"I'm here to get the answers to the questions All Might and I came to ask last night, remember?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I groaned. I forgot all about that. 

"So I don't have to get up? Just answer your stupid ass questions? Just ask already," I yawned trying not to wake up all the way and still doze. 

"What is Todoroki's relationship with his father?" Really didn't I already answer this the other day? I go about answering his questions about each of my classmates and I'm not even surprised to hear Hound Dog ask a few questions of his own. I kind of figured he would come to see me before our session to ask about the extras. I was growing sleepy again and Deku was still laying next to me answering questions when it was easier for him than me. 

"What is your relationship with Midoriya?" I hear him ask while I'm half asleep again. 

"Childhood best friend," I sigh, snuggling into his neck again no longer caring what questions they could have anymore and only that Deku had turned around despite my protest but then held me in a much more comfortable position while I started dozing off against his chest again. I could get used to this. Actually it might be too late for that because I think I already am used to it. 

I could hear more mumbling and questions and answers but I couldn't really hear what anymore my dreams taking me away to our childhood to when we could hold hands and play without judgemental eyes on us. We still haven't told anymore we were gay outside of Hound Dog and I really need to talk to the hag because she will probably kill me if I don't tell her first. 

I woke up with a start and searched for my phone ignoring Deku and our teachers. When I found it I called the hag after checking what the time was and verifying that our classmates were still in class despite the fact our homeroom teacher was here grilling us. 

"What do you want you brat?" She answered and we started screaming at each other about this and that and nothing all at once. I was getting madder and madder and somehow hit the speaker button with my cheek and cursed when her voice boomed in my ear. 

"Goddamn it old hag can't I talk to you without you getting on to my case about every fucking thing!" I responded screaming just as loud as she was. 

"Well maybe if you called at a fucking normal time of day like any other parent's kids, I would!" She screamed back and from the hollowness of her voice I can tell that she must have put me on speaker as well. 

"Is that Katsuki? Hello son are you having fun learning to be a hero?" I hear dad's super chill voice and respond just as nice only for her to scream at me some more. 

"Why did you even fucking call if all your going to do is scream at us?" She demanded. 

"First of all the only person I'm screaming at is you old hag," I answered her before getting quiet. "I have something important to say," my voice was quiet and her's quickly matched mine. 

"What's wrong baby? Do we need to come get you? You can still transfer to America if you want. Hiroshi said he would be happy to let you stay with him while you're in school," sometimes she really does care too much. 

"No it's not that I just," I am rubbing the bridge of my nose trying to calm my nerves, when did I start shaking? 

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Deku smiling at me and mouth, "You can do it!"

"I'm gay," I blurted it out and held my breath waiting for the shit storm that was my mother to go on and on with I told you so's or just straight up laugh in my face. 

"And?" She asked, waiting for me to go on. 

"That's it," I let out the breath and I could hear my dad take the phone from her. 

"Katsuki, there is nothing wrong with loving another man. We still love you just the way you are." Dad's voice came out of the tiny ass speaker and I started to breathe a little easier. 

"Wait since you're telling us, does that mean you had someone ask you out? My baby is a bottom!" And now my mood is ruined again. 

"HUH?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? AND NO I DID NOT GET ASKED OUT YOU FUCKING OLD BAT!" I started swearing and cursing at her again as my Dad was laughing in the background. Another couple minutes go by and we are screaming that we still love each other and our goodbyes before I hit the red button on my phone and slumped back in my seat. 

"You did it!" Deku cheered, throwing his arms around my neck, making me jump again. I want to tell him that I love him, but it's too soon still. So I just laughed and let the relief flood through me. 

"Yes great job Young Bakugo," I jumped so high up that I would have thought I left my skin behind, Hound Dog in general, both calmed me and put me on edge. I forgot all about Aizawa Sensei and Hound Dog being here, All Might left a long time ago for classes, I wasn't really planning on telling Aizawa Sensei will he make class harder on me because of this?