"I come over with questions just to get answers to questions I had no intention of asking," Aizawa Sensei groaned but otherwise didn't really say anything. I gave Hound Dog a curious look and he started laughing. 

"You don't know? I was starting to think you knew everything about the people around you," Hound Dog kept laughing while I tried to wait. 

It then seemed to dawn on Deku what I was waiting for, "Kacchan, Aizawa Sensei is married to Present Mic." I facepalm myself, that explains so many things. It's not even funny. 

"Why does my marital status mean anything to you two?" I watch him go on the defensive immediately. 

"Chill you just overheard me come out to my parents. You think I'm going to judge?" I deadpanned and the man in front of me bristled a bit but remained quiet. 

"Well I stand by what I said, good job young man," Hound Dog chimed in taking out the red notebook I have come to associate as mine and he made some notes before putting it away again. 

"Your family dynamic is so curious to see in action. Your father seems so mild mannered and just soft in general while your mother seems to-" * BAM * POP * BANG *

"Shut the hell up. The only person who can bad mouth my old hag is me, got it?" I was setting off explosions as a warning and he seemed to think of something else and pulled out the red notebook again but remained silent. 

"Well now that you're awake you can give me some proper answers," Aizawa Sensei decided now was a good time to cut back in. 

"All I wanted was some fucking sleep!" I plop back down on the couch and wave at him to just ask already. It was another twenty minutes before they both left and I was ready to just skip lunch and go straight to bed. Tonight's dinner would be left overs so everyone could pretty well fend for themselves but I'll be shoving food down Hagakure and Momo anyway so I'll make it look like a big tada heating it up in the oven instead of the microwave. 

Once the pro's were gone I turned back to Deku and asked him using Wonder, 'So when are you going to tell Aunty?' 

"I told Mom and Dad right after the quirk wore off, They were both surprisingly okay with it," he smiled back at me, his eyes big and shiny but happy. 

"Damn so we both made it out unscathed, I was honestly worried that the hag might have been all talk and disown me there for a second." I tried to laugh but my throat was too dry. 

"Too bad we are all out of curry, today would have been a great day for it," I whine knowing that I couldn't do that to my stomach yet. Maybe in a couple more days but not yet. I like to cook a lot and then we would eventually get tired of eating our favorite food although he prefers katsudon with the ghost peppers cooked into it.

I see Deku jump up and run to the freezer, no there is no way he... He pulled out a container with the biohazard symbol on it and beamed back at me. 

"Fucking yes!" We went ahead and thawed it under running water and dished out extra large servings before heating it up in the microwave. We celebrated and ate our food just as the other extras started coming in the door. 

"You did not make that biohazard stuff again did you? How can your stomach even handle that level of wrong?" Kaminari asked, walking in, putting his shirt over his nose and mouth to try and protect himself. 

"I think you mean this level of awesome," I glared at him but went on anyway. "I sweat nitroglycerin. The spice actually helps and Deku's dad is Dragon, he literally breathes fire, so we grew up eating it. Hell I think there were jalapeños in Deku's baby food," I laughed only for him to slap my shoulder while he turned bright red. 

"KACCHAN!" He screamed before trying to cover his face. 

"Deku the hag literally said that she swapped our baby food once by mistake and you spit yours out and I wouldn't stop bawling," I looked at him for being as ridiculous as he was. 

"Wait just how long have you two known each other?" Kirishima asked surprised I was being so relaxed or forthcoming with personal information that I normally guarded with my life. 

"Shitty Hair our mothers were best friends before they even got pregnant with us. We have known each other since before birth if what Aunty says is anything to go by." I rolled my eyes but stood up stretching pleasantly full again before pulling out the last of our lemon ice cream, I didn't bother getting out bowls and just grabbed a couple spoons and returned to Deku at the counter and we started eating the frozen treat from the carton. There wasn't a whole lot left just enough to enjoy and Deku blocked my spoon and ran and grabbed a fork and used it to whip the remaining ice cream into a big fluffy cloud. I swear it is like magic. We enjoyed our frozen treat so slowly that it must have been driving the extras crazy. 

"What are you two eating to make those faces?" Mineta asked laughing. "It looks like your about to cu-" *BAM * POP * BANG* I set off explosions near his face and he ran out of the kitchen yelping. He is not going to ruin this for me, besides I liked the way Deku moaned with each lick and bite. The hell I was going to let the pervert ruin it or make Deku want to stop. 

"Seriously you two look like you are in heaven," Kirishima chuckled nervously, careful with his choice of words. I just kept smiling and enjoyed the light fluffy frozen treat while Deku nodded happily, licking his spoon slowly. Nope I am not going to get turned on, I still have stuff to do today, don't I? 

Iida walked in and just ignored the whole thing and put down two stacks of papers beside us. "Here is your homework for the day," he eyed the carton in our hands but otherwise he didn't say anything. 

"Thanks Iida~!'' Deku sang making my blood boil but I ignored the jealousy writhing inside of me as I mumbled my thanks and we started doing our homework while still enjoying our dessert. We finished both at about the same time, our homework and the ice cream and I groaned in frustration. 

"Damn it, that wasn't nearly enough." I grumbled but took the carton and threw it away before turning to the sink with our dishes still in it and cleaning themselves. I thanked Hagakure and slumped onto Deku hanging off of him, he was just as disappointed as I was. 

"We could go get more?" Deku suggested but I grumbled about how we weren't supposed to go anywhere and he deflated. 

"What's wrong with you two?" Uraraka asked walking in with Tsu and Ashido. 

"They ran out of ice cream," Kaminari filled her in. 

"Is that all? Kero. Then they could just go get more? Kero." Tsu voiced and I just smiled sadly. 

It was Kirishima who answered this time, "Apparently they can't leave the dorms." 

"Oh," The girls responded together. 

"Too bad one of you isn't a girl, you could just kiss and keep tasting it even though you're not eating it." I stood up ready to explode at him, my quirk popping in my hands as I did when Deku grabbed me from behind, pulling me back and I practically fell against him and he kissed me. 

The thick creamy taste of tart and sweet with just a hint of the spice from the ghost peppers filled my taste buds and I quickly melted into the kiss taking just as much I gave, completely forgetting about everyone around me. Fuck this is better than eating the treat at all. Our tongues were practically attached as we greedily enjoyed the flavor the other gave us. We only stopped when someone managed to pry us apart and when I opened my eyes I saw Deku's eyes nearly glazed over, his mouth still open while panting. 

Yeah I'm doing that again, I send an explosion into Kirishima's face making him let me go and walk back over ignoring Kirishima's complaints, Deku who was fighting with Iida who was trying to lecture about personal space. 

"Oi nerd!" I call out and both Iida and Deku turn, forgetting their squabble for a moment. "Do that again?" I ask and watch him light up before shoving Iida away and jumps into my arms again. His tongue met mine again and the rich, sweet flavors I adored filled my mouth while the strawberries and cream scent of his hair mixed with the spices and tang of lemon from his mouth filled my nose. My hands around his waist holding him to me while his legs wrapped around my hips, his hands knotted in my hair. We finally separated, panting hard as we stared at each other. 

"Fuck," I whisper and see his eyes light up more. Wait does he? Really? But that was my first kiss! We can't just jump into doing that. That kind of thing. Can we?

"Queer alert!" Mineta shouted and I sent an explosion his way again and he scurried like the insect he was out of the kitchen again. 

"But he's the one that suggested it!" Deku whined from his place in my arms. Right, ice cream, that's why. Nothing more, but now how am I supposed to walk away with the boner in my pants? Because I am very hard and oh so willing. Damn teenage hormones!

I put him down on the counter but don't move away trying to breathe in slowly and will away the boner. Deku has no idea what he just did to me and that is just cruel. He stole my first kiss and I gave him the second but he has zero intention of going any further with me. I lay my head on his shoulder hiding my face, ignoring our classmates as my emotions bubbled up inside of me. Once I had some kind of control over myself again I stood up. 

'I need to go,' I mumble to myself knowing that the only person who understood me was Deku. I walk away and eventually make my way to my room, letting myself inside before sliding down the door and landing on the floor just as the first tears dripped off of my face and onto my shirt. 

My heart was squeezing the life out of me and I couldn't do anything about it. I DON'T deserve Deku. I can't have him as much as I want him. As much as I wish I could go back in time I just can't. I'm clutching at my shirt trying to hold myself together but it just wasn't working. I have no idea how long I sat there crying like a brat bawling but I felt so weak. Weaker than I ever have before and that only made things worse. 

***Knock Knock Knock***

I jumped at the noise, not expecting it and wiped at my face before standing up looking in a mirror by the door. Yeah no, that isn't happening. I leave the door and find some wipes to actually clean my face and put in some eye drops to get rid of the redness, before looking in the mirror again. Better not great, but better, I can just say that I fell asleep and that's why I look like shit. 

I take a deep breath not actually expecting anyone to still be at my door but opening it anyway. There he was, standing there with one of the largest smiles I have ever seen in my life. I don't deserve that smile but I can't turn away from him, not again. I will never be able to leave Deku again and I could never hurt him like I did in the past. 

I fake a yawn and ask, "What's up?" scratching at my head like I was trying to flatten my nonexistent bed head. 

'Can I come in?' He asked before adding, "I just had a couple questions about the homework we did earlier and you seemed to understand it better than I did." I nod, of course it's about homework. Why would he want to actually see me? He doesn't know that my heart is being torn to shreds just because he made it stop. Dear All Might I need to get a hold of myself!

"Sure," I stand back letting him in and see him caring not just his homework but mine too. Oops. 

"Don't worry everyone ate really well even Hagakure and Momo and I made sure that your friends were there too so the only person who skipped was you," Deku smiled after closing my door behind him. I think I hear a click but I'm not really sure, why would he feel a need to lock my door? If he did, it was probably to make me more comfortable. I really hate people trying to come into my room all the time. 

"Wait what time is it?" I asked my eyes going wide, they already ate dinner? How long was I on the floor?

"Oh it's 8 pm now, don't worry I made sure they all cleaned up, no one wanted to suffer your wrath for leaving your kitchen a mess." The way Deku giggles melted my already broken heart. I could pretend for a little while that I'm not broken at least when he is doing things like this.

"So what question did you have?" I asked giving him a small smile, walking over to my desk where he decided to put both stacks of our homework down neatly. 

'Oh I don't, I just didn't want anyone else to know why I was really here.' I looked up confused only to see Deku's big eyes trained on mine. I started backing up slowly not really sure why it felt like I was just trapped. I really don't like being trapped. 

"Deku?" I ask, ignoring the fact that he had spoken in Wonder and not Japanese. 

He followed me to my bed taking his own shirt off as he did, "I'm just tired and laying down with Kacchan is the best." That smile is that where the sun gets all its energy from? Is the sun to Deku what the moon is to the sun? A mere reflection? 

I can't say no to that face, not with how he was looking up at me with all the innocence of a kitten. I can't trust myself to speak but at the same time I felt a lot better. I'm not trapped, no Deku was just trying to make me more comfortable. I smile and I take my own shirt off and pull the fresh clean blankets back letting him crawl inside first. 

When I lay down he curls up against me and I can't stop myself from snuggling into him. We are both on our sides facing each other, our arms wrapped around each other and the blankets pulled up. I start to fall asleep as soon as I hug Deku close. Yes my heart is damaged, all the pain is real but for now I can pretend that everything is going to be okay.