I wake up to something sliding against my skin, I'm hot and sweaty and whatever it was was warm and firm. I feel pressure on my hips and the thing gliding over my skin feels heavenly. I have been so tense and sore lately I really don't know what I was going to do, but this? This felt like it was releasing all the tension that had built up inside of me and was working out the knots. Is this a message? But who?

"It's okay Kacchan, relax." Deku's voice cooed at me and I melted into his touch opening my eyes to see his strong, thick frame hovering over me bathed in the moonlight through the curtains over my window. I let out a gasp when he found a particularly hard knot and moaned in pleasure when he worked it out. 

"Deku what are you doing in the middle of the night?" I asked between shaky breaths just as his hands found my abs again. 

"Well I woke up feeling sore and while I was messaging the knots from my legs I realized that I never see you rubbing your own muscles so you have to be even more sore than I am. And I already had the oil out for myself anyway so..." He trailed off muttering more but his blissfully skilled hands didn't stop. So I wasn't sweaty, I was just covered in oil. Deku found a very painful spot and I hissed jumping at the contact. Deku adjusted as he worked around it slowly working it until the pain soothed away. 

'Damn it Deku, I can't take much more of this,' I growled already feeling the boner between my legs. 

'What do you mean?' He asked, finishing my chest and leaning back and lightly sitting on my very erect shaft making me hiss again at the contact. I felt him flinch at the contact and was about to yell at him and tell him it was his fault but then I felt Deku's hands at my waist. 

'What are you-?' I started to ask only for him to shush me. 

'You're so tense even your morning wood is digging into me,' Deku tutted. Wait, that is still a thing? People still tut? I couldn't think straight but I could feel Deku pulling at the waist of my pants and with how amazing his touches felt I did whatever he wanted me to. 

He took my pants off leaving my boxers and started working down one of my legs and I swear I was seeing stars. 'Deku!' I tried to warn him but couldn't utter anything else when the muscles in my leg felt like they were melting. All Might save me! If he keeps this up I am going to cum and how am I supposed to explain that?

'Kacchan if you don't take care of yourself I will. Do you understand?' His voice was low and thick, if he was anyone else I would think he was trying to seduce me. Maybe he isn't as innocent as he seems?

'Deku if you keep talking like that I'm going to fill your pretty little mouth,' I moan and jerk when I feel his hands slip pinching a muscle. 

After what felt like an eternity of silence he finally says, 'What if I want you to?' Is my brain even functioning anymore? Did I actually hear that? 

Fuck it I'm going to be dumb, 'Then be my guest.' His fingers dug into the back of my thigh making my hips twitch forward and another moan escaping me was long and drawn out. I can get used to waking up like this, even if he doesn't know what he is doing to me-.

"Aaah!" The noise escaped me before I could even register what was happening. Hot, wet, soft but firm all around my shaft. My hands flew down there only to knot themselves in thick green curly hair. I couldn't talk, I couldn't protest. Fuck all I want is for it to never stop. The way he slid up and down, his tongue licking while he sucked up and down me. I have no idea how long he had me calling out his name or for that matter when I even started. But I could feel my end approaching, I can't just cum in his mouth! 

"Deku I'm going to-" He let out a purr, the vibrations sending me spiraling and it wasn't until the hot rush of me cumming that I noticed my hands were still on his head only now they were pulling him down. I let go and stumbled over an apology while at the same time trying to understand what just happened. He gave me a blow job no beating around the bush about it and the fact that he was still licking and sucking me clean was blowing my mind. 

'That was actually really good. Bitter and salty but yummy,' I gaped at him, did he really just say that? He just swallowed cum, my cum and he is okay with that? 

'But now I'm hard too, look it's even pulsing!' I looked up and sure enough Deku's clothes were gone and his erection was throbbing in time to what I'm sure his heartbeat was pounding. 

'Deku what are you doing? Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?' I'm about to cry, it felt so amazing but at the same time it was crippling. He wasn't mine, I couldn't have him yet here he is acting like what he was doing is not only okay but his right? 

'I'm making love to you,' I freeze at his words and he goes on. 'I love you Kacchan, I want you and only you and I thought you were giving me permission? You lifted yourself up so I could take your pants off. The noises you made, I mean I know I didn't ask permission to put you in my mouth but you said to be your guest and you grabbed me so hard holding me there that I thought it was okay. I thought you wanted it?' He started tearing up and I tried to hush him and tell him that yes I did. 

'Yes I wanted it, I want to keep doing it. I don't want to stop, but I don't deserve you. You deserve so much better than me,' I tried to calm him down to wipe away his tears. 'I love you,' I whisper before taking his lips with mine, the salty bitterness that I assume was my taste was strong but the feel of his tongue on mine had me needing more. 

When we finally separated I was panting and could see that Deku was still painfully hard and I wasn't too far off for that matter. 

'Kacchan will you be my boyfriend?' I can't believe he just asked that after giving me a blow job and stripping me naked in my bed. I chuckle a little but answer him with a yes and more kisses. I feel him press into me when he slid closer to me and a moan broke us apart. 'Kacchan can I? Can I keep going then? I will stop if you want me to. We can wait.' 

'Don't stop!' I growled trying to pull myself together but he was unraveling me faster than I could think. 

'How far are you okay with me going?' He asked next, damn it his questions are good ones. Healthy ones even, if not for the fact they were late but that didn't stop me. 

'Deku what do you want to do?' I asked, trying to think rationally. We should have had this conversation long before we were in bed together but what is done is done. 

'I want to love you. I want us to grow old together, live together, fight together. I want us to be heroes together and raise a family together.' Oh he is talking about the big picture not just here and now. I feel like I was slapped with cold water but he didn't stop there. 'Kacchan I want to make you feel things no one else ever could,' and back on track again my heart was racing. 'Kacchan I want to have sex but what I really want is to make love to you.' 

'Then do it. If you want it either take it or tell me so I can get it for you. If you want me, I'm already yours.' I threw caution to the wind. I want him, I need him. I love him. I don't deserve him not by any stretch of the imagination but if he wants me there isn't anything that's going to keep me away. 

'Can I?' I felt him press against my ass and the shock ran up and down my spine as my body begged for him. 

'We, uh yes. We need to do things or it will hurt,' I shudder in his arms as he kissed down my body again pushing me back as he did. I heard the oil bottle open just as his tongue found my head and started licking up and down my shaft again. I could feel the soft texture of his tongue and when he applied the oil to me it was still too cold but I couldn't do more than whine begging for more. 

When he pushed a finger in, my body both protested and ached for more. He was slow pushing in and out gently messaging me as he did and eventually he put a second finger in making me jerk again. Between his gentle motions, his fingers scissoring pulling at my body and his soft hot tongue running up and down my length I felt my muscles relax even as the rest of me wound itself up tighter. The same process for the third finger but when he pulled all his fingers out I felt so empty and needy, the whimpers were out before I could figure out what was going on. He put on more oil this time both at my entrance and along his throbbing shaft. 

He got as close as he could and lifted my ass a little in the air, I was still on my back but the way he moved and guided me felt so natural and amazing that I went with it. I felt him push against my entrance and with a moan from me, he entered, he was bigger than his fingers and my back was arched so high and hard on the bed I thought I was going to break. I could hear him trying to control his breathing but he was excited and truth be known, I was too. My hips responded to his moans jerking forward and I swear he slid into me like he was always supposed to be there. 

Oh it was hard, I felt like he was going to split me in half but when Deku would shift or pull away my legs were pulling him closer again until he was back where he belonged. I just need a little more time just enough to adjust to the way he is filling me. When I could finally breathe again Deku's hands were gripping my hips so hard I swear he was going to leave bruises and I don't even care. 

'Okay but slow,' I tell him, trying to relax a little more. But once he started moving it was too late. 'Faster!' I all but screamed when he stopped. He was probably trying to control himself but damn it all no, just no. My world was falling apart at the seams and I want him to feel it too. 

My heart was beating so fast and my breathing was so stifled and stuttered that I thought I was dying. There is no way anything could actually feel this good, this amazing yet here I am screaming out Deku's name, my nails clawing up his back his own moans mixing with grunts from all the effort he was doing. 'I'm-!' I couldn't finish the thought of my release spiraling out as I came hitting him in the chest, my orgasm sending me far higher as he kept thrusting and suddenly he thrusted hard and as deep as he could go, his screams of pleasure mixing with mine as he filled me. 

I could still feel him throbbing inside of me several seconds later but I couldn't bring myself to either ask him to pull out or even want him to. I feel him pull a little and I moan out his name, my nails still in his shoulders before he shifts forward again earning every reaction from me. Every nerve in my body was vibrating and jumping at every touch. He leaned down to kiss me and I swear I was on cloud nine.  

'Deku? Marry me?' I ask him, needing him to understand just how much I needed him, how much I love him with every fiber of my being. 

'Yes,' He purred letting himself fall out of me before curling himself around me, our breath mixing together as kiss after kiss we held each other snuggling and loving on each other. 

For the first time in my life I felt truly happy and it had nothing to do with my quirk.