I have a splitting headache, but I could hear Deku calling to me. 'Kacchan, Kacchan please wake up!' How could I ignore that? I pushed through the darkness reaching out towards his voice and when I finally pry my eyes open I'm in a hospital bed Deku sitting by my side with one of those IV bags attached to him. He looked terrible about as bad as I felt but even so he was beautiful. 

I reach out and cup his face and he opens his eyes, his wide eyes looking at me, making me smile. 'How can I not when you ask so nicely?' I ask him wiping a tear away with my thumb. Dear All Might everything hurts, my very bones hurt but the way he smiled back at me made it all worth it. 

I look around and see that we must be in a hospital because I don't think Recovery Girl has this much equipment and the bed is a little bigger than her cots, not by much but still. I scoot over slowly, painfully and when I was over enough I patted the bed next to me and he happily, if very carefully climbed in and I pulled the covers over us again. I need sleep, I know this but I need Deku more. I held him in my arms thankful that my own IV was on my other side and just listened to him breathe in my arms before I fell back into a deep sleep. 


'Kacchan?' I hear my lover whimper and I open my eyes to see him sitting next to my bed again. Somehow I was back in the middle and I don't like sleeping alone. 

I move over again and he climbs in again, once we are comfortable holding each other again I let out a soft sigh before letting myself fall asleep again. 


'Kacchan, we need to wake up now,' I see Deku's face smiling back down at me when I force my eyes open again. 

'Deku I'm so tired still,' my voice came out sounding like gravel but it did still come out. 

'I know but if Recovery Girl doesn't see you awake this time they are going to transfer you away to a different hospital. I don't want you to go!' He whined and I looked at him like he was crazy. 

'So just have her come here now so I can go back to sleep,' I sighed and he looked at me for a second before face palming himself. 

'I'm an idiot,' he shook his head at his own lack of common sense and I chuckle. 

'It's okay, I still love you.' He looks up at me smiling and I scoot over again and he crawls under the covers with me. 

'You can't fall asleep this time, they think I'm just climbing into your bed while you're asleep. They said next time they would put a guard at the door!' I laughed at him. 

'Deku why would they do that? I mean really? All we are doing is sleeping and we grew up together so it's not all that weird.' I waited for him to answer but he just glared at me until I relented. 'Fine but I still get to hold you.' 

He snuggled into my arms and it took everything I had to stay awake, we talked about everything from our classes to homework and even the damn League of Villains. 

'Where are they? They normally come to take me away by now,' Deku asked and I yawned. 

'I don't know but we needed to talk anyway, I like to hear your voice.' I grin at him and he blushes looking up at me. 'So about what caused all this?' I did not really want to ask him but at the same time needing to know. 

'Oh that, well they said that because of our illness our bodies were already weak and from the bruises they found on our bodies it looked like we had been fighting.' he stopped talking giving me a meaningful look and I laughed. 

'So they don't look like bite marks anymore?' I asked and he shook his head no. 'I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed,' I admitted, still chuckling. 

'Well they said that we received a shock and then we used our quirks; we just sent our bodies into an anxiety attack. They said yours was worse probably from the fact that you used your quirk so much while carrying me. While I was only using my quirk out of self preservation from whatever caused the shock.' I frowned at him and he nodded sadly. 

'Why would she do that? I have never given her any indication that I was interested in her as anything but my friend. I feel so violated.' he wiped away a couple tears that had escaped and I pulled him closer holding him tight so he could cry into my chest. 

'I'm here for you, I will always be here for you.' I whisper kissing the top of his hair. I see someone outside the door hiding. 'Don't look but we are being watched,' I said in the same soothing tone. 'How should we play this? Do you want to come out or act like brothers?'

'I don't want either! I want people to leave us alone,' he curled into my chest crying even more. 

'Shh, I know. But if we don't do something they will keep us apart,' I remind him while gesturing to the hospital and he nodded sadly. 

'I don't want anyone to know I'm gay yet, so I guess best friends. I can't do brothers. I already want to lock us away for a week. I've been so horny.' he whined and I chuckled. 

"Deku everything is alright let's call Aunty Inko and she will tell you herself," I say out loud in Japanese ready to get this show started. 

"Mom was downstairs a little while ago they won't let her up." He frowned, looking up at me. 

"Why not?" I asked genuinely confused. 

'They think we have been raped and beaten, they said that's what our marks looked like,' he switched back over to Wonder and I responded back in Japanese. 

"They think WHAT!" I screamed that last part ignoring the nurses running in. I see Deku nod sadly. 

'They even examined both of us but they said their were no signs of rape other than the marks. So I guess we did it right,' he was hiding a smile but I could see his confidence boosting at that. 

"I'm not that fucking weak, who in the hell do they think could have touched me?" I was screaming again but Deku knew what I was doing. 

"They even brought the detective with the lie detector quirk in to ask me a bunch of questions. I felt like I was being accused of something the way they were drilling me." Deku added this time in Japanese instead of Wonder. 

"That's stupid! Who the fuck made that kind of fucking call? Oh we think you might have been a victim so we are going to treat you like a villain. Huh? Who the fuck do they think they are?" I was throwing a tantrum and at this point the nurses were trying to calm me down because my heart monitor was going off like crazy. 

"Give me your phone I don't know where the hell mine is!" I demanded and he shook his head. 

"They took our phones saying that they could be evidence," He answered me. 

"Fucking idiots," I look around and point at the man trying to push me back down again. "Give me a phone and I will stay sitting," the way I glared at him told him exactly what he needed to know. He handed me his cell phone. 

I dialed my old man's number and when he answered I told him where we were based on the logo on everything and what was going on. After I was done there was a long pause and even my hair was standing up on end. 

"I will take care of it," he finally answered and hung up. I handed the nurse his phone back and laid back down. 

"Who did you call?" Deku was afraid of the answer, he already guessed. 

"Dad," my tone was quiet and flat and we both laid down ignoring the nurses going around the room. 

"I'm glad I'm not them," it wasn't a lot but the man who gave me his phone heard it and froze. I could see the way his back stiffened and he walked out of my room. A couple of the other nurses, a woman, tried to get Deku out of my bed going so far as to threaten to take out his IV. I set off multiple explosions scaring them all away. 

"Try it, I dare you." I glared at the blue haired woman who said it, she wasn't much. She was an older lady and from the looks of her she has seen a bunch of crap in general so she wasn't easy to intimidate but she also knew when to back down. My explosions are nothing to laugh at and the ones I sent were not my usual small ones like in class. 

She left the room when I wouldn't stop glaring at her, I didn't let her out of my sight so long as she was in the room. When she did finally leave there was a sigh of relief not just from Deku but the other nurses as well. I pointed at one of them and told them to "explain now."

"She is Deloria, she is one of the old heads. She is known for getting people fired for every little thing." A young woman answered and I frowned. 

"What is her full name?" 

"Deloria Nami, why?" 

"Don't worry about it, give me your phone." I tell her and she hands me her phone and I call my dad again and tell him what Deloria Nami just threatened Deku with. He thanked me and before I could even hand the phone back to the young lady the bitch came running back in. 

"What have you done? The owner of the hospital is here and demanding to see you two!" The woman was in a panic trying to force Deku back to his own room. 

"Good bring him in," I tell her, sending another explosion at her when she got too close to Deku. It was another ten minutes and I can't help chuckling because as laid back as my dad is at home he is anything but at work. 

She finally screamed, "Fine but don't blame me when you get into trouble for being out of your room!" The way she was pointing at Deku had me sending more explosions her way and this time she actually left. 

When my dad came in I let my face light up, but the woman was going on and on about how stubborn and childish we were being that I really didn't have an opening to say anything. Not that I needed too, I'm just going to sit back and watch the show as it unfolds. 

"Deloria Nami?" My dad asked and she lit up  probably thinking she was special because he knew her name. 

"Yes sir!" She smiled at him batting her eyes, I mean fuck, this woman is way older than my old hag. 

"You're fired, leave immediately." her jaw dropped in a way that couldn't be anything less than comical and I couldn't help laughing. 

"Dad what took you so long?" I pretended to be a good boy and he frowned at me. 

"We both know you want to blow her up for threatening Izuku. Don't pretend to be nice now." He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. 

"Whatever, but what took you so long? Deku said Aunty was here but they wouldn't let her up?" I rolled my eyes at the way all the nurses in the room froze at finding out that I was the owner of the hospital's son. Yeah, they are going to be extra careful now. 

"My phone was on silent, I only barely saw my phone light up when you called and turned the volume up again. Inko will be up soon. She went home to pick up a few things for you both." Dad answered Deloria still standing behind him frozen in place. 

"Hand me their charts now!" He snapped and one of the nurses ran to get Deku's from his room. None of them were trying to get him to leave now. He curled into my side, his head rested on my chest and I laid back calm. I closed my eyes and before I could even finish breathing in and out twice sleep had taken hold of my mind.