This time when I woke up Deku was still sleeping against my chest, I snuggled into his soft curly hair letting out a content sigh. This is the way it should be, no running around or freaking out. Just peace and quiet and maybe healing. I'm turning into a sap but being with Deku makes me happy and I've been angry for so long.

At least he is mine, even if the world never knows that he is my lover and I will fight the world over for him. I relaxed and Deku's body melted into mine as we held onto each other. Even if a random stranger came in, we would just look like a couple school boys trying to comfort each other and not as lovers. 

So Deku would be safe, and so long as he didn't want to come out neither will I. If I did people would just assume and they would either get one of two answers; one Deku is gay or two I'm dating Kirishima. Well our class already kind of thinks there is something going on between Kiri and I but I could really care less about that. 

That reminds me though we really need to do something about them. I have no idea how it is that they are passing ethics with how they have been behaving lately. The whole thing had been one giant cluster fuck, no matter how you look at it. It's all going to be a headache and a half, I just know it. 

I start letting out some grumbles about how stupid I think they are and how they all need to improve. Deku shifted in my arms and I started relaxing again. I need to calm down. I know someone is in our room but I have no idea who yet. Deku and I will have to play this smart. Why do they always have to watch me/us sleep? It's not healthy or okay. I mean even the fucking villains do it.

I let out a yawn and actually opened my eyes to see Recovery Girl sitting nearby. That answers that, she was watching me closely but again Deku and I weren't really doing anything that other childhood friends wouldn't and she has seen me hold him before. 

"Recovery Girl you do know it's creepy to watch other people sleep right?" I groaned trying to lecture her at the same time I was starting to stretch, only for Deku to groan himself and when I looked down to see him he was glaring at me. 

"Sleep," he hissed and I chuckled. 

"You mean that thing I've been trying to do all week but none of the extras want to leave me alone for? By the time this is all over I won't be able to sleep at night just because they keep coming to 'check on us'. They really need to get some common sense." I stretched more and Deku wacks me in the gut forcing the air out of me, not going to lie that hurt a lot, but I was still laughing because Deku was the one that was irritated for once. 

"They are our friends, not extras!" He pouted and I just kept laughing. 

"I'm happy to see that you two really are getting along now but I can't say it is healthy to beat each other up while in a hospital bed. But then again now I know where all those bruises came from." Recovery Girl sighed and I could feel myself getting hot at that.

"You didn't actually think?" I asked her getting angry again thinking about how the staff here thought we were raped. 

"Relax Young Bakugo you are still sick. But no, not really I just had to be certain. No one really knows what happened to you when you went to America without a passport after all," she glared at me and I laughed. 

I smile thinking about Uncle, "Uncle Hiroshi had our passports and reported our arrival when we got there. Everything was perfectly legal. Just like any other time we go or when he comes here," I lay back chuckling to myself. "Uncle would sooner watch the world burn than let either of us get hurt on his watch. Once we get our full licenses he said he wanted to pay for us to get an american copy as well. So we can see him more often." 

"You seem close to the man, no one knew you and Young Midoriya were so close. In fact they all thought you hated each other myself included," she raised an eyebrow at me like she was daring me to lie. 

"We had a fight, shit happens." I glare right back at her. "What does it matter to you anyway? Up until the last couple weeks no one has cared about how we knew each other before UA. Only that we did."

"Kacchan!" Deku popped me upside the head and glared at me. "That's not true they just didn't know how to go about asking about it!" Now he was whining and it was adorable. 

"Bullshit! Fucking Raccoon Eyes is always trying to get gossip or set the extras up! She even tried to get you and Pink Cheeks together and when that failed she tried to get you and Icyhot together. Right now she is trying to set the two of us up! I mean fuck!" I ranted right back at him. I saw him make a face at the first two pairings and when it came to us the shock was so extreme that anyone with eyes could see that he was not at all expecting it. And Recovery Girl was watching the whole thing closely.

"Why? But! Just..." He was so flustered that he really didn't know what he could say next. Or for that matter what he should say, but that just helped the whole thing. 

"Ignore it, her and other extras will figure it out soon enough," I grumbled meaning it. Eventually they will figure out that we are more than just friends but all that can be a nightmare for another day. I pull him back towards my chest not needing to fake the yawn coming out. 

"I feel like I should be starving but I'm just too tired to care. How much are you using your quirk on us Recovery Girl?" I asked curious but not overly worried. 

"Not much, the medication you're on makes you tired already and you know how my quirk works," I nod sleepily. Deku had already laid his head down on my chest again and I buried my face in his hair, happy for a way to hide my face and still love on Deku a little. I pretended to fall asleep letting my quirk do it's thing, slowing my heart rate and everything else for that matter. 

Nitroglycerin is used as a heart medication for heart attacks and a bunch of other stuff as well. The fact I had an anxiety attack should have been impossible considering my body actually produces it so naturally but I have been sick so who knows how much I'm producing compared to normal?

It didn't take long and I could tell that Deku was out cold in just moments. 

"Were they telling the truth?" Recovery Girl asked as her voice sounded as tired as I felt but I stayed awake anyway. 

"Every word of it, but you know my quirk works better with yes or no questions." I hear a man sigh. Probably the detective that Deku mentioned earlier. "But there isn't a question on if what they said was the truth or not. They actually believe every word they said." I waited already irritated by the way he talked. 

"That's terrible, how could they think no one cares about them? They are in a school learning to become heroes." The man went on to ask, more than a bit confused. 

"These two boys have been through a lot in their time at UA. Between getting kidnapped and going undercover, who is to say how they could feel. Their entire class has weekly appointments with Hound Dog because they have been attacked so much. It's truly sad how they haven't been able to be teenagers at all. They had to grow into adults long before their time and they won't be allowed to get that back." 

"I understand but there are just some things that we just can't change. I should go, I did what I came here to do after all." The man let out a sigh and they said their goodbyes and I let myself drift off to sleep. It's a good thing Deku warned me about the detective beforehand. I kind of assumed he would be watching us, I just didn't know when. 


"Join us, we can appreciate you in the way you deserve, unlike those so called heroes," the handyman grinned at me even with the hand on his face I could see. His breath smelled like a rat crawled up in there and died. 

I know I'm dreaming another nightmare, but it doesn't stop it from happening. It doesn't stop me from feeling the fear and hate flooding through me as I tried to escape. While I tried to get away. I tried setting off my explosions but nothing was working, damn it, quirk erasing cuffs. They couldn't just be normal chains now could they?

I screamed and cried and demanded they let me go, but nothing happened. "I will never become a villain! There's nothing you can offer to change my mind. I WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!" I screamed over and over again as Toga stabbed me taking my blood, her creepy smile setting my nerves on fire. 

Then when she was done with her turn Twice beat me going back and forth between apologizing and cursing at me, there was more than once that I was seeing stars. Not that any of them actually cared. "I WILL BE A HERO!" I kept screaming refusing to give up. "I WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!" I tried to set off my explosions but again they just weren't actually doing anything. 

"I hate you all and when I get out of here I will kill you," I ground out glaring at them. 

"And you say you're a hero? You're more of a villain than we are," Spinner laughed in my face and I roared trying to move my arms so that I could send an explosion to remake his face, he needs one. 

~Kacchan, wake up! It's just a nightmare. Kacchan!~ I heard somewhere far away but it didn't help. 

I already know it's a nightmare but I can't get out! What am I supposed to do? Deku where are you? I'm all alone! Internally I just cried but I could do nothing but watch as the nightmare played out. I spit at the villain when he tried to offer me his hand which only resulted in him backhanding me again. I could taste the blood from my split lip as if it had really happened again. 

"You could have been good people but you threw that away! Stop blaming society for your fuck ups! Stop pretending it's not your fault. You chose to become villains not someone else, you!" I spit again and he hits me from the other side. It's a good thing he has gloves or I would have been long gone a long time ago. 

I couldn't do anything but relive how they beat me. To watch my memories of how they tortured me trying to get me to join the League but all I want is to be a hero. Is that really so wrong? I held the cup of water they eventually gave me a bottle of water and all but water boarded me with it before Toga cut into me taking more of my blood. 

"Get the fuck away from me! I'm a hero not a villain. I'm a hero," this is the part of the dream that didn't follow my memories. What really happened was Deku, Kirishima and the others all came and I was able to escape with them. But my nightmares don't follow that plan... 

"Then you can just watch us kill your so called heroes, hmm?" I jolted away trying to escape even more and they slid the wall back to show both All Might and Deku chained to the wall hanging limply as I fought to free myself. 

"Deku! All Might! I'm coming I swear!" I screamed my throat closing up as I did. I couldn't get enough air. I looked around and saw Dabie setting things on fire filling the room with smoke. "Don't you dare hurt them! All Might, Deku!" My screams went unanswered. My hands felt numb, my quirk drained, I couldn't feel more defeated than I do now. I look on and see Deku's face and all I can see is the pain I've caused him. 

"Kill me instead! Just let them go!" I broke down sobbing my body going limp as I landed hard on my knees, my hands dropping what little they could from where the chains kept them. "Let them go, I'll die. Just please let them go," I couldn't stop the tears. They were hot and somehow the feeling was refreshing in some kind of sadistic way. I made my peace, my life for theirs, how was that ever even a question?

"Oh no, we don't want you to die," he laughed and I looked up at him and saw Toga right there next to him with two knives. "We want you to suffer." Toga took her blades and plunged them into Deku's and All Might's chest and I jerked forward screaming.