We were finally discharged from the hospital and instructed to stay on bed rest for another week. Our pneumonia was gone but our bodies were still weak and needed time to regain its energy. We were to sleep often and absolutely no fighting. We could go back to school in two days but heroics was still banned for the whole week. At least we'll be able to catch up on our homework. We've been in the hospital for almost a week. 

Good thing there was plenty of leftovers in the fridge and freezer, the extras shouldn't have starved at the very least. Deku and I didn't talk about the nightmares. It was better this way. We handled it our own way, as it happened. Deku's own nightmares tended to end with him waking up with his bed broken from his quirk going haywire all over his body, mine just being my hands. 

Aizawa Sensei and All Might were the ones who came and brought us back to the dorms. They told us to both stay in Deku's room, something about fixing my room. What the hell happened to my room? You know what? I don't even care anymore we were being given permission to stay together instead of being woken up in the middle of the night so I'll take what I can get. 

I fixed soup and a large salad for dinner. Nothing too fancy but filling. The salad had all kinds of nuts and cheese and a raspberry vinaigrette drizzled on top and the soup was a thick and creamy chowder. Everyone at the dorms ate it, happy for real food. I knew Hagakure and Momo wouldn't have eaten much while we were gone so it needed to be light so their soup was slightly smaller than the others but their salads were fairly larger. I didn't need to watch them eat for once because even they would eat a salad without too much prompting. 

Everyone acted like we had come back to life the way they acted as they crowded around us and I was getting ready to blow. "Four Eyes?" I say deadly quiet and everyone goes quiet as Iida looked at me waiting to hear what I had to say. "We need quiet and sleep and we are not allowed to fight but I will still kill you all if you. Don't. Back. The. Fuck. Off." 

Everyone but Deku quickly backed away and I took deep breaths trying to calm myself. No fighting, no fighting, no fighting. No fucking fighting! 

"Kacchan everything's okay. I promise," he turned his megawatt smile at me nearly knocking me out. God the things he could do with that smile. 

"I want ice cream, I need to cool off." I grumble before making my way to the freezer only for Kaminari to block me. 

"So dude, if I gave Iida the money to go get it can we all try that ice cream you guys had before? The yellow stuff?" Kaminari asked, getting both of mine and Deku's sharp and focused attention. 

"You want to buy lemon flavored ice cream?" I asked in disbelief. There is a catch, there has to be a catch. 

"Yes, you two made it look so good. We all want to try it and Iida totally said he would go get it if you told us what brand and everything," Kirishima jumped in and I could see Ashido gesturing wildly at Iida to play along. But you know what fuck it. I want ice cream and lemon is the pinnacle of the frozen treat. 

"Four Eyes get this kind," I started writing the brand down and what store to get it from and about how much it would be. "Don't fuck it up and be fast. We'll need about four tubs for this many people." I handed him the scrap piece of paper and Kaminari started handing him money and he and Kirishima started pushing him toward the door. 

I'm exhausted. I could feel the excitement of the day dragging my body down and Deku looked just as bad. "Kacchan?" He yawned, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out of the kitchen. He pulled me to the couch and we put in our old All Might movie The Rise of All Might before plopping down on the couch and covering ourselves in the All Might blanket we got from Deku's room. 

I didn't argue yawning myself, and letting him set me the way he wanted me and curling up in my arms. He hit play. The extras must have figured out we weren't coming back because they came into the common area looking for us only to find us half asleep already, still in the first ten minutes of the movie. 

I let my eyes close, enjoying the sweet smell of strawberries and cream. I think it has quickly become my favorite smell in the world...

I woke up to Deku fidgeting in my arms and lifting my head, still drowsy, to look around. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked seeing Kirishima and Ashido staring at us. 

"When did you two start dating?" I felt Deku flinch in my arms at Sero's question and I just fucking lost it. 

"What the literal fuck!? You wake me up to ask a stupid ass question like that? Do you want to fucking die? Fuck doctors orders you're fucking dying!" I screamed and jumped up letting Deku fall safely back onto the couch before running after the fucker who ran like hell. When I finally caught him it wasn't until after ripping through meters of his tape and just when I had him slammed against the wall ready to explode his ass that's when Kirishima came to his rescue getting in the way of my quirk by using his. 

"Kacchan, we were being a little close and after the other day, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding!" He pulled me away trying to bow to Sero at the same time but it wasn't working. 

"Don't apologize for him being fucking stupid! You know what happened last-..." I froze and he did too. Shit I shouldn't have brought that up. 

"Finish it," his voice was low, his tears frozen in place. I start backing away very slow and carefully. "I said finish it!" He yelled and I kept backing up more than a hair faster now. 'Play along, it's okay but they have to think it's bad!' He screamed that and I flinched back. I don't need to play along he is fucking terrifying when he is pissed.

"Deku, look we've been through this. It's not that bad," I cringe at my own words knowing those were not the right ones. 

"Not that bad? Not that fucking bad?!" His quirk started to crackle lightly around him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. His eyes changed and he isn't pretending anymore. Very wrong choice of words. 

"Deku I'm sorry. It was bad, very bad. I'm sorry I won't bring it up again. I swear!" I stumbled over someone's coat and landed on my ass before scurrying backward still on the floor. I could give a fuck ton less about what the extras thought at the moment. Deku was pissed and it was directed at me, I could die. 

'Run,' he growled and I didn't hesitate. I sprinted and ran out the dorms using my quirk to go as fast as I could, anything at all to try and get away but that wasn't helping. Deku was on my heels and to prove me right on how pissed he was, even though the extras were far away and couldn't see him. He was still frowning with that look of determination that has almost gotten people killed in the past, was clearly there. Seriously the only reason they lived was because he was trying to be their hero too. 

I made it to the school building and I was racing through the halls searching frantically for the one person who could save me, and then I saw him. 

"All Might!" I yelled and blasted towards him, he was at the doorway to his office and I couldn't even see who he was talking to still in his office. "Deku's pissed!" I ran pushing him back inside and slammed the door shut behind me, locking it. This is the only safe place on the planet right now. I slide down the door sitting against it gasping for air. 

"Wha-" All Might started and then there was a light, polite knock on the door; *knock knock knock*. 

"Deku I said I was sorry!" I yelled through the door and instead of an answer there was another set off knocks on the door. I was visibly shaking and it was taking way too long to catch my breath, damn pneumonia. 

"Young Bakugo could you tell us what's going on?" I look up to see Aunty Inko and Uncle Hiroshi standing behind All Might. So much for it being safe here. I just might die anyway.

"If at all possible I would much rather not," I try to smile at them but flinch when I hear another set of knocks on the door. 

'Did you take my boy's virginity?' Uncle Hiroshi asked grinning and I choked on air. 

"Uncle I didn't take anything!" I screamed, I could feel my face going beat red at the question. I didn't even notice that he was speaking in Wonder. I mean come on Deku was literally just chasing me through the halls of school and that's his question?

'Fine did he take yours?' He let out a sigh as if I were the one being difficult. At this point my face has to be purple forget about red. 

"Uncle he is currently trying to kill me, why are you asking this now?" I try to deflect knowing all too well that he would see through it.

'Is that a yes then?' He smiled happily and another set of knocks sounded on the door, I flinched away shivering. 

'Izuku?' Uncle opened the door and I hid behind All Might and Aunty Inko. 'Did you take Katsuki's virginity?' Deku froze in his tracks, his blood lust momentarily forgotten at the question. 

"What?" He blinked at his dad, confusion clear on his face. 

'You are both very bad liars. I'm going to take that as a yes. So!' He clapped his hand on Deku's shoulder and took his hand in a handshake. 'Finally when can we start to expect grand babies? I need to be able to chart this out well of course so that I can be a part of their lives, during their important moments too; first words, first steps,first hair cut!' 

Both Deku and I felt our jaws drop, "Dad/Uncle!" We screamed at the same time covering our faces in shame. I change my mind. Deku go ahead and kill me! I think that but at the same time I'm still hiding behind All Might. Yeah I don't want to die. 

"So now that you've calmed down why were you so angry son?" I froze at Uncle's question before laughing bitterly. 

"All Might when I die from these two please write my eulogy kindly?" I whisper still hiding behind him. 

"Young Bakugo, what did you do?" All Might asked, narrowing his eyes at me. 

"I brought up a fight we had when we were brats that's all." I was now standing behind Aunty because All Might looked extremely pissed all of a sudden. "Why is everyone mad at me?" I pouted trying very hard not to flinch from their glares. 

'We both know that's not why I'm angry,' he hissed at me in Wonder. 

'You said to play along!' I tried to defend myself again.

"Would you two like to enlighten the rest of us?" Uncle Hiroshi asked deliberately using Japanese. 

'Kacchan said our fight wasn't a big deal! We fought for years! I thought I lost my best friend for crying out loud!' Deku was screaming and I could see Uncle's face darkening. I see an open window and start to creep towards it trying my best not to get any of their attention. 

'It was so bad that he was a literal bully to me, I mean fuck he told me to take a swan-' he froze, realizing what it was that he was saying and to who. 

"He told you to take a what exactly?" Uncle asked in a low growl. I was climbing up on the window still and saw Deku look directly at me and nod, I waited for him. Now we both have to try and survive this. 

"It's actually a really funny story you'll, uh love it!" Deku laughed while choking on his own spit. 

"Son, finish what you were going to say," Uncle growled. 

"Dad, well you know how-. Wait what's that?" Deku asked pointing behind Uncle, he was so serious that Uncle and everyone else turned to look before running and jumping into my arms and just as they turned back around they saw us falling out the window. 

I used my quirk to get us safely back down to the ground but Uncle isn't the number 1 hero in America for nothing, he was quick on our tail as we ran for it. We raced back to the dorms and slammed the door locking it behind us before there was a slam and the sound of cracking wood behind us. Our classmates were staring at us as we tried to hold the door shut. 

"Open this door Izuku, I'm going to kill Katsuki!" Uncle's voice boomed through the air. 

"Dad! I swear I'm over it. Kacchan and I are good now!" Deku tried yelling through the door. 

"Don't lie to me Izuku!" Uncle responded and there was another boom as he crashed against the door. 

"What do you think? Aunty Rainbow?" I asked, referring to Uncle's aide. He was already dialing his phone and had it on speaker. 

""Hello, Dragon's Hero Agency, how can I help you?"" Rainbow answered the phone in English. 

"Aunty Rainbow, we need a favor!" I yelled and Deku and I grunted as Uncle slammed into the door from the other side. 

"What can I do for you boys?" She asked switching to Japanese with ease. 

"Uncle kind of found out and is ready to murder me!" I answered and heard her resulting groan. 

"I told you he would find out eventually," came her already exhausted sigh. 

"Yeah so do you still have those space suits? I was kind of thinking about a trip to Mars?" I dry laugh because I'm not actually joking. 

Her laughter echoed around the room of very confused students before she finally answered. "Maybe for your birthday I'll take you two planet hopping but for now, I'll just bring Dragon home to America." She laughed before there was a flash of white light and suddenly Uncle's voice was coming from the speaker instead of outside the front door. 

"Good luck boys you have about 19 hours to figure out how to fix this," she laughed before hanging up the phone and Deku and I collapsed on the floor.

"Bakugo Katsuki," Deku ground out my name and I swear I almost shit myself. I don't have the energy to try and run again. 'We are going to have a very long and quiet talk in my room and if you're really good I just might let you go at breakfast.' He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the elevator. 

"Great you'll kill me now, Uncle will kill me tomorrow." I groan not able to actually pull away considering how little to no energy I had. 

"Is anyone else confused as to what Bakugo did that was so bad?" Kaminari asked and I saw Sero slap him. 

"Dude who cares? I'm alive!" Sero hissed. 

Kirishima watched as Deku dragged me into the elevator, "Bro I care, something isn't adding up. Did anyone else notice that Bakubro was literally shaking and white as a ghost? He is actually afraid. When has Bakubro ever actually been afraid?" The elevator doors closed and Deku just continued to ignore them. He pulled me into his room and locked the door behind us before stripping his shirt off. 

'Now as for your punishment?' He grinned and I realised that he managed to burn through his anger and was just horny now. 

'I've been very bad,' I moaned, tilting my head up a little before his lips took mine.