The clock read 2 am but that was the last thing I cared about at the moment. My back was arched high, my hands over my head gripping the pillow as I bit into it trying to muffle my screams. Deku had plenty of the sound proofing tiles on his walls but not nearly as many as I had and he found what had to be the most sensitive of places and he was carefully thrusting into me over and over again. 

'Deku!' I buried my face in the pillow before throwing it away and latching onto him. Yes! My screams only seemed to turn him on more as he thrusted into me again and again. His sweat covered body, glistening in the low light of the room. It wasn't long before, 'I'm-!' I tried to hold out. I really did. But Deku just pulled out and took my still throbbing cock in his mouth and I couldn't hold back anymore, I came. My hands tangled in his hair as he took all of me in, drinking it like he could make me cum on demand. 

I went limp under him knowing better than to think it was over. He hasn't let me go yet and he only let me take a nap last time after he filled me. That's how this has been going, mind blowing sex, blow job, cum, start over again until he finally cums in my ass and that's when I get to pass out for a couple hours just for him to start all over again. 

He pulled my hips to his, sliding his still hard as a rock shaft back inside and I let out a low long moan at the feeling. He was close the way his body was shaking told me that much but my body was about to give out and I have no idea how to prevent that. 

'Deku?' I asked when he stopped trying not to let himself cum yet, I swear he likes the punishment. He hums letting me know I had his attention and I go on, 'Marry me? Please I mean it,' his body jerked forward and he buried himself in me and his thick, hot cum filling me while I left angry red scratches up his back. After what felt like forever he finally pulled out and collapsed next to me. I can't bring myself to move, every muscle in my body was screaming for it to end, all but one that is. 

I turn my head to face him panting as we were. I still refuse to let it go. 'Deku, marry me?' I asked again, I know he already said yes once but that was kind of a in the heat of the moment kind of thing and although now isn't really any better he has had a few weeks to think on it. 

'Kacchan? I already said yes, why are you asking again?' He looked at me with sleepy sex filled eyes and if I could move I probably would have been begging him for more. 

'Because I love you. I don't want you to only say yes because I asked during our first time.' I answered honestly and he has one of those goofy half smiles of his that make me curse the fact the lights are off. 

'So how do you want me to answer you?' He looked up at me amused before snuggling into my chest getting ready to pass out for what will probably be the rest of the night. 

'During or after dinner so I know you've had all day to think about it?' I know I asked it like a question rather than as a statement but what can I say? Deku makes me soft, well painfully hard and then deliciously soft again. 

"Hmm?" He hummed before smiling up at me again and giving me a slow savory kiss. So much for me catching my breath, Deku just stole my breath away again and I'm willing to thank him for it. 'Okay, but for now sleep.' I cuddled my lover, happy he was taking my question seriously before sleep stole over me. 


Deku woke me up by ringing out what little energy I had out of my body again and we lay there panting before I even looked at the alarm clock next to us. 10:37 am. At least all the extras were in class, Deku and I got up and stripped and cleaned the bed before making our way to the laundry room and turning our load on. We took a shower not bothering to go into two separate stalls thanks to the building being empty for the moment. Shower sex is difficult but again amazing. 

We ate and did our homework before putting on one of the newer All Might movies and cuddling on the couch. Our laundry has long since folded and put away. I don't think we made it halfway through the movie before we both fell asleep there on the couch. 


"How can they already be done with today's homework? They aren't even in class!" I hear Kaminari practically yelling and I feel Deku flinch in my arms at the noise and I roll over a little pulling Deku with me. Fuck all of them I don't care what they think Deku is mine, damn it. The thought is appealing but Deku doesn't want to come out yet and I have to respect that no matter what. As much as I want to show everyone up, I can't. Not this. 

"Shitty nerd stop clinging to me!" I growled pretending to be asleep still and I felt Deku flinch again. 'I don't mean, I swear! The extras are here and you don't want them to know right?' I kept my voice at an angry growl as I spoke using Wonder to let him know what I was doing. 

'I understand. Thank you,' Deku whispered cuddling in my arms more. "Kacchan is so amazing," I could hear his smile in his sleepy voice before burying his face into my chest. Just how was that supposed to change the extra's minds? If anything it just convinced them more not that I mind in the least.

"I guess they never change, not even in their sleep?" I hear Todoroki comment, hmm he has been awfully quiet throughout the last few weeks, ever since he found out how wrong his secret love child theory was. 

"Yeah, it's almost like they don't know how to function without the other?" Kaminari was a bit confused. 

"That can't be right, I mean they said they had a fight right? Something that separated them for years, I wonder what it was." That one was Ashido. They should really shut up now!  Are they trying to get me killed? They saw how mad Uncle was yesterday didn't they?

'Deku you have no idea how much I want to kiss you in front of all of them,' I grumble into Deku's neck only to hear his sweet giggles in response to the ticklish touches. I hate hiding who I am, it goes against my nature. 

"Mmm, lemon ice cream," he moaned and I stiffen, humming in response. I nuzzle against him not wanting to assume that was his way of telling me to kiss him. He did however turn and give me that kiss that I've been yearning for. The kind that took my breath away, our tongues intertwined as we slowly savored each other. 

"I still can't believe that ice cream was good enough for them to do that. I mean they are both guys!" Mineta had started to raise his voice but quickly quieted back down again. 

"You realize I'm standing right here? Not manly," Kirishima groaned, even he couldn't tolerate the little bastard. 

"But you're gay, they aren't." I swear once Mineta said that the room went silent. 

"I mean are they really?" Todoroki asked, to be fair it is a hard question to ask when my tongue was currently in Deku's mouth. Thank All Might for blankets, or everyone will see my hard on. Deku decided now was a good time to separate and cuddle into my neck again. 

"Yummy lemon," he cooed in my arms.

"Stupid shitty nerd," I grumble, tightening my hold on him. Sleep was clawing at me dragging me back under. 

*Join us?* 

"Nnnnooooo!" I screamed explosions going off around me as I sat up Deku still tangled up in my arms. 

"Kacchan it's okay, you're here. We're safe. Go back to sleep," Deku yawned, damn he is way too used to my outburst. What happens if I actually hurt him one day?

"But they... They..." My body was shaking and Deku was easily able to push me back down. 

"Shh, I'll Detroit smash them if they try anything again. I'm here," he hushed me and I started breathing again. My eyes closed again as I held my lover close to me. We're safe. 

"What just happened?" Iida asked, the sound of a door closing could be heard in the silent room. Shit we are still in the common area aren't we?

"I think Bakugo just had a nightmare? But he's Bakugo, he doesn't get nightmares. You have to be afraid of something to have nightmares," Kaminari sounded broken. Like his entire life has been a lie. 

"Bro he had been beaten, tortured, held hostage and kidnapped on a fairly regular basis. You really don't think he is afraid of anything?" Kirishima asked him, confused. 

"It's just Bakubabe's way of coping with everything that's happened," Ashido added and I could feel my blood starting to boil. 

'Set off some explosions in your sleep and yell die but stay asleep,' Deku cooed sweetly, pulling away slightly. I did as he said and he pretended to wake up again. This time sitting up and pulling my head into his lap. I could feel him yawn as he tried to sooth away the thoughts, running his fingers through my hair as he did. 

"Twinkle twinkle little star," he hummed the tune occasionally singing the lyrics and I felt myself drifting off again. Deku's warm body held me close and safe, his voice lulling me back until nothing but peaceful darkness remained.