"Kacchan? It's time to wake up," I could hear Deku calling me and someone shaking my shoulder. 

"No, sleep," I grumble, turning over into my still warm, hard pillow. Wait a second I've already done this once, watch this be Deku's amazing abs again. I snuggled into him more than okay with the way I was slowly breathing in his sweet and spicy hot scent. When did Deku ever smell spicy? Just how can hot be a smell? I have no idea but that is exactly what was happening.

"Kacchan," I heard his giggles above my head as I snuggled into him. "Please don't kill our friends for this," my head popped up sleepily, my eyes still closed at that. 

"What extra am I killing and why?" I ask and hear Deku's giggles behind me. Wait behind me? I opened my eyes and saw that it wasn't Deku I was snuggling into. It was Kirishima who was bright red. "What. The. Hell?" I hissed turning around to see Deku right next to me and glared. 

"Well I had to go to the bathroom and you were holding onto me so tight that Kiri suggested this," Deku explained as I looked at Kirishima who was still red but nodding in agreement. 

"Stop using your quirk then Shitty Hair I'm trying to sleep here," I grumble before muttering a quick 'Sorry,' to Deku. 

"It's time to wake up Kacchan. Iida brought the ice cream and we need to actually go to bed," I sat up the moment he mentioned the ice cream. Iida wasn't able to get it yesterday because they were out of stock but they said they would have it in today. 

"Lemon?" I asked and see Deku nod and I run my fingers through my bed head hair before grumbling about it talking fucking long enough.

I stood up following Deku into the kitchen, 'I did not like seeing you snuggling into Kiri.' Deku sounded so upset that I swear that my heartbeat froze for a second. 

'I didn't like waking up to it. I only want you,' I responded while getting out the bowls while Deku whipped up the ice cream. 'But if I would have freaked out they would know the truth. Now wouldn't they?' I asked him only too hear him grunt from behind me. 

We went about serving up the sweet treat and once the bowls were ready called everyone in. "Enjoy extras," I can't help smiling and Deku and I each took the first bite of our sweet and creamy dessert, moaning happily as we do. 

"Dude, I think my whole world just changed?" Kaminari hummed confused, not like he actually cared though. 

"Bro, this is so manly. I could cry!" Kirishima added and I can't help rolling my eyes. Everyone had something to say about it but the end result was they thought it was just as amazing as we did. 

We all sat at the table eating the amazing invention that was lemon flavored ice cream. 

"You both have my sincerest apologies," I look up surprised to hear Iida saying anything at all like that. "I thought you were both being foolish but now I understand, this treat is not just an ice cream it's so much more." 

"Well there you have it, Four Eyes. Now let us enjoy it in peace," I couldn't even get myself to snap at him at the moment, the creamy treat seducing my taste buds. When we were done we were disappointed again that it was gone but this time it wasn't just Deku and I. We all cleaned up our mess and sat down confused as to what we should actually do next. 

"Kacchan?" I looked up at my name and saw Deku squirming in his seat. I raised an eyebrow and he reached over and pulled me into a kiss. I melted at his touch, knowing what he was doing was just searching for an excuse. Any excuse to claim me in front of everyone.

When we broke apart I couldn't stop myself, "Keep it up and I just might-" He cut me off his tongue twirling around mine again. He climbed into my lap, his legs pinning me to my seat. Something is different about this but the feel of his body against mine, clothed or not, was doing things to me. He broke away leaving me panting and trying to find a way anyway at all to calm myself down again. 

'It's almost dinner time,' he whispered making my heart skip a beat. So he is actually thinking about it, "We need to make dinner, any request?" Deku turned his head leaving the rest of him covering my body, blocking everyone's view of my hard on, maybe his too I can't see and he is hovering over me. 

"Midoriya are you gay?" Todoroki asked and I felt Deku flinch but before he could respond Icyhot added, "Because I am and you are very welcome to climb into my lap like that. 

"Todobro! Your gay? Why didn't you say anything when I came out?" Kirishima asked, sounding hurt. 

"I wasn't here when you told everyone, I heard after I got back and you were already in your room. I didn't see a reason to bother you," Icyhot answered sincerely.

"Do you want to try the kiss thing Midobro and Bakubro did? I mean for the lemon thing?" Kirishima asked fidgeting. 

"That's not really a good idea, unlike Midoriya I actually have feelings for you and it would hurt when we stopped." Todoroki shook his head and the room froze. Did Icyhot just confess his feelings for Kirishima? Seriously?

"Bro? You like me?" Kirishima's mind was broken, his breathing was speeding up and I set off a small explosion to get his attention again, calming him down. Yeah explosions calming people down that happens with my squad somehow. 

"Yes, you are always so happy and friendly I like being around you, aside from Midoriya and Bakugo you are the only one I feel comfortable around." Wait Icyhot feels comfortable around me? Since when? WHY?

"Todoroki if I kissed you right now how would you feel?" Kirishima asked, Kiri had stood up and was fidgeting with his hands while the rest of us just watched. 

"I would love it while it happened but like I said it would hurt when you stopped," Todoroki shook his head closing his eyes. I watched Kirishima walk the few steps towards Todoroki. 

"What if I didn't want it to stop?" Todoroki's head snapped up and he studied Kirishima for several seconds while we all watched silently holding our breaths. This is actually fucking happening! 

"Kirishima would you be my boyfriend?" Todoroki's eyes were actually lit up with something. Maybe hope? 

"Yes!" Kiri launched himself at Todoroki and we all had the pleasure/displeasure of seeing their first kiss. 

"So that happened," Kaminari looked happy for his friend, maybe a little left out. Right, the brainwasher... Am I about to play fucking cupid? Fuck. I am aren't I?

"Fuck this, show of hands how many people in here are gay are have a crush currently on someone of the same sex?" I asked, feeling Deku's hands clench into my shirt and we see a few more hands slowly go up. Before any of us even left the table there were now five more couples Momo and Jiro, Shoji and Tokoyami, Ojiro and Hagakure, Ashido and Sero, Tsu and Uraraka were created. Some of them were even straight couples, I can't say that I saw any of that happening. Deku stayed in my lap not wanting to out himself but not wanting to deny me either. Before people started walking away I pulled my greenette back into another kiss. No one would be able to say we didn't participate considering our tongues were literally down each other's throats. 

We waited until everyone was gone before standing up finally. I kept looking at Deku while I went about making breakfast for dinner. There wasn't really enough time to make katsudon like I planned but breakfast was easy. Everyone ate while giggling and snuggling up to their new boyfriend or girlfriend and those that were still single tried to ignore them while talking about random ass things from the news to the new couples. 

Once dinner was over, Deku pushed me back down in my seat in front of everyone and they all stopped what they were doing to see what was happening. Fuck I was watching to see what was happening. Is he going to out himself? What changed his mind?

'Kacchan I'm not ready to come out yet but...' He stopped for a second and collected his thoughts before switching to Japanese. "I don't want people to know but at the same time I do. Yes Kacchan I love you and I want to marry you," I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a kiss, he is all mine now! I slip the ring I've been carrying in my pocket onto his ring finger enjoying the taste of his lips on mine. 

"We don't have to tell anyone you don't want to, I love you." I kiss his hand right next to the ring I just put there. I pulled him in for another kiss and I barely registered the feeling of him putting a ring on my own hand. When I disconnect the kiss. I looked down to see the thick black band with green emeralds encrusting it, only to chuckle a little, the one I got him was white gold and had rubies and garnets. 

"You know we are corny as hell right?" I ask him, rubbing noses with him, making him giggle while nodding. 

"What the hell? How long were you two dating to be getting engaged already?" Kaminari asked, almost screaming. 

"Oi any of you extras out Deku to the public and I will murder you all!" I ignored Kami altogether and glared at the rest of them. 

"Wait! Midoriya is the one that doesn't want people to know? Not you?" Iida was rubbing his head like I just dropped a bomb on it. 

"Sorry Iida it's not that I don't trust you all. I do really but..." Deku didn't seem to know how to finish that. 

"We still plan to be number one heroes and people are fucking stupid about pride anything," I growl finishing for him. 

"So wait what about your parents? Are they good with you two being together?" Kirishima asked and Deku and I started fidgeting. 

"I mean they are okay with us being gay..." Deku half answered. 

"They just don't know we are together. You know?" I was getting red. I could feel the heat flooding my face. 

"Who asked who?" Ashido jumped into the mix. 

"Well I asked Kacchan to go out with me," Deku grinned shyly. 

"And I asked Deku to marry me," I was basically purring. 

"I really did think I was going to one up you with the ring considering you didn't have it when you asked me," Deku pouted. 

"Come here nerd," I pulled him in for another kiss not able to stop the smirk on my face. "Like I would let you up me in anything." 

I hear his giggles, 'Oh but I get to top you in bed?' 

"Fuck yes you can!" I crooned. I have topped him but for fucks sake him topping me is a different level of yes. I squeeze his ass and he purrs and sends blood rushing to all the right places. 

"Anyone besides me thinking Bakugo is a bottom?" Jiro asked and I turned ready to send an explosion her way but was stopped by Deku. 

"He's my bottom and I will Detroit smash anyone who tries to touch him,"  Deku smiled back at her and she literally hid behind Momo. 

"Then fucking top me already!" I growled playfully and he jumps up and drags me to his room.