I wake up covered in hickeys and bite marks again. Deku cuddled on top of me, his head snuggled into my chest. Everything hurts but today we are supposed to return to class thankfully I don't think any of the marks will show around either our uniforms or hero costumes. I look over at the clock and see it's already 5 am. Fuck. 

"Deku, wake up we have school today!" He grumbled but got up with me and while we were walking to the showers it was not lost on me how many couples were coming out of rooms. Damn extras giving their virginity away at the first chance. Not that I can actually say anything though. 

We all got ready for classes and when we got there I checked to make sure Aizawa Sensei wasn't here yet and found that he wasn't. 

"Okay extras listen up," I closed the door and everyone looked up at me. "Is there anyone here who is disgusted by LGBTQ+? Speak now or I'll rip your tongue out later." Everyone shook their heads no and I faced the perverted grape. 

"Not even you?" I glared at the purple midget. 

"No, gay guys mean less competition and lesbian girls are just hot. I fully support you all!" He held his thumbs up and even I grimaced at him. 

"So here's the deal," I locked the door before turning back to the class. "Deku and I are going to start teaching you Wonder, it's going to be fucking hard and if you teach anyone I don't approve of I will murder you." I let an explosion go off in my hands and see several of them nodding in agreement. 

"We use Wonder as a way to talk to each other about things we don't want anyone else to know. Like dates and missions. I don't want anyone outside of this room to know that we are members of the community until we are all in the top 25 heroes because fuck it all we can put those extras to shame!" I lectured and I had everyone's attention and they were all letting their agreements be known. 

"So what we are going to do is put all those fuckers in their places but we need to be able to coordinate. Deku and I are wanting to create our own hero agency The Wonder Duo and we also want to have a dorm-like apartment set up for all of us and maybe a few others. We can't do this alone, we don't want to do this alone. But Pride needs to be protected just like everyone else. Not hated. So who is willing to do this? Who is willing to wear the rainbow and claim to be a LGBTQ+ friend and not a member?"

Everyone raised their hands and we started spitballing ideas, I don't know why Aizawa was late to class but it really didn't matter. We all agreed to change something small about our hero suits, some gadget or another so it would have a rainbow logo added to it. Nothing fancy just the letter A layered in the rainbow and Pride written in silver. Somehow Iida knew exactly the person to contact about it. He seems to have something for that Mei girl in the support class but honestly it's not a bad match. 

Then Kaminari wanted something for when we weren't in costume and Momo suggested making little braided rainbow leather keychains for us all. It took all of 30 seconds for her to make the little things and we each put them on our bags for now and agreed after high school was completely over to put it on our keyrings. There were several other ideas but most were shot down because it just wasn't feasible, at least not right now. 

Iida, Momo and Todoroki were able to get us the permits and land required for both the agency and the apartment complex and including Deku and I we were all able to foot the bill to get construction started as soon as we approved of the blueprints. Which again Mei was only too happy to draw up for us, in exchange for a lab and maybe a room. Which we easily granted. The apartment would be within walking distance of the agency making it only that much easier. We had most of the plans drawn up before Aizawa tried getting into the classroom only to find it locked. I ignored him when he looked in the window and saw what probably looked like Deku and I lecturing everyone. 

Once we had all the plans put away and everyone sworn to secrecy Deku unlocked the door pretending to only just notice that our teacher was standing there. 

"Sorry Aizawa we were just lecturing everyone about the importance of safe sex. Mineta was being a pervert and things were getting out of hand." Deku lied so smoothly I don't think anyone could have topped that. 

"Mineta do you really need another detention?" Aizawa groaned believing my lover with ease. 

"No, I'm fine now! Consent is needed for all actions and I will not overstep that. Also I would like to formally apologise to each and every single one of you for my past behavior!" Mineta stood up to say and bowed before sitting back down again. 

Aizawa stared speechless for a few seconds before turning back to us, "Did you two clone him and replace his brain?" 

"No, I just told him what I was going to do if I had one more girl crying to me about him bothering them again." I held up a hand letting small explosions go off in my hand while looking directly at him. 

"I'll keep that in mind the next time I get a complaint," Aizawa Sensei muttered before sending us to our seats and class was started. 

It was only September and days turned into weeks that turned into months. It took all the way until the summer sports festival before people really noticed the logo on all of class A's suits and very few select others were able to wear it. Mei was able to get the logo patented to the Wonder Duo Agency which was already fully licensed as well. 

Uncle never did come back to kill me and I have to wonder what happened to that. He probably just got busy but neither Deku or I ever did tell our parents that we were engaged. We just left it as it was, if they saw our rings they should be able to figure it out. That or when we actually got married which we still haven't set a date for yet but we will eventually. 

We just couldn't open the Wonder Duo doors until we had two pro heroes on the staff, so it was still on standby until we graduated in another couple months. The League of Villains never gave up either and during their last attack, Christmas, we were nearly able to destroy what was left of them. But they still managed to get away. Fucking bastards.

Back to the sports festival, between Mei in the support class and a few students in the business classes we were able to get everything in order for the grand reveal at the Sports Festival. Once either Deku or I won, of course, we would make the announcement to the world about the Wonder Duo agency and our mission. To save everyone with pride. But for now we are just preparing. 

'Deku! Where the fuck are you? We need to get ready for training!' I yelled out from the kitchen as I finished setting up the platter of sandwiches and salads for after we all got back. 

"Here!" Deku ran in, gave me a kiss before pulling me out the door and we ran to meet the class at the gym and we set to work. Between the study sessions and extra training sessions the class has improved so much it was ridiculous. Thanks to Aizawa putting a ban on any of us going home without prior authorization everyone was a lot healthier. The only ones to go home on a somewhat regular basis were Uraraka, Deku and I and then it was only about once a month. 

Momo was no longer that unhealthy skinny because not only did Aizawa put a stop on going home he also made it to where all mail must be searched either coming in or out. So Momo couldn't even send out packages without raising a red flag. 

Hagakure was also a lot healthier now that she saw Momo gain weight to an actual healthy level and probably because of her boyfriend Ojiro as well, I would rather forget overhearing those conversations. 

Training was intense and when we finished we all hit the showers acting just like we used to smiling joking and carrying on. Not that anyone would be able to understand us anyway, we all talked in Wonder at all times unless it was to one of the teachers or someone else who didn't know the language. It wasn't until we closed and locked the doors to the dorms that we all finally relaxed. 

Mei had helped with updating the dorms so that all of the windows were one way only and all of the rooms were sound proof without the use of all of those ugly ass tiles everywhere. It was so nice getting rid of those things. 

'Deku,' I whined from the couch after dinner was all put away. I could hear him hum from nearby and I continued, 'I want cuddles!' As if on command, and it kind of was, Deku jumped over the back of the couch and landed with his legs on either side of my hips. 

'Do you now?' He giggled and I smiled up at him pulling him down for a kiss. 

'I fucking love you nerd,' I crooned before kissing on his neck loving the way he giggled and laughed at my affection. 

'Get a room you two!' I heard Kaminari complain from the loveseat where he was sitting with Shinso, who managed to sneak his way into our class and Kaminari's heart. They started dating as soon as he joined the class and his room was Deku's old room. Turns out the reason my room was under repairs was because Aizawa had it remodeled with the empty room next door so that Deku and I could both be housed due to 'medical reasons', not going to lie, sharing a room with my lover is nice. Unlike everyone else who took turns between their rooms. Not that I'm telling our teacher that we are lovers.

Not even the teachers knew about our relationships in or out of the class. Although Midnight tried to get us to talk, as she put it, 'dish the goods'. She tried to tease us and get us to tell her who liked who but we just laughed and told her we didn't have time for those kinds of things. 

Several teachers, including Aizawa, tried to get us to teach them Wonder but those they were able to threaten into cooperating also had extremely bad teaching skills thanks to some very good coaching from both Deku and I. So they eventually gave up thinking it wasn't important anyway. 

The sensor alarm went off telling us that someone outside of class A was on their way here and everyone jumped up and picked up their advanced study materials and put them away and Deku and I put on the All Might movie Civil Union and picked up where we left off last time and hit play. Everyone was chilling on the couches and chairs either watching the movie, reading a book or scrolling through their phones by the time Aizawa and All Might walked through the front door. 

"You are all very relaxed considering the sports festival is only in a week," Aizawa groaned seeing us all relaxing. 

"None of those extras stand a chance besides we also have to be well rested. Or we could lose from exhaustion," I answered leaning back so I could look at him. Only All Might knew about our extra training sessions and he swore on his title as the symbol of peace not to tell anyone, not even Aizawa, about it. 

"Hmm this is true. I'm glad that some of you are paying attention in class," he raised his voice trying to get everyone's attention. 

"Name one person here who doesn't have at least a 95% in all of their classes," I wave him off returning my attention to the movie, knowing that he couldn't. Kaminari had the lowest grades and they were all at least that or higher. 

He tried a few other tactics but the end result was pretty much the same, he got a few yes sir's but otherwise silence. We all respect him a lot more considering what all he did to protect our classmates from their families but he was still trying so hard to come off as the mean teacher, the bad teacher. 

"Yeah, yeah we love you too Dadizawa now can you and Dad Might either find a seat and chill out or leave already?" I groan only sparing him a glance before returning to the movie. There was a new All Might movie coming out and we were all excited to see it. All Might Peace and War, and we were having a movie marathon until it came out in a couple days, or at least that's the cover story.

"What did you just call us?" Aizawa asked, getting all flustered at his nickname. 

"Dadizawa don't worry Mama Mic is loved by all of us too. Now hush this is the good part," I shushed him ignoring how he bristled at it all. 

"I AM HERE!" All Might's actor and every single student in the room announced at the same time. Yeah we have converted the whole class, we will occasionally watch other hero movie's but All Might's reigned supreme, and we all had them memorised now. 

"I am both flattered and slightly creeped out at the same time," All Might whispered, stepping away and towards the door. "But I do like the name Dad Might," he nodded slowly to himself but still inching away. 

"Good because you are stuck with it for life," I tell him, only half paying attention. Just then the end credits started and Deku jumped up to switch the movie to the next one. 

"You want to join us? We are getting ready for your new movie coming out this weekend, which we all submitted permission to go and see together as a class," I raised an eyebrow at Aizawa Sensei and he just let out a sigh. 

"Permission granted but you all better place in the top 30 of the sports festival," he half heartedly threatened. and we all answered with a yes sir before Deku hit play plopping down on the couch. 

They left not wanting anything to do with our marathon and once they were gone Kaminari took out the device that Mei created and charged it and once we found there was no listening or recording devices planted we jumped up and reset the front door and turned the TV off, much to Deku's disappointment, and started our drills again. 

Everyone was more than fluent in Wonder now so what we were studying now was actually a mixture of fighting techniques and anatomy. A few of us would practice on each other, gently, getting a feel for it and slowly going faster and faster as we got comfortable. Ojiro, Hagakure and Uraraka were a big help with that as far a martial arts go but then there were others that we're concentrating more on power output like Kaminari. He can easily use his quirk without frying himself now and Deku's theory is that now that he is able to understand more and study effectively he is able to better control his quirk as well. 

Now Kaminari was making up for lost time studying about all kinds of things but mostly electronics and how electricity works in general. This year's sports festival is going to be interesting at the very least. 

'I need you Deku?' I whisper kissing along his ear and watching him giggle in response. 

'Sorry Kacchan, but we need to finish planning for the obstacle course,' Deku kissed me back and I huffed. 

'Fine but I'm getting you all night tonight,' I purr and see the shiver run through his body as I gently nipped at his neck and I refocused on our task. Unlike the last two years we were able to hack into the system and figure out what was expected of us. We were even able to place a fake IP address on it so that it looked like it came from class B. We had to convince Iida that it would actually be something we would be expected to do in the future as heroes and suddenly he was all about computers. 

We all had weapons added to our costumes and we had all the correct paperwork completed and approved to wear and use our suits as we would in the field. Yes this festival was going to be interesting.