Today's the day, I had everyone fed and ready to go and most were using the meditation technique Deku and I used to help control our quirks. Kaminari was particularly scary after practicing. He managed to knock out the electricity at both dorms B and C and walk away still feeling rested last night. 

Hero like? Maybe not but it is a part of hero work to disconnect power and communications for the villains, AND OH MY ALL MIGHT! Iida is really into this now. It's actually pretty fun hanging out with him, not that I would tell him that or anything. We put on our gear and walked out of the dorms, we reasoned that the battle started a week ago so we should at least act like it. 

Class B, Monomoa in particular, was taunting us but only received the cold shoulder as we walked passed. We only acknowledged those with our logo, our insignia and then we only talked in Wonder. Our business and support team members were excited about the whole thing as we pumped each other up, raising our spirits as we cheered each other on ready for our fights before we even got to our classroom let alone loaded up on the bus. 

Once we were all on the bus, and I do mean all, class B was with us as well although they were all in their gym clothes rather than their hero suits, not one of them applied to use their hero equipment like we did. Dumbasses. I put an arm around Kirishima and Kaminari. My gauntlets, once big and heavy now considerably smaller and lighter but much more durable and efficient, could now pass as bracelets or arm bands. We laughed and honestly the fact that I could shit talk them all without starting an actual fight was great but that didn't stop Deku from smacking me up the head when I said I was going to blow them all up. 

'Kacchan! You have to share, we all worked hard for this.' I grumbled agreeing and decided to describe just how I planned to take him in the bedroom when we were all done. I kept my voice low and deadly and Deku was shivering not in fear but in anticipation. 

"Damn even in their own language all they do is fight," Class A all looked directly at Monomoa after hearing him say that. We all went unnaturally quiet, just looking at him, our expressions unreadable as we did. We have been studying a lot on psychology as well and to say it wasn't useful is really fucking stupid. I got to watch him shrink as all we did was look at him like the insect that he was. 

"Problem children stop freaking out class B," Aizawa sighed already tired from the day. 

"Yes Dadizawa!" We all answered together in unison. 

"Good now stop creeping me out!" He muttered and the girls giggled while most of the guys were out right laughing.

'Mei? Did you bring it?' I ask turning to one of the few support students on the bus. She nodded patting a small cooler in her lap. 'Can you set us up? I think we all need to relax,' There were a bunch of cheers in agreement and everyone was talking super aggressively even as we were talking to each other. We are using more psychology trying to psych out our opponents and it seemed to be working. I'm not going to lie, seeing Monamoa scoot closer to Kendo was more than a little satisfying.

Then Mai only gave her normal mad scientist laugh in answer before setting up the machine, everyone not a part of the Wonder Duo quickly backed away scrunching up at the other end of the bus before she pulled cones out of a special carrying case and started serving instantly whipped to perfection lemon ice cream. 

All the singles were served first and then the couples and we all moaned in satisfaction including Mei who served herself and Iida last. Yeah they started dating the moment she memorized Wonder. There were a few other support students in Wonder with her but she assured me that they were good and if they weren't she would take care of it personally. 

"Sensei aren't drugs illegal? Why are you allowing them to dose right before the festival?" Monomoa accused Aizawa Sensei. 

"Ice cream is not a drug, no matter how much I argue that it should be." He answered already just done with his crap. 

"Why do they get ice cream and we don't?" He asked next and we all just shook our heads at his clueless stupidity. 

"You can, if you brought your own like they did," he motions him away like the pesky fly he was. We were all laughing at the scene and as we ate our ice cream but honestly we were enjoying the cones a little too much to do more than chuckle or giggle. 

When our treats were done we were all pleasantly content as we went over our battle strategies again. The first round would be a race on an ice rink that would lead to freezing water that we would need to dive into in order to get to the finish line. Todoroki's job was to ensure we all had safe passage while the rest of us sabotaged everyone else. Mineta was particularly important for this job; his sticky quirk would be used to set traps throughout the course. 

It wasn't long before we cheered our motto 'Save Everyone With Pride!' We cheered over and over again in Wonder while pumping our arms into the air as we screamed the motto. We were more than spooking the other students as well as more than a few of the teachers. 

"Did you ever decode their language?" I heard Present Mic ask Aizawa while we cheered. A few of us made speeches and I'm more than a little proud of them but they helped to boost our morale so I didn't lecture like I normally would. 

Kaminari was first; 'Today we show the world who we really are! Today we fight for not the top 50 or 30 but the top 21, we leave no one behind and show no mercy to the outsiders!' We all cheered 'Save Everyone With Pride!' and the next person stood up. 

Kirishima; 'Yesterday I dreamed of us being truly manly heroes today my bros, we show the world that. We! Are! MORE!' Okay that wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought it would be. 

Sero, Shoji, Aoyami, Mineta, Koda, Ashido, Sato, Hagakure, Ojiro, Jiro, Tsu and Tokoyami made their speeches and suddenly everyone turned to Uraraka. 'Today we show the world that not only do pride rights matter but we stand up for them. Our brothers and sisters, our friends and family, we fight the good fight. We defend the people from villains and we raise our people above. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans or our friends and so many more; we are one! We do not share the hate!' She puffed out her chest and we all hooted and hollered chanting our motto again. 

'Not bad Pink Cheeks!' I wink at her getting a bunch of giggles and chuckles from our friends while everyone else on the bus starts whispering about Uraraka and I secretly dating, the disinformation has begun. 

Iida; 'As class rep you all have given me the biggest most unforgivable headaches known to man,' we all laughed at that making hand gestures mimicking his own before he continued not at all offended because in some strange way he knew that we liked him a little more because of it. 'But as your classmate you still managed to piss me off without measure,' I was crying from laughing so hard. 'Now as your comrade, your nakama, I can say that even though you still piss me off to no end, you are my people! We are The Wonder Duo and we WILL take the top hero spots in all of Japan and we will SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!' We all cheered giving high fives as we chanted and he sat back down.

Todoroki stood up and we all looked at him and we watched as he used his quirk to coat all of us minus Tsu and the outsiders in his quirk and then making a frosty fog over Tsu's head before heating it with his fire letting the warm rain fall down on her. 'We are more than our parents, we are not just some lost souls to be directed and shaped in the image that they desire. We are wild like the fire, free as water and as strong as ice and so long as we desire it the frost will guide us, the rain showers will relieve us, the fires will forever burn within us. We are The Wonder Duo Agency!' He cheered and we all started jumping up and down chanting and cheering. 

Momo; 'Pride I can say that I am Member thanks to Wonder. Thanks to Wonder I can tell the one I love how I feel everyday without anyone the wiser. I declare today that we will raise the flag of our people with PRIDE and we will,' We all joined her, 'SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!' 

By now several teachers had tried to shush us but Aizawa told them not to bother, we were still his problem children after all. Even though he didn't have a clue what we were saying he seemed to be proud of us, as if he knew by instinct that we were building each other up. Even if he wasn't sure just how yet. 

I stand up and everyone goes quiet, this is going to be hard but they have earned it. 'I am Katsuki Bakugo. I am Dynamight, one of the founding duo of the Wonder Duo. I am victory, I am explosive and you have all earned the right for me to call you friend.' I called each of their first names in Japanese making several people outside of our class hyperventilate, the drama queens, before moving on. 'I stand here knowing the pain of being called a villain,' I look meaningfully at both Deku and Shinso. 'I have been beaten, tortured, kidnapped and held hostage more than any one person should ever have to deal with.' The bus was silent as they listened carefully to my words. 'I call you my friends, my family and today onward I call you my equals. Even though I am still going to be number one,' a few chuckles at that and I smirked back at them. 'We are pride incarnate and we WILL?' 

We all finished together, 'SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!' The chaos that was our people was having all the other students and most of the teachers squishing themselves even further away and we all looked to Deku. The last of us, our unspoken leader if you will. My lover and best friend, as he stood up his eyes lighting up from his quirk and we all started tapping a rhythm slowly getting faster and faster until Deku raised his hands and we froze making the beat coming to an abrupt stop.

I swear everyone else on the bus was nearly petrified but all eyes were on him. 'My friends, we come together to send the world the message of the ages. It's long past due. We are pride, our hearts pound with the beat that is our soul.' Deku's voice is only speaking volume but everyone is drawn in anyway hanging off of every word. 'Our passions that can carve mountains and our dreams that paint realities, we stand. We stand for everyone.' His voice got even more quiet but the intensity only grew and no one had any trouble hearing him as he spoke. The electricity in his eyes flashed sometimes letting out actual sparks as they did, but we all hung off of his every word. 

'As heroes we kneel so another may stand, it's hard. Some would even say back breaking, or in my case bone shattering, work.' Everyone that could understand him let out a sharp laugh but quickly went silent again as he went on a small grin on his face, he looked at Momo a little too long for my liking but after a few moments whispers started behind me as Deku gave her a secretive smile and she fluttered her eyelashes at him. All a part of the plan I can't get angry at what I helped plan now can I? At least not logically. 

He is standing next to her seat now her big, lovesick eyes watching his every move. Yeah I'm pissed, but after we are all done here I'm going to find a place where I can steal his lips in mine and claim him again. Both Deku's and my rings were hidden by our gloves and no one at school really noticed because so many of us started wearing rings rather quickly. Deku's words had everyone captivated as he went on. 

'But today we can fight! Not just as heroes but as proud bearers of the rainbow! Our insignia will be a beacon for any and all those with little to no hope to hold on just a little longer because not only am I here. We all are here and WE. WILL. SAVE. EVERYONE. WITH. PRIDE!' The bus erupted into cheers and we all chanted the motto singing, yelling, screaming, hopping up and down, anything and everything that could somehow dispel our excess energy. But none of it was enough, nowhere near enough as our teachers tried in vain to calm us down but even that did nothing to silence our chaos! Not even Uraraka fucking hugging me and hanging off my shoulders could bring me down even one decibel, as we all roared to life. Even Aizawa sensei tried to use his quirk on us but it did nothing because none of us were even using our quirks. Not a single one. 

Deku held up his hands and we all went silent again, confused on how he isn't already done. 'Save the celebrations until after we knock the so called pros down a few dozen peg's.' He smiled at us all and cheered in his normal tone of voice and in Japanese, "Plus Ultra!" And we all answered together far louder than before. "PLUS ULTRA!" 

Even with all the noise and ruckus we were creating our disinformation still clearly on display for everyone as Uraraka hung off of me and Deku had his arm around Momo's waist and even Iida had an arm around Hagakure's shoulders. My squad opted to just hang off of each other, which really isn't fair because Ashido and Sero are still together but they weren't allowed to touch each other while we played our roles. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled Uraraka closer before kissing the top of her head and leaving an arm around her shoulders as both of hers were around my torso. I could see Aizawa Sensei rubbing his eyes and looking back again and again only to throw his hands up in the air giving up. I think even he gave up on understanding us.

"PROBLEM CHILDREN YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" He screamed getting all of our attention and we all went silent for .2 seconds before tackling him yelling bullshit like "Dadizawa you do care!" Before he made use of his capture scarf to escape us. 

"JUST GO TO THE STADIUM AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" He tried again and we all made our way to the stadium and stood now as silent as statues in front of the world. 

We stood out from everyone else simply because we were all in our full gear and when it was our year's turn to make a speech Deku stepped forward and cleared his throat. 

"We are the infamous class A and we declare war! Every last one of us will be in the top 21 of the charts and we will become  the greatest heroes!" He stepped away and walked back to his place behind me as class B booed us and the other classes sighed about here we go again. 

Oh if only they knew...