Midnight stood in front of everyone and made the announcements on what we would be doing;

"Round 1 will be a race across a frozen rink of ice and then you will be forced to dive underwater to go through a tunnel and swim past mines, be careful they are alive! If you touch one you will set it off and put not only yourselves in danger but those around you!"

We all got to the starting line and when she fired the shot we all took off. Mineta was by far the slowest person in our group but he was already throwing his sticky balls at the ground behind him as we all ran. Todoroki reached the end of the ice first and using both his fire and ice was able to make the tunnel and we all slid down it to the fresh air chamber, even Mineta who was still throwing those balls all over the ice behind us catching people who tried to follow us down the slide. Once we were all through Icyhot and I set off our quirks. His shattering the ice towards the end and my explosions destroying it near us. 

Thanks to that all the water crashed around the tunnel creating a whirlpool effect catching the students unlucky enough to be swimming anywhere close to the ice. The sticky balls that were inside were now being thrown around in the water trapping several more students to ice before floating back up to the surface. 

Icyhot and I ran to catch up to the rest of the group diving into the next body of water knowing that this time we had to deal with the underwater mines. We called and instructed each other in Wonder giving directions and feedback as we went. We were able to knock out more than half the participants with that maneuver back there but it wasn't nearly as many as we had thought we could. 

'Move it extras we have incoming!' I yelled and we all dived, Tsu with Iida who had the distinct disadvantage underwater thanks to the engines in his legs. Once we made it through the minefield and we resurfaced, Minete again set more of his sticky balls a float in the water as traps for the incoming students and we raced forward. The next obstacle unknown to us yet. It was the only thing that wasn't in the plans we hacked into, this one blind spot.

We arrived to find trees with vines and snakes? I rolled my eyes, how is that even a good obstacle? There was what looked like sand on the ground and I saw a branch sinking in it. Oh that's how.

'Koda your up!' I heard Midoriya yell and we all jumped and climbed into the trees ignoring the snakes who were all talking to Koda happily and listening carefully to his instructions. He asked them to not hurt anyone but to stop anyone from following us and from the looks of it they agreed. He was in the trees in seconds thanks to the snakes helping him up. They also helped him run from tree to tree and several even helped us swing or slide down their backs before we reached the goal. 

Deku first and Icyhot and I tied for second with Iida coming in a close third/fourth. Between Midnight and Present Mic commenting and narrating for the audience it was more than annoying but the first 21 students across the finish line were all class A. 

'We will?' Deku asked, yelling out for us to answer. 

'SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE' We all cheered together and high fived and celebrated together. It took forever for the rest of the students to either cross the finish line or be rescued from our traps, someone did set off a mine but it was that Kirishima knock off from class B, the metal bastard, so no one was actually hurt. 

We relaxed and got some drinks knowing that the next challenge was paintball. We were already set for our teams knowing that we would still have to get enough points to pass to round 3. 

We had a few students trying to befriend us coming up to us and trying to tell us how amazing our teamwork was considering we didn't know what the challenge was before we actually got here. But they went ignored, it was almost like we didn't notice them at all, like they didn't actually exist. 

'Remember your partners! I yelled out and everyone got into their groups of three as we mingled with each other but otherwise stayed close to their groups knowing that this time we wouldn't be allowed to pick our team mates that they would pick for us based on who was next to who. Everytime one of the students outside of our group came nearby we simply walked away until they finally announced our groups. 

"Talk about being antisocial!" Present Mic was commenting as we waited for the results. We were able to get the teams we wanted with only a couple of us switched around but thankfully their points weren't all that different to start with. "I have never seen class A so standoffish before in my life, especially Kirishima and Midoriya. They are normally so friendly!" He continued to comment but we were too busy high fiving our team mates. This is going to be fun. 

I was on a team with Aoyami and Kirishima and I was setting off explosions laughing like a mad man while Aoyami smiled into his mirror, turns out he is asexual, like everyone didn't already fucking guess that, and Kirishima was laughing pumping a fist into the air. 

They made us leave the field so that they could replace it with a mock destroyed city. Oh yes this is going to be fun. We were given our bullets exactly one clip and when the starting shot was sounded we all made a run for it. Once we all got to our chosen positions we waited for the second shot and when we heard it we started sniping out the enemy...

It didn't take long for us to get enough points and once we had them we used the radios Momo made for us all to help our group get the points they needed. Once everyone had enough it was a free for all until we were out of bullets. 

"Class A is on fire! You would think that they could see the future the way they are coordinating between each other. When did they get time to get all of that equipment?" Present Mic was rattling on about how great we all were until the round finished and we were again in the top 21 spots. 

"This isn't over yet! There is still one more round and then we will name the top 25 students. This year is their final year here at UA and in just a few short weeks they will be full fledged heroes the top 3 students will be allowed to face off against any hero of their choice that they submitted last week!" I grin, oh yes we will be taking Endeavor down a lot of pegs. 

'Oi Deku!' I waited for him to turn around and in my meanest nastiest voice, 'I love you, be safe!' I give him my evil smirk and let a few explosions pop in my hands. 

"Friendly fire, I hope it's friendly anyway!" Present Mic's commentary was really funny considering how often he walks into our dorms with Deku and I lounging on each other. It's almost like he is helping us feed the disinformation not only to our opponants but also the public, but then again he is a gay man married to our teacher and the public isn't kind to the pride community for the most part. 

The timer finally ran out and the third and final task was finally upon us. Midnight stepped up, microphone in hand and the cheers of the audience was actually starting to hurt my ears. But class A stood our ground, our backs to each other as we waited for round 3 to be announced. 

"Year three class A's declaration of war seems to be holding true at least so far but what are they going to do when they come across each other in our maze? Will they help each other or stab each other in the back in order to get more points? You heard right ladies and gentleman round three is a maze! They will have to navigate through a maze in the dark. We will all be able to watch it on the big screen as they try to find the exit. If they come across the enemy and take them out, simply by knocking them out mind you, they will get all of that person's points and that person will be disqualified!" 

The audience cheered and class A grinned. There were no teams in this one but there was also not a rule against forming one. Most of us had plenty of points to be considered passing already. Mineta and Sero were the only two that needed points and so long as they finished the maze without being rescued by a pro at the end of the timer they will have what they need. So this was otherwise a free for all. No one with our logo would be attacked or taken out but everyone else is free game. 

"Now we will have an intermission for lunch and rest before the third challenge!" Midnight announced and we all turned to leave the arena. We figured that we would get a break about now but there wasn't an actual break schedule in the plans that we were able to hack into. 


We walk into the cafeteria and Kaminari exclaims, 'Dude I'm starving!' Before running off with Sero and a few others to get in line. We all got our food and Uraraka sits next to me practically in my lap much to my irritation. 

'How am I supposed to eat with you in my lap?' I asked my voice all sweet and nice and dear All Might I need to hurl. 

'How else are we supposed to spread the disinformation then?' She looked at me with a sweet smile that I really wanted to blow off her face. 

'I hate you so much,' anyone who didn't know Wonder would have sworn I told her I loved her but I just wanted to strangle her. 

'The feelings are mutual Bakugo,' she smiled taking my spoon from me and started feeding me trying to be cute and as much as I hated it, I played along. I could see Deku flexing his fingers as he and Momo were doing much of the same song and dance and I looked down the table to see Ashido actually sitting on Kirishima's lap. 

From the corner of my eye I can see the news reporters and cameras sneaking pictures and as we all ate and hung out. Several students from the business and support classes joined us mostly girls to help with our disinformation tactic and I could see Iida's eye twitching at Mei sitting on Shoji's lap. Yeah this is going to be so hard but it needs doing. 

For one thing Kirishima's reputation was already destroyed by his family when they publicly disowned him after he came out to them. So Ashido was doing some much needed damage control, even going so far as to rub noses with him as they talked and fed each other, Sero had to look away, a business student in his own lap. Aoyami was the only one without a lady in his lap and instead had girl with a crow like quirk gawking at him and actually flirting with him. He tried to ignore her but was soon talking about himself because she wouldn't stop praising him. I just... Ew. 

"Get out of here at once! None of you are allowed in this area," we turn, looking shocked at being found out, the girls, all except Ashido and Tsu, jumped off their pretend boyfriend's lap. Tsu had been on Shinso's and his arms had been around her so she stayed where she was. Apparently there were more than a few rumors about him than I thought. His reputation was almost as bad as Kirishima's. 

"Red Riot! Didn't your family disown you because you were gay? Does this mean that they have taken you back now that you have a girlfriend?" A reporter yelled out. 

"Dynamight how did you get such a sweet and caring girlfriend when you are so abrasive all the time?" I heard one directed at me. 

"Deku how long have you and Yaoyorozu been dating? How long have you been keeping your relationship a secret?" Why won't these extras just go away? 

"That's enough! None of these questions are appropriate, leave immediately or you and your press badges can report from outside of the stadium in the parking lot!" Aizawa yelled and we all quickly finished our food and cleaned up after ourselves before leaving for the locker rooms. 

'That was fucking exhausting! Kami check for devices. I'm going to lose it if I can't kiss my fiancé for much longer!' I look over and see him already doing exactly that and we all waited until he gave the all clear sign. We all let out a collected sigh of relief and Deku flew into my arms and Iida and Mei kept watch since they were still a fairly new couple still. 

'I have missed you nerd,' I nuzzled him, cuddling him as I held him in my arms. 

'I've missed you too Kacchan, I love you.' He croons in my ear and I could feel myself melting into his kiss. Finally the creepy crawly feeling of having gravity bitch on me was gone only to be replaced by pure bliss. 

"Oh hello sir, how are you today?" We all heard Iida ask and a bunch of us groaned quietly before separating from our lovers and cleaning up. When Aizawa walked into the locker room there were a few of us that were cleaning our faces, including me, and a majority of us checking our equipment. Mei having slipped back in was currently tinkering with Deku's face mask before moving on to check Uraraka's weights. 

I looked in the mirror in front of me and saw my bright red eyes looking back at me. I slipped off my left glove and saw the ring he gave me, careful to keep it to where Aizawa couldn't see it and take a deep slow breath. Yes green is my favorite color. I pulled my glove back on like I had been adjusting it and Mei quickly hopped over and checked it herself. 

'It's okay he loves you too,' I nod trying to act like she was giving me instructions because she was pointing at a couple different buttons like she was giving my instructions. 

'It's hard staying away and Pink Cheeks and I don't exactly get along after... Well we don't exactly get along.' I answer gruffly. She nodded as if she understood and she just might. Hell for all I know she could know all about Uraraka kissing my lover and sending us both into a panic attack while we had pneumonia all those months ago. I don't fucking know.

She walked away after actually working on my neck brace a little and I wiped my face again before putting my mask back on. Let's do this. I turn and before I can do or say anything I find Aizawa standing directly behind me. 

"So much for you telling your parents you were gay," he glared at me and the whole room froze. "Just what kind of game did you think you were playing? Do you think that you have something over me simply because you know who I'm married to?" He looked pissed and I was actually surprised. "Just so you know the school is already well aware of my marital status and they have a zero discrimination policy," he hissed. 

At this point Deku and Icyhot stepped in between me and Aizawa while Kirishima stood by my side. The rest of our classmates took places by my side in one way or another. 

Iida stood behind Aizawa before tapping him on the shoulder and speaking, "Sir with all respect, feelings change and regardless of his or your sexual orientation this is wrong. Descrimnation is a two way street and treating him poorly because his feelings may have changed is highly unprofessional and unhero like in the extreme." 

'No we should have included him in the game plan but at the same time his reactions have to be authentic for any of this to work,' I answered forgetting to speak in Japanese, while rubbing my face. 

"Be that as it may he was not," Iida gave me a meaningful look. Okay maybe it's a good thing I reverted back to Wonder.

'We can tell him after this round but he has to stay peeved like this. Not pissed just peeved. For now,' Deku looked between Iida and I before turning his attention to our teacher. "Aizawa Sensei, I think it's time for us to go back out to the stage. Was there something else you needed?" 

He looked between me and the rest of our class clearly confused why they were all rallying to my side but as he narrowed his eyes and glared at them not one of them so much as blinked in response. "Fine go but don't think this is over!" He hissed before turning to leave once again. 

'Remember stick to the plan. We need to save everyone with pride. Remember?' Deku asked me caressing my face gently. Fuck I need him even more now. 

'I need to hold you a little longer. Please?' I feel like I'm breaking, truth be known I have gained a stupid amount of respect for him and the fact that he never once treated me differnt after he found out I was gay. He wasn't nicer or meaner and the fact that he stayed the same meant the world to me. 

'Kami?' Deku called out and we waited for the signal and once he gave it Deku was in my arms again and my tears still unshed didn't feel nearly so heavy. 

'Fuck I didn't know that his opinion meant this much to me,' I tried to wipe my face again but my mask was in the way. 

'It's okay. We'll tell him the plan after this round. It's the last round of the day and we'll be able to relax until tomorrow's matches.' Deku slid a finger under my mask and wiped away the tears. 'I love you Kacchan, I always will.' He leaned forward and kissed me, it wasn't a quick or short kiss and it wasn't heated or sexualized. It was deep and meaningful. It was sweet, tender and loving. The way he kissed me was like breathing. Natural and effortless as we held each other in our arms praying for just a few more stolen seconds. 

'It's time,' Todoroki announced, ignoring our moment. We separated, leaning our forehead against each other for just a few more seconds before pulling away altogether. It's time.