"It's the last round of the day. Round three-!" We heard Midnight announce and everyone else was already on the field, the crowds cheering. We were the last ones to arrive and I set off an explosion letting Mei know we were ready and in position. Midnight's microphone cut out and the crowd started to murmur. It was already dark. They had closed the top of the dome to assist in the third round and all the lights cut out making the whole arena go pitch black. There were screams throughout the crowds, from people thinking that it was a villain attack. 

Chimes started playing over the speakers as a warm up before the guitar took over with the drums. Everyone went silent before an explosion of cheers could be heard around the stadium as people realized it was a part of the show. Rock You Like a Hurricane started playing and everyone recognized that song. 

~It's early morning, the sun comes out

Last night was shaking and pretty loud

My cat is purring, it scratches my skin

So what is wrong with another sin?~

We waited for our cue and Todoroki, Kaminari, Deku and I set off our fire and explosions and lightning as we all started walking out onto the field the first time it said ~Here I am~ Everyone started setting off their quirks and multicolored lights started twirling and flashing around like a rave or disco or some shit and a little flying robot shined a spotlight down in front of where we stopped and we all hear Mei's voice cut in as the song changed to Thunderstruck by AC/DC. 

"Welcome to UA's Year three class A's hero line up!" Mei's voice went straight into her sales pitch voice, her announcer voice and we all took our places walking forward as she announced each of us giving out our stats and highlights. Until Todoroki, Kaminari, Deku and I were the last ones because as the music went on and the lights went off we used our quirks like fireworks for each person careful not to highlight ourselves in the process. Then the song changed, Let's Get Ready to Rumble by Jock Jams.

The crowds were going crazy listening to each as they listened to Kaminari and Todoroki's intros and stats and then suddenly it was my turn. I set off a huge explosion as she said my hero name. "Dynamight!" and continued to set them off like fireworks while I walked to the stage, the light following me until she was done with me. Once the light finally blinked out and returned where it was in front of Deku but stayed off for the moment. The song finally ended as I got into position and Space Jam started playing. 

Everyone else took their places standing on little devices and when the flashing multi colored lights seemed to multiply now where there was only a few dozen going off there were several hundreds now and the room was in utter chaos as the crowd went on cheering as all the lights around the room from all the robots turned off as our platforms started lifting into the air like miniature UFO's little rainbow lights pinned on each of us from our own device as we stood ready multi colored spotlights dancing all around our platforms as we rose higher. The devices started flying through the air, the little pin point lights still trained on us while the spotlights lit up around us. 

We set off our quirks showcasing what all we could do, even Hagakure's suit was actually lighting up in neon as she danced near the other girls. Mei's robots couldn't handle most of our weight so instead Uraraka sat meditating as she focused her quirk on all 20 of us, herself included while the other girls waved and pumped the crowds up as the song played and Mei kept talking.  

We were all in position and Mei's voice carried even through the speakers on her little robots, creating an echoing effect, as she highlighted Deku; large green lights flashed on him as he walked, keeping him dark but highlighting that he was the person that everyone should be paying attention to. 

"The top of our year the most powerful of us all." The huge crowds were going crazy at the stats she listed off the fact that he interned under both Grand Torino and Sir Nighteye; one a teacher of All Might himself and the other a side kick of All Might, one of the only ones. Then after she dropped all of that she finally dropped the big bomb, the one that we could never take back.

"Deku was chosen by All Might himself while he was still in middle school and All Might started training him to be the next big hero, a true symbol of peace right then and there. That's right! You heard me right, Deku is the prodigy, the student of none other than All Might! Since before high school!" The crowds were going crazy as the lights spiraled in time to the music, all her little robots turning back on again flashing and lighting up the stadium. The large spotlight finally landed on Deku lighting him up a bright green light from above and white from before by little spiraling lights that moved with him as he walked to his place on the platform fire, ice, explosions and lightning raining down on him from above as we all continued to use our quirks. The song ended and all the lights turned off at the same time right as we all landed back in our designated positions on the stage. 

One split second of silence and a large thunderous boom that shook the stadium and Deku's green lightning lit up not only himself but the whole stage as he carefully maneuvered it to not touch any of us and accidentally hurt us. Then all at once the lights came back on and Deku's quirk stopped a look of pure determination on his face as we all stood at the ready and everyone could see Midnight and Present Mic staring at us all in shock and All Might looked so conflicted he couldn't stick to one facial expression which just told everyone that everything that was said was true. 

You see our goal isn't only to raise pride awareness and rights. It's too destroy the League of Villains once and for all and we just told them everything they needed to know to launch a full scale attack. Most likely not today, probably tomorrow but that would make it all the better considering we would all be rested and they could gather all of their forces so we could destroy them all at once. 

We waited as if nothing happened at all standing in our assigned positions, our faces all stern as if we weren't here to play the games of the UA summer sports festival and were instead ready for war, which was exactly what we were doing. Just like Deku stated in his speech we are at war and we are ready. 

"Ah the spirit of youth! The way they took their chances with punishment just to make an entrance and Deku of all people? The quiet sweet Midoriya of class A is the highlight?" Midnight turned to All Might who was still going from expression to expression before asking, "Did you really train him yourself? Before either of you came to UA? Is that why you came to UA in the first place? To keep watching him and help him grow into this symbol of peace they were talking about?" 

All Might couldn't seem to think of a good answer and turned to me and then Deku before letting out a sigh and answering her. "I trust my students, yes I trained Young Midoriya before he enrolled at UA but no I had already agreed to come and teach here before that time. And since you're going to out me like that you two," He gave us a meaningful glare and I know I gulped at that look. "I might as well tell you that Young Bakugo also became my student shortly afterwards, to become the Symbol of Victory. The Wonder Duo, the symbols of Peace and Victory!" He smiled back at us and I let out a long slow breath, that couldn't have worked out better if we had handed him a script. Thank freaking All Might that we didn't clue him into our plans beforehand. I know what I'm thinking but who the fuck cares?

"You heard that right! Deku and Dynamight were mentored by All Might himself! Such a gutsy move to tell the world that not only are they going to be the finalists but they are bringing their class with them to become the top heroes of Japan!" Midnight was going on and on and All Might looked at us again and we nodded hoping he would understand what we wanted him to do. 

"Actually I expect them to become heroes that spread across the lines on a map. They are my students and the fact they have chosen others to join them on their mission tells me that they expect to complete it," it was like he was trying to maintain eye contact with both of us as he spoke and for the briefest moment he used his hero form and shouted "PLUS ULTRA!" 

Our entire class, and all those in the Wonder Duo Agency screamed, "PLUS ULTRA!" 'SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!' Of course the second part was in Wonder but our solidarity remained as we answered as one, our right fist over our hearts. Our heads held high as we faced the world the national and world wide news cameras rolling as they filmed not only us but those we have chosen to accept in our midst in the stands in what was supposed to be class A's seats students from support, business and general studies all in the same salute as those of us on the ground. 

"Oh my All Might he actually supported them instead of lecturing them!" Midnight whisper yelled at Present Mic and Eraserhead (Aizawa). Eraserhead had just face palmed and I'm sure he was muttering as well but his mic wasn't anywhere near his face. He wasn't the only one either. All of the students that managed to make it this far outside of class A were all grumbling and complaining loudly as they asked why we were the ones chosen and not them. 

"Of course I'm sure they are all aware of all the extra training they'll be getting for all of this?" All Might wiped the blood from his chin after reverting to his normal form as he spoke and looked up in the stands, "That goes for all of you!" 

"PLUS ULTRA!" We all answered, still standing our ground and he smiled at us. My hero is proud of us, proud of me! He was proud enough to claim us in front of the whole world and I'll be damned if I don't live up to his expectations. 


It took forever to get the crowds to quiet down enough for Midnight and Present Mic to make the needed announcements and we were all instructed to enter what looked like a plain black sphere and we did class A together knowing what was about to happen ignoring those students around us as we prepared for the war that was fast approaching. The hole we all came in through sealed shut, not even leaving an impression of where it had been in its place. 

We all stood at the ready the low purple light eliminating the inside which stayed on until they were done with the announcements and the light turned off leaving us all in pitch black and the room came alive walls raising separating us from anyone else and once we were all cut off all members of The Wonder Duo called out, 'SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!' and I dropped into a fighting stance ready for whoever I was paired with whether friend or foe. The walls dropped leaving me and only one other person on the floor and walls having moved us all around to random points of the sphere. 

"You!" The lights came back on this time a low red light but we were expecting it, the reason for the difference was to try and disorientate us and considering the person in front if me was fucking Monamoa I would say it was working because he already forgot what all we were supposed to be doing. 

"Too bad I don't have enough time to enjoy this," I grin and set off an explosion and using the smoke to blind him I duck down and punch him in the gut knocking the air out of him and grab his arm on the sleeve and hit him on the neck knocking him out instantly. I lower him to the ground and run off staying left just like we all planned. 

Midnight's voice cracking to life as she announced the progress of what all was happening. *Ding* "Monamoa from class B is out his points are now Bakugo's!" *Ding* "Kendo from class B is out, her points are now Kirishima's!" *Ding* Shiozaki from class B is out, her points are now Midoriya's!" 

"They are only seconds into the round and class A has already taken out 3 of class B's heavy hitters! Now remember this round is not a team one but from what the cameras are showing us it looks like they have taken this to the next level of class A vs. class B and so far class B isn't doing all that well." I smirk and continue racing through the corridors. I know that they are having someone use a quirk to stimulate gravity so we could literally be anywhere in the sphere and we wouldn't have a clue. 

"I'm telling you we can take class A!" I hear a man's voice down the hall and race towards it. The door to the exit wouldn't open until we were down to 25 and we still have 19 students to take out before we could get them all. One of class B didn't make enough points to even get into the sphere, and these extras think they can take us on? Fuck no! I grin as I walk into a corridor to find one class B student standing and another one out cold. 

"*Ding* Fukidashi from class B is out, his points are now Kamakiri's! Looks like class B doesn't have that same team mentality as class A, or has class A just been lucky so far?" Midnight's voice echoes and I can only guess this fucker is Kamakiri. I launched myself at him while he tried to defend himself from Midnight, not yet seeing me as I then took all of his points. This is going to be too fucking easy, but that's okay we need to start conserving our energy considering how much we used just for our entrance not to mention the first two rounds of the games. 


"*Ding* And with Bondo from class B out Iida gets his points which means only class A remains in the games!" Midnight squeals and I look around my group and see that I have about half the class with me and we all start going down the last hall and as we turn a corner I finally see Deku leading the rest of our class to us. We do a quick head count and find that absolutely no one was eliminated and Deku and I lead the way down the final hallway and to the door leading out. 

"I can't believe this! All of class A has passed and they have taken out all of class B. They moved as if they could see what was going to happen before it happened! Ladies and gentlemen instead of having our top 25 students I give you UA's top class of 21 who all are also in the top 25 in our academics department!" She went on and on about our stats from the games and we celebrated giving high fives and as much as I hate it giving our fake partners hugs while those of us who's partners were in the stands regardless of the department blew kisses towards the stands.