We have to do this, we have to give out this bad information so that the villains couldn't use our actual loved ones against us. That's how we picked who was partnered with who. Who we were least likely to react to in a hostage situation. Momo and Uraraka were not surprised at all and according to Momo she wasn't surprised because Deku was too kind hearted and saw all of them the same way and besides with her family background she couldn't be partnered up with just anyone. It was either Deku or Todoroki due to power, family status and wealth, hell she even said that I could probably make the cut since my father was high in the medical field and my old hag was high in the fashion field. It's all bullshit but what the fuck, it's better than Uraraka being partnered with Deku. 

"Now to announce who made the top three for the pro hero fights tomorrow!" It was Present Mic talking this time and he managed to grab all of our attention with that small sentence. We all waited. 

"In third place Shoto Todoroki with 5 million points!" The crowds were cheering like crazy as we all high fived him before settling down again. "And with each student having a whopping 7.5 million points Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya tie for first place giving us our top 3 students and UA's current big three!" I couldn't help it my arms were around Deku's neck as we tried to give each other noogies to cover up the fact that we had tried to hug each other and thank All Might that Icyhot decided to join us and the three of us stood our arms around each other's shoulders as we celebrated. 

Of course we assumed that that was going to be the results but that doesn't stop the fact that we actually fucking did it! 

'Save everyone with pride!' Our classmates started chanting low at first but they were slowly growing louder and louder. 'SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!' Icyhot, Deku and I grabbed each other's hands and raised them into the sky, Deku in the middle, and the chaos that is our class just grew. 

"Boys do you have anything you want to say?" Midnight asked, walking up to us. I nodded and Todoroki stepped up first taking the mic from Midnight. 

"I am the hero Shoto and I decided to join a new hero agency that will only just be opening their doors after our graduation." Icyhot spoke calmly and the crowds listened not believing their ears, isn't he the son of the current number 1? Why wouldn't he just join his father's? "The agency is The Wonder Duo and their motto is - To save everyone with pride! It is founded by the symbols of Peace and Victory and we will save all those who need us!" Todoroki handed the mic to the two of us and we grinned at each other. 

"It has come to our attention that as much as heroes claim to try and save everyone that those in a particular community are nearly always getting saved last if at all. The LGBTQ+ community!" Deku started us out. 

I jumped in, "We had a friend, a teammate , actually, get disowned by his family and ignored by the other classes all because he came out as gay almost a year ago. He has since started dating a woman and is very happy with her but that is besides the point!" I growled giving Kirishima his cover while the cameras zoomed in on him and Ashido wrapped her arms around him. 

Deku again, "Regardless of a person's sexual orientation they should feel safe. They should feel loved and they should be rescued! So our mission is simple to save everyone with pride. Mei could you please?" It took all of two seconds for Mei to hack into the cameras and show our logo the rainbow A with pride written in silver below it. 

"We are the Wonder Duo and together we will save everyone with pride!" We each threw a fist in the air and our class started chanting again this time in Japanese. 

"Save everyone with pride!" And we joined them with our cheers and excitement, nothing less than contagious as the crowds cheered and celebrated with us. The rest of the Wonder Duo agency members ran out onto the field and we all held our partners telling the world that even as straight students we will still stand by our people. The people of the world. The big screens were replaced with an overlay of the pride flag but otherwise everyone could still clearly see us now. 

I take the mic, "We are the Wonder Duo and thanks to a lot of time and hard work we have managed to form an agreement with 10 different countries so that we already have offices set up and partnerships with the current top hero agencies in their areas. That's right, the Wonder Duo has partnered with big agencies like Dragon in the United States, Chucocobra's in France White Fang in Russia as well as multiple smaller agencies as well. We have licenses to work as heroes in those countries and with their permission we can tell you all," I paused, catching my breath and Deku and I said it together along with the rest of The Wonder Duo. 

"We will save everyone with Pride!" I hand the mic to Deku again so that maybe we can actually finish this sometime today. 

"At the Wonder Duo we promote equality and acceptance, we encourage our differences and push each other to our limits. So even though we are small now we can still change the world today." Deku announced and Todoroki and I got to work. He created a large block of ice and I used my explosions to whittle it down before stepping away and letting our other team mates come in and do their thing. 

"So while we fight, attack and defend our people, the people of the world, we have a small team working to do exactly that in governments around the world pushing for the rights and liberties of the communities most often forgotten," Then almost everyone steps away from the block of ice except for Todoroki and Uraraka. Icyhot uses his fire to smooth all the edges and then frost it back over to keep it strong and when he is done Uraraka touches it and it starts floating into the air. 

"We are class A and so that is why the Wonder Duo agencies logo is an A made by a rainbow. We are colorful and we will fight for the rights of all people, together." The block of ice stops in the middle of the air floating above us silently as the crowds around us are frozen at the sight. The ice was now a large letter A and was dazzling in the lights before Aoyama took his place and hit it with his quirk sending rainbow sparkles everywhere for around 5 seconds before the ice exploded in a rainbow shower of a light flurry. Dazzling the people watching. 

"WE WILL SAVE EVERYONE WITH PRIDE!" We all yelled before handing Midnight the mic back and we turned around waving to the crowds listening to the cheers erupting from them, blatantly ignoring our teachers who stood to the side shocked. Until All Might walked up to Deku and I and pulled us into a hug. 

"I have never been more proud of you two in my life," he pulled away to look at us and smiled, tears trailing down his face as he did. "You have become exactly who I always hoped you could be and more." Deku and I pulled him back in and suddenly we were all surrounded before Deku and I decided that All Might needed a better seat in the house. We grinned at each other and picked him up, putting him on our shoulders as our group cheered and chanted. I could see the lights and cameras flashing in the distance as the world was going wild and we celebrated our lives and choices in front of the world. 


"That's what you all were doing this whole time?" Aizawa came into the dorms that night to find all of us on our phones finalizing the contracts and deals we had around the world. I motion for him to shut the fuck up while I talked to the woman on the other end of the phone in Russian. 

"Yes we look forward to working with you and we will see you in a couple months for the grand opening. Yes you as well, good night. Goodbye." I hung up the phone and went over to the whiteboard and added Snow Leopard to the list of contacts for Russia. My phone rang again. This time with a Korean number I added the country to the board with a question mark before answering the call. 

"Hello this is Dynamight at the Wonder Duo agency, Japan division. Yes. Yes. I see. So you want to offer your legal team to the Korean legislative department? I see." I pulled out a little handheld device and searched their law firm and confirmed the information first myself before sending it to our information team for verification. "No from what little I can see you would be a perfect fit and we would love to have you but I'm sure you are aware that we would need to verify the information you have given us. Yes. Yes, I hope we can work together soon as well. Have a good night. Goodbye." I hang up and erase Korea from the board again. Not yet.

I wasn't the only one getting calls either. Momo had supplied a network of phones all with the same number so that we could all work as a team so that just as I was busy on a call so were most of the rest of us. I turned to Aizawa who was staring in disbelief at the dorm common room and my phone rang again. 

"Hello this is Dynamight at the Wonder Duo agency, Japan division." Thank All Might it was the group of general studies students who were finally done setting up the phone lines and were ready to take over. I set off two small explosions and Mei and Momo held up a hand each letting me know they understood and rerouted all calls to the center so that once we were done with our current calls there weren't any phones ringing anymore. 

"Thank fuck, I don't know how much longer I could have done that!" I yelled, tossing the phone to the growing pile on the coffee table. Later we would take them to the center at headquarters to help expand our maximum capacity but for now they are paper weights. 

Deku collapsed next to me on the couch and I laid across his lap and everyone found a place to crash. Fuck, Icyhot was laying in my lap while Kiri was cuddled up into his! 

"I hate pretending I'm straight but it's worth it for the mission," Kirishima yawned after spending all day talking in Japanese we still hadn't really converted back over to Wonder yet. 

"Fuck I know that's right! If Pink Cheeks sat in my lap one more time I was about to explode my own face," I hissed. 

"Tempting!" She yelled back at me while nuzzling into her girlfriend's arms. 

"Kami status report?" I call out and wait for his answer. 

"Coast is all clear, all persons are verified!" He answered before dropping his device that was connected to a keychain on his waist and pulling Shinso in for a kiss. 

"Iida progress report?" I called out while enjoying the way Deku ran his fingers through my hair, soothing my already frayed nerves. 

"Applications are on the rise and as promised the local agencies in those areas have been going through them to help minimize our workload to around half. There will be plenty for us to do and get caught up on until graduation but this should give us the working force that we need to remain in good standing with all current contracts and agreements for each country." I nodded humming while thinking. 

"Which country are we most in danger of violating agreements with?" I asked trying to decide where to put the most effort in at. 

"Japan but we haven't really been marketing here because of the other mission," Iida answered. Of course. I sat up and Todoroki sat up letting me up before laying back down again while I started pacing the room in front of the white board. Deku joined me and flipped the board over so we could all see the other side. 

"Has everyone seen Recovery Girl?" I asked and waited for their agreements. "Good, now phase one today went well, Mei status on Mission L.O.V.?" 

Mei stood up after giving Iida a small kiss on the cheek. And tapped a few buttons on her watch before the common area went dark and a projector lit up the blank wall. 

"All activities believed to be in relation with the League halted, most during the speech, many more shortly after. It should be safe to say that we have their attention but just to be safe I have bypassed security and posted the information on the dark net making sure anyone and everyone could get the information as quickly as possible. Deku is All Might's chosen student, the symbol of Peace. I also added the part about you Dynamight so that all the information was available. If nothing else they will be coming after you two."

I nodded and motioned to the screen and she turned it to the blueprints of the stadium we will be fighting in tomorrow. 

"Remember we can't start the evacuation too early and villains are going to try and take hostages. We have managed to put all the actual civilians into one area for the smoothest process and all the other seats are being taken up by heroes from around the world through our partnerships at other agencies and from the teams we have managing them. Just to be safe we have both Dragon, the number one hero of America and White Fang, the number two hero in Russia in the midst of the civilians just as a safety net. They are also surrounded by our American team who, like everyone else we have contracted for this, will be in full uniform with permission from the Japanese government to use their quirks in the official capacity while attending the events." I used a laser pointer to point at the weakest places of security on the map and Deku took over. 

"We are heroes and our job will remain the same no matter what. We will save everyone with pride. The mission is pronged and so long as we get the Leagues teleporter under control this is going to work. Remember we are not just dealing with their small fry here." I motion to Mei who changed the screen to show the villains we are used to dealing with. "We will have not only these guys to deal with but also the big boss, if everything goes according to plan All-For-One will come directly at Kacchan and I. If you see him do not engage!" 

I set off an explosion and Mei hit a few more buttons and the projector turned off and the lights came on again. I took a deep breath and looked at our team before speaking. "There is a very real chance that we will fail. This is your last chance to make a run for it. I won't blame any of you for not wanting to die," I waited and after a long time of silence Kirishima stood up and put his right fist over his heart. 

"We are one, one people, one team and we will follow the Wonder Duo, the symbols of Peace and Victory and we will not regret it. No matter what happens," he looked sadly at Todoroki who gave him a small sad smile and stood up next to him and copied the salute. One by one our team stood and followed suit. Tomorrow was only a day away and the fact that we might lose someone was terrifying but not nearly as terrifying as the thought of losing Deku. 

I looked at my lover and at the same time we matched their salute and together everyone called out the motto. "We will save EVERYONE with PRIDE!" and I pulled Deku into my arms and just held him. This is war, and Deku and I were leading the charge. We could die tomorrow for all any of us knew but what scared me the most was that I could lose him. 

I took a deep breath and let him go and turned to everyone else who was doing something similar, some holding their lovers, others just gazing into their eyes, a few only holding hands as they tried not to cry. Yes this is war. 

"We will save everyone. We have to, it's our pride." I tried to take a deep breath but it came out shakey. "Mei raise the defenses, the last thing we need is for the League to try to attack tonight instead of tomorrow as planned. Everyone needs to get some sleep. We have a battle to fight tomorrow and a war to win. This isn't over until we say it is!" I could hear their weak cheers but they tried. 

I looked to Deku who squeezed my hand before speaking up again. "We have a lot to do between both missions and I expect every single one of you to pull your weight with both of them. Now go to bed and no funny stuff!" A bunch of them laughed, the mood already a lot lighter. I smiled at my lover and waited until everyone left listening to them all talking to each other having finally switched back to Wonder and left Iida, Mei, Deku and I alone with Aizawa Sensei. 

'Do you have this?' Iida asked us and we nodded as he took Mei's hand and they made their way to Iida's room. I have a distinct feeling that everyone was going to ignore the part about no funny stuff but that's okay. We have to live for today and plan for tomorrow. 

I looked back at our homeroom teacher and waited. It took a while but when he finally spoke he just sounded so tired. Far more so than usual and that was already bad enough. 

"Why didn't you come to me? I could have helped you. I could have..." he broke off and I can see the war being raged inside of him, his thoughts conflicting. 

"No you would have tried to stop us. Tried to protect us from the reality of the world. We need to do this. We need to do it now so that the League will bring everyone at us so that we can finally take them down." Deku answered sadly and I pulled him into my arms. I could see the look on our teachers face but right now I just don't care. 

'Deku I love you. You know that right?' I asked switching to Wonder so that he could still be safe. Anything to make him feel safe.

He pulled away and caressed my face gently and I leaned into the touch grateful for just that alone. Not expecting him to speak in Japanese. "I love you too Kacchan. We will complete both of our missions," he kissed me softly and his eyes stayed trained on mine. "We will win and when we do..." I nodded kissing him on the lips. We will get married. It was a long dream but it was our third mission and neither of us could die because of it.