Eraserhead had watched us and listened to our plans until he understood what his job was. The teleporting guy and maybe the hand guy if he happens to see him. He had to wait until he was sure that he was done bringing everyone in but then he needed to be taken out as soon as possible. The hardest thing for him will probably be not telling his husband, Present Mic.

All Might was already in America at Uncle's hero agency to help them understand the differences in laws. He didn't know the plan, I think that he knows what we are up to but he needed to stay far away, safe so that if something happened to Deku and I he could still be there to hold everyone together. The world still needed him and yesterday only proved it. 

We had spent the night together gently loving each other, cuddling and sleeping in each other's arms. When our alarm went off this morning I was very happy with my choice to make everyone take sleeping medicine during dinner last night. I actually felt pretty good and fairly rested considering Deku and I spent so much time together. We ate a large breakfast and we all checked in with Recovery Girl again who was surprised to see us but used her quirk on us anyway. I barely felt the effects and along with everyone else in class we drank our energy drinks on the bus ride back to the stadium in silence next to our pretend loved ones. 

We were already in our hero suits even though supposedly Todoroki, Deku and I were going to be the only one's fighting today. We sat in silence too tired still to worry about speeches and Aizawa and the other teachers were on full alert. Uraraka actually fell asleep on my shoulder and I decided fuck it, I'm tired. I laid my head on hers and was soon fast asleep. 


I woke up to Aizawa shaking us awake and class B grumbling about us partying all night instead of sleeping but they were all in their hero gear today not knowing why they were required to wear it since none of them were expecting to fight. 

I yawned and stood up stretching only to see most of class A doing the same. As we made our way onto the stage as a team. Our smiles were large as we waved at the crowds in the stands. Present Mic was in heaven he didn't usually get this kind of reaction here in Japan but considering how many of the people in the stands were actually foreigners it really made a lot of sense. They were just excited to be here. Many had their hearts pounding as adrenaline pumped through them. Midnight, Present Mic and Endeavor had to be the only heroes here that didn't know the plan and it was working perfectly. 

"Welcome to the final day of UA's Sports Festival!" They went through their song and dance or whatever while we went through the motions of getting the crowd excited. 

"Now our three finalists, the heroes Shoto, Dynamight and Deku, please remain on the stage while the rest of you find your seats!" Midnight instructed us all and we did. Each of our team patting us on the back as they walked passed. It's time for the next show to begin. 

"Now for their heroes they actually picked heroes from around the world! Shoto picked Blue Angel the current number 1 hero in Russia and a water quirk user!" The crowds went crazy because honestly it was a good match up. Icyhot's fire and ice both held distinct advantages and disadvantages against her and that didn't even go into their very different fighting styles. 

"Then we have Dynamight who picked Dragon the current number 1 hero in the United States of America!" The crowds went crazy as they realized where this was going. I smirked as much as I wanted to kill Endeavor for everything he put Icyhot through I had to wait. Besides my eventual father-in-law still has a bone to pick with me, for bullying his son growing up so at least this way I knew I could live to see the next day. At least as far as that was concerned. 

"And finally we have Deku who picked Japan's current number 1 hero Endeavor!" The crowds were going berserk as they cheered and we waved and posed for them and got their excitement going more and more. 

"Talk about some guts! In the past the most a student has ever asked for was ranked 68 hero and that was because it was their sister! This year they have some really big guts to go after the top dogs in the 3 leading countries of the world. For that matter they actually agreed to come and fight! Can this actually get anymore exciting?" Present Mic was practically screaming into his mic just barely restraining himself from using his quirk. 

Midnight took over again, "So first up we have Shoto and once his match is done Deku and Dynamight will flip a coin to figure out who will go next!" Deku and I clapped Shoto on the shoulder before making our way off the stage and back towards our classmates. 

'Is everyone in position?' I hear Deku's voice loud and clear in my ear from the hidden earpiece Momo had made up for us with Mei's help programming them. 

'Yes, everyone is in position for Shoto's fight and we are ready to have half of us rotate once the next fighter takes their turn. Then again once you switch again.' Iida informs us and Deku and I nodded taking the information in. Stopping where we were so we could see the fight better and be closer to the stage. 

'It's time to get this show on the road we can't move forward until we do.' I smile while I'm talking as if I were just excited about the match while looking at Deku and pointing at Shoto. 

'Let the games begin then,' Shoto's voice rang in our ears and looking at the stage we saw Blue Angel skip onto the stage ready for this to be over. She is perfectly aware of what we were planning and she also knew that only the Japanese heroes were mostly out of the loop which she found amusing, judging by the smile on her face. Russians don't smile unless they feel a need to smile. 

We hear Midnight go through the rules and when she tried to ask Blue Angel to take a handicap Icyhot cut her off. "I picked her knowing what she can do. A handicap is a terrible joke to have her do and an insult considering she agreed to come." Blue Angel smiled even bigger and spoke to him in Russian which he answered her and she was actually showing her teeth with her smile, a high compliment in Russia. Her blond hair golden in the sunlight the dome left open for today's fight and I bet her blue eyes were twinkling. 

Midnight tried to change his mind but he wouldn't budge. This is going to be a real match. She finally gave in and Present Mic announced for the fight to begin and Shoto surrounded the field in ice so the only way to see what was going on was through the big screen and Blue Angel started whipping water around as if she had an unlimited supply. 

The fight dragged on forever and there was more than once Deku and I flinched at what we were seeing. I can only guess how Kirishima must be feeling watching the fight but soon enough Icyhot had Blue Angel's water either frozen or evaporated and she found that he was very good at hand to hand combat as well. She forfeited and bowed to him telling him it was an honor to fight him and she looked forward to working with him in the future. 

Deku and I walked back out on the stage and we flipped a coin to see who was going to be next. Me. Of course it was time to fight the man I pissed off, the father of my lover. That's okay. I have a plan to curb his anger. 

Once Deku and Shoto were off the stage again we stood facing each other waiting for Midnight to finish the announcements. 

'I asked Deku to marry me,' I tell him grinning and see his face fall in shock. 'He said yes, we haven't picked a date yet though.' 

'You're telling me this now?' He roared as if I just pissed in his breakfast. That actually helps a lot with all of the disinformation but I have to wonder if he is actually mad or not though?

'I love him, I always will. Does it actually upset you?' I asked using an evil laugh to further confuse those around us. Only class A knew Wonder with very few exceptions. 

'Are you kidding me? I think it's the greatest thing in the world! But we don't want anyone else to understand Wonder right?' I nod in agreement, over the moon that he wasn't only just talk. He actually meant what he told me all those months ago. 

'We wanted to wait to tell you until after all of this but...' I trailed off setting off explosions like I was threatening him. 

'But you didn't want me to actually kill you,' he shook his head grinning back at me. 'Smart boy.' 

"Um excuse me, do you agree to a handicap?" Present Mic asked and I barked a laugh. 

"No way in hell! This fight is mine and I will win it without any fucking handicaps," I announced and Dragon smiled at me. 

"Come at me with everything you have Dynamight and I won't hold back either!" He roared his approval. 

"Like I needed your permission? Dragon, I will be the number 1 hero!" I glared at him and we squared off again ready for Midnight to shoot and the match to begin. 


I feel broken and bruised but I fucking won! Shoto and Deku raced to the stage and helped me to walk steady as Blue Angel and a bunch of other heroes helped put out all the fire. There would be a two hour break to repair the stage and let Dragon and I rest and get patched up. 

I smiled at Dragon and we shook hands laughing. 'Don't fucking dare tell Aunty or my parents! We still want to make a real announcement!' I growl at him glaring. 

'Too late, I taught them Wonder years ago. They heard you tell me on live TV," Deku and I froze and as if on cue our phones started going off, Deku was carrying both his and mine. 

"Fuck!" I curse before taking my phone and answering it only to hear not just the old hag but my old man speaking in perfect Wonder demanding to know when I was going to tell them. Deku wasn't having it much better. He kept telling Aunty not to cry also in Wonder and I glared at Uncle. 

'Why you overgrown lizard! Why did you do this? We had plans!' I glared at him while hissing and he just laughed as my mom and dad fought to get my attention again. Well I guess we couldn't make the announcement any bigger than live on TV anyway.

At this point Deku had to let me go. He was gesturing wildly with his hands to actually help and Icyhot had to take over and he was just tickled pink relaying everything through the coms. I could hear our team laughing hysterically from here without my earpiece and considering I had to turn it off so I wouldn't go deft a long time ago said something. 

Deku and I finally managed to hang up and Recovery Girl healed me after looking me over really well. She gave us all a piece of candy and another energy drink considering she was finally brought into the loop early this morning. 

We all made our way to the cafeteria and we sat down with our team and both Dragon and Blue Angel joined us. We talked in English considering Blue Angel was much more comfortable speaking in it than Japanese and we all laughed and generally had ourselves a good time. 

"So Dragon," I made sure to call him his hero name instead of Uncle but dear All Might it was so hard! He looked at me and I went on, "Does this mean I am now ranked higher than you in the U.S.?" I smiled and several of our classmates waited eagerly to hear the answer. 

"Officially no, we have a yearly tournament that ended only last month to decide the ranking on power. But unofficially yes, you will start getting offers and contract deals much the same as if you had the actual title." Uncle answered. 

"Fuck yeah I'm number one in America!" I jumped up cheering and everyone was laughing at me as I celebrated. I don't even fucking care I actually fucking did it!

"Shoto the same can be said for you in Russia. We hold our matches in the winter though and I will still have the title but the people will see you as the true number 1 hero." Blue Angel bowed with the grace of what I can only describe as a princess to Icyhot. 

"You hear that Icyhot? We are both number one. You want to have a match?" I smirked at him and he just shook his head laughing. Since he started dating Kirishima he has just been so much more open and happy. Even when he is sad he is just happier than before.

Endeavor is a true bastard. 

Speak of the devil, I see Endeavor walk into the cafeteria and see us all hanging out and eating before coming over. 

"It's understandable for Shoto to win, he is my son! But Dragon you should be ashamed of yourself letting a high school student take your honor like that!" I'm about to fucking explode his ass but Dragon pats me on the shoulder calmly. 

"I can't be more proud that my nephew won. He has grown to be everything I could have dared dream he could be." Uncle smiled ruffling my hair and I can't help the stupid grin on my face. 

"Your nephew?" Endeavor turned to me in shock and surprise but his words were still addressed to Dragon. "Still he is but a child." 

"No he is a man now, he won fair and square as we say in America," I smile. I can't suppress the pride I'm feeling at his words. Not even Uraraka holding my hand across the table could dampen my mood. 

"We? The last I knew you were still Japanese even if you did move over there to be a hero. You just couldn't cut it to fight for number one spot here."

The room went silent as Deku stood up and hissed in Endeavor's face, "You will not speak to my father like that again you low life piece of shit excuse of a hero. You will never be even half the hero he is nor will you ever be." 

"Your father?" He looked at Dragon who nodded still smiling. "So not only is your mentor All Might but you are the biological son of Dragon?" He just raised an eyebrow in disbelief looking back and forth between Deku and Dragon. 

"Don't worry Shoto looks much more like his mother too, so everyone thinks he's hot. Where you on the other hand..." Deku looked him up and down and made a face. "Are not." 

We all bust up laughing including Shoto who just couldn't get enough of this entire display and was recording it for later. Along with Sero and Ashido I think they started recording when he walked in so they should have been able to get all of it.