Endeavor eventually left having gotten sick of being laughed at which only made us laugh more. Blue Angel and Uncle included, Uncle was laughing almost as hard as we were and Blue Angel had tried to hide it but it had only gotten worse as time went on. So when he finally did leave we cleaned up after ourselves and everyone started making their way to the locker room and I got both Mei's and Icyhot's attention. 

Once everyone was far enough ahead I asked if they wanted to help me have some fun with Endeavor and they were both very excited to hear what I had planned. 


We reached the locker room and after checking with Kami I pulled Deku into my arms, my lips on his as I tried to show him just how much I truly loved him before the match. After all this was it. This was the big moment and we were all scared shitless but we will make this work. We have too. 

'What took you so long Kacchan?' He asked looking up at me pouting after we pulled away from each other. 

'Icyhot and I made plans to piss off Endeavor during your match, remember to draw it out for the best chances of the mission. But we will be torturing the fucker and Icyhot is getting some much needed therapy in the process,' I smile before pulling him in for another kiss. He melted into the kiss and I had zero worries about him defeating Endeavor. It will be a cakewalk for him. No, I'm worried about the after, the League. 

'Okay but be careful?' He asked when we pulled apart again. He looked so fucking hungry and I am all fucking hard. I nod and see that no one was paying us any attention and pull him away into a shower stall while no one is looking. 'Wha-' he stopped himself as he realized what I was doing. 

'You looked hungry?' My voice sounded like a fucking question but he smashed his lips against mine while he was undoing my pants. When he slid down to his knees he took me in his mouth relief shot through me. We didn't have long but it was enough to release some pressure and relieve some tension between us. He did all the things I liked best to make me cum sooner and when I did he swallowed it greedily, while I bit my gloved hand to prevent myself from making too much noise. 

'Fuck you look so hot doing that,' a slight moan escaped me before Deku and I cleaned up and fixed our suits. 

'Good because tonight I plan to show you exactly why I'm the top and you're the bottom,' I hear him purr to me, his voice a seductress as I tried to clear my mind. Our suits were fixed and we just stood there holding and loving on each other until someone knocked on the stall door. So much for no one knowing where we were. 

'What?' I grumbled loud enough to be heard. 

It was Kirishima, "Bro it's time.' I let out a groan but Deku just pulled me in for a kiss telling me it was all going to be alright. He pulled me out of the stall and I held his hand for as long as I could before we opened the door and left the locker room. 

Icyhot, Deku and I made our way onto the stage waving to the cheering crowds as we walked onto the stage as if we owned it. Icyhot and I walked up to Midnight and Present Mic and asked what we wanted and they agreed before we sent them to Eraserhead to be briefed. They needed to know what was about to happen and with their briefing that means that only Endeavor was out of the loop.

"Hello world!" I announced like the fucking badass that I am. "So as you can see this round your host will not be Midnight and Present Mic but the current number 1 heroes of the U.S. and Russia. That's right, me!" 

Icyhot brought his own mic to his face and started talking while laughing, "Don't forget me!" 

"Oh right Icyhot but we both know that I'm better," I grinned and he shook his head in denial. 

"As if you, Angry Pomeranian!" He snapped back. 

"Oi what the hell did you just call me?" I all but barked at him. Oh yes this is going to be fun. 

"I mean what kind of name is Dynamight? About the only thing that makes sense is the fact that you are exploding all the time. Angry Pomeranian is a much better name or maybe The Exploding Chihuahua," he let out a sigh as if we had this conversation all the time. This is the first and I am more than willing to roast him. 

"Like you have any room to talk? You literally are like oh I'll just use my first name and call it a day. I mean fuck Icyhot works so much better but you could have had a really cool name like fucking Tempest or some shit. But no! Mama's boy decided on Shoto." Fuck with me I fucking dare you I glared at him. 

We went back and forth a few more times the crowds cheering and laughing from their seats as we waited for Endeavor to finally show the fuck up.

"When is the dumpster fire going to show the fuck up?" I asked looking at Icyhot. 

"How am I supposed to know?" he shrugged. 

"Isn't Endewhore your old man?" I asked as we made a show of it. 

"Ouch that cut so deep. Why do you gotta do me dirty like that?" He grabbed at his chest like I shot him and stumbled back. 

"You're right. You must have been a test tube baby. I've met all of your siblings and none of you resemble that piece of flaming trash." I shrug looking away. 

"I wonder if that's a real possibility? I would prefer that much more even if he would still be my sperm donor," I look back at him and see him rubbing his chin in thought. 

"Don't think too hard, let's not forget your secret love child theories that went down in literal flames. I mean fuck I still hurt from tearing my abs like that. Who knew you could actually hurt yourself from laughing?" I groaned, rubbing my stomach as if I were still in pain. 

"Hey it was obvious that Midoriya was All Might's favorite! And none of us- Okay most of us had never met his dad so it was a natural conclusion!" Icyhot defended himself. 

"Please not again, I want to be able to walk when we leave today," I chuckle and pretend to wipe a tear from my eyes. 

"Laugh all you want, my logic was sound even if I was wrong!" He huffed and I choked laughing. 

"Oh Uncle! You should stick around much more than you do. You hear this?" I called a hand next to my face like I was shouting instead of using the mic. 

Dragon's face appeared on the big screen and he was laughing pretty hard wiping tears away. "Stop Dynamight! Or I'll start telling all the hero names you came up with growing up!" His laughter was contagious and I don't think anyone noticed yet that I called Dragon Uncle. 

"And in other news Deku is the number one student of UA!" I started acting like a news forecaster. 

"Oh no. No. No! Dragon help me out here. Was he not always a barking yapping dog?" Icyhot asked, actually playing along with him. 

"Well one can't hurt-" 

"Yes it fucking can, shut the hell up!" I fired back cutting him off. The crowd was eating our act up like nothing and Deku who was still standing on the stage nearby was holding his sides while laughing at everything. 

"Oh come on! Just one?" Shoto pleaded using his I've been beaten and abused since I was born puppy eyes. Fuck, I'm not that strong. 

"Uncle be nice?" I beg as I face palmed already regretting this. 

"Firecracker!" Yes I very much regret this. I waited huffing while silently watching Deku enjoy the show. 

"Okay that was great! Truly a master piece why in the name of All Might did you toss that one for Murder King Explosion?" Shoto asked and I frowned at him. 

"Because when I'm done with the villains they are going to wish I murdered them while calling me King," I frowned pouting. I still like that name... 

"For the love of All Might you just might become my best friend yet," He laughed some more tears flowing freely as he did. 

"Can we go back to roasting your sperm donor? That was a lot more fun," I groan again setting off a few explosions trying to get his attention again. 

"Huh, oh right. I wonder how the famous Deku plans to take him out? Will it be fast and easy? Or will he play with him until his fire goes out?" Shoto asked, rubbing his chin again. 

"Oi fucking Deku play with him! We all want to see the fucker dance!" I yelled much to everyone's amusement. He waved back at me still laughing. Ever since Dabie released all of Endeavor's crimes to the public his reputation has been shit. 

"Katsuki Bakugo!" I flinch at Uncle's voice booming over the speakers. 

'Uncle let us have our fun! Deku knows what I mean!' I defend myself by setting off explosions. 

"Don't forget that Izuku is still my son," I could feel his glare piercing through me making my bones turn to jelly. 

"Yeah yeah Uncle!" I try to keep my angry demeanor and the crowd just loves it. 

"Hey now! Dragon, I'm claiming him as my best friend, you can't have him!" Icyhot puffed into the mic. 

"Icyhot that isn't how this works. You're going to have to fight Shitty Hair for that shit," I pointed at the stadium where our class was sitting. Suddenly Kirishima's face is on the big screen and he is holding a mic. 

"That's okay bro! He can be your best friend too but I am his best friend!" Kiri laughed and Deku jumped up taking my mic. 

"Try and fight me!" Deku hissed and glared at our friend. 

"After you of course Midobro! Childhood friends and all that," Kiri held both hands up in surrender and Deku smiled and gave me the mic back before jumping back down onto the stage.

"Damn stand back from my boyfriend!" Uraraka took the mic from Kirishima glaring at all of us like she actually cared. 

I face palm and groan, "I hate you all. Except you love!" I quickly corrected myself. 

'Nice save bro,' I heard Kirishima in my headset while on the big screen it looked like he was coughing. 

"Who knew the Angry Pomeranian could feel love? What else does he feel? Stay tuned to find out soon!" Icyhot pointed at the camera winking. 

"I fucking hate you Icyhot! Get your ass over here so that I can kill you!" I started running towards him and he turned and ran away laughing into the mic as he did, I chased him setting off small explosions as I did. We did that for a minute or so before stopping and leaning on either side of Deku now standing on the stage. 

We yawn acting super bored, "When is the bastard going to show up? Did he chicken out of a fight with a high schooler?" I put on a show of looking around like I could somehow see him in the crowd. "Mei help us out here, but what did he tell Dragon while we were on lunch?" 

The big screen flashed and the recording of lunch played, earning a lot of boos and laughs from the crowd. Yes Endeavor is about to be taken down a lot of pegs. 

"Oh wait I think I see the dumpster fire now!" I pointed at the entrance and saw a very pissed off Endeavor in full gear coming onto the stage. Music started playing and it was Get Ready for This. The camera panned to Deku and he started posing and waving to the crowd again Endeavor getting completely ignored. 

He tried to flash his fire to draw attention to himself but Icyhot and I had everyone cheering "Deku" and completely ignoring him. When the song finally came to an end Icyhot and I were laughing leaning against each other as we wiped at our dry eyes. 

"Finally Endickwhore shows up! Hey Mei I know it's early but can you play the song?" I motion above me and Queen's Another One Bites the Dust starts playing. 

"Can you children stop playing around and start this farce of a match already!" Endeavor shouted at us. 

"Someone is in a hurry to lose the official title of Japan's number 1 hero! Unlike with our matches this is an officially sanctioned match in Japan against Japan's current number 1 hero and a challenger. So the winner will take home the title!" I announced.

Icyhot nearly destroyed the crowd with one word, "Finally!" We all laughed and the screen showed a picture of Endeavor with a dick drawn on his face in thick black ink. 

"Oh my All Might! Did you do that Icyhot?" I was wheezing and he grinned. 

"Whatever could you mean by that? Who would ever dishonor a wife raping, child beating number one... Pfft!" He couldn't stop from laughing anymore and we both landed on the ground, our backs pressed against each other. 

"Okay I take it back Icyhot. We're good," I held out a hand and he took it

"Hey! You never did that when we became friends!" Kirishima yelled, jumping up from his seat. I just held up a thumbs up his way and saw him grin like a fool. 

"The fight? Sometime today would be nice!" Endeavor yelled which only caused the audience to laugh at him more. 

"Of course we need to crown a real hero as Japan's number 1. So without further-" This is almost too fun. Maybe I should have been a comedian? I'm knocking them dead as it is.