"So the rules of the match are simple, knock out wins, out of bounds gets you disqualified and if you're a fucking piece of shit father/husband and person in general you're not allowed to throw in the towel. You can try and walk your happy ass out of bounds but Deku isn't going to let you go!" I announced and heard the crowds cheer in agreement. 

"Now we were told we have to offer this due to age and blah blah blah," Icyhot stepped in and continued on. "Deku do you wish for your opponent to have a handicap?" 

"No it's already going to be a way too easy of a match as is," He shook his head and Endeavor was literally on fire but I mean when isn't he? 

"Endebitch. Endewhore. Fucking Dumpster Fire? God dammit what's his face again?" I turn to Todoroki. 

"I think we agreed on sperm donor?" He nodded his head all sage like. 

"No, no that's what he is to you. Not the rest of us. Someone shouted Endeavor and I perked up. "Thank you random person! Now Endeavor do you accept the terms of the fight? Or are you going to chicken out? There's still time you know?" I looked at the giant of a man who was seething.

"I will fight this child as if he were after my life can we please just move on?" He ground out. 

"Sorry no. You see he isn't going to just sit there and take it because you have literally cut off communication with the outside world and he doesn't know what is out there," Todoroki deadpanned and I set off an explosion. 

"Deku you better enjoy this. All Might knows we will enjoy watching it!" I smile and Icyhot and I return to the platform. 

"Is no one going to say anything really?" Endeavor ranted and the big screen lit up and principal Nezu and our teacher Eraserhead appeared in front of everyone. "Finally!" I hear him sigh. 

"Actually no, I think the boys are doing a splendid job! And besides they are now protected by foreign diplomatic laws since they hold the unofficial titles of number one heroes in different countries and Japan has already revoked it's protection on you. So you can't even claim it as a declaration of war." Nezu sipped his tea, the long winded bastard. Where the hell has he been hiding all this time?

"Enjoy your last moments of being number one you won't be allowed to return once the title is taken due to your crimes," Nezu motions and the big screen winks out. Endeavor is just standing there as if he couldn't believe what he just heard. Icyhot and I high five and wait a few more moments for the flaming pile of dog shit to focus again. 

"Oi flaming dog shit are you about over yourself? We would like to start the match sometime today!" I fume finally getting his attention. Mei sent down two platforms much like what we were on yesterday during Deku's entrance but these were bigger and should hold our weight. Should. 

I step onto one and Todoroki steps on another and we rise into the air and we start circling around the arena. Once Endeavor snaps that he is ready, Deku agrees, only too happy to focus on something to stop his laughter. 'I love you babe, knock his ass out!' I say the mic away from my face so that only my headset picked it up. I hear his response and Icyhot and I start the match. 


The match was going on forever and it was easy to see that Deku was playing with him but there was no sign of the League. Endeavor was going berserk, pissed that he couldn't land a hit and the fact that Deku's suit was fireproof which only made it funnier when Deku put his hood up and Endeavor couldn't even smoke him out anymore thanks to his face mask. At this point it was getting boring and the match had dragged out for so long that the audience was getting restless now too. 

'Okay love, looks like the mission was a failure we can't keep this going. Maybe we should just go back to the drawing board?' I ask, talking into my headset as Icyhot and I started playing rock paper scissors. 

'Yeah it looks like this is over I'm going to pretend he got me so maybe it looks like I'm weakened but otherwise yeah,' Deku responded. 

Icyhot and I turned our attention back to the match and sure enough Endeavor blasted him with his fire again but this time Deku yelped and flew backwards. That had better have been pretend or Endeavor is going to die. Deku stood up limping and then took up an old position from our first year of UA. He sent a gust of air at Endeavor, by flicking his finger at him sending him out of bounds and holding his arm like he broke it like he used to do. 

'Nerd?' I felt my heart hammering in my chest. 

'Acting I'm all okay. I didn't even break a finger doing that,' I let out a sigh of relief as I watched him limping like his knee was fucked up and holding his arm like he broke it.

"The winner is Deku! Japan's new number 1 hero is 18 year old Deku, Izuku Midoriya, and he pulled an old one from the books. Looks like he broke his arm again and maybe Endeavor jacked his knee up too!" I announced into the mic throwing my arms up to urge the crowds to cheer louder. 

"Midoriya? Why do you always have to hurt yourself?" Icyhot asked, while going down to help him and I was on the other side of him as well. He put a foot on each of our platforms while we held him steady and he took in the crowd and applause. 

'You did it Deku. You are the number one hero of Japan!' I tried to keep my voice down so the mic didn't pick it up. 'I wish I could kiss you right now but I'll wait.' I whisper in his ear. 

I look around and see Recovery Girl by the stands, for the love of All Might please let this work. She just got done healing Endeavor so we flew down there and 'helped' Deku to her and she inspected him, mumbling to herself that all this was all a waste of time. 

She cleared her throat, "Midoriya what did I tell you about breaking your arms? You'll be lucky if you can still write your name with it after another surgery!" She started pushing him towards the medical bay and finally we see the black void that is the teleporting guy from the League and what looked like several hundred villains were soon appearing out of thin air. 

'We are live people, we are live. Team Alpha has a visual,' I announce into my headset. I take my place in front of Deku so that he can adjust his suit so he could fight again. I listened to hear teams Beta, Charley and Delta check in as well. We waited and after several moments they seemed to stop showing up. 

'Mei?' I ask and she gives the all clear. All electronic transmission's have been stopped from leaving the perimeter. 

Deku spoke up in Japanese addressing everyone, heroes and villains alike, "The League is here. As Japan's current number 1 hero I authorize the use of your quirks in either defense or capture of the enemy. Move!" The crowds answered back and suddenly no one looked like a civilian anymore. This is going to be really fun. 


Fuck! Where is the big guy? Even the hand guy isn't here yet, or at least I haven't seen them yet. The battle has been going on forever and it seems like it's never going to end. I've seen a couple dozen Nomu's already and they just don't seem to be ending anytime soon. I'm covered in sweat but my body is already shaking from overuse. How long have we been fighting? How much longer do we have to fight? Mei informed us that all the civilians got out a long time ago as well as the non hero students. 

I think she stayed though. She is hiding somewhere and is using her 'babies' to fight. All those little robots from before were drones equipped with darts and filled or coated with a sleeping agent and there were a lot of people down from her target practice. That quirk of hers. Just damn. 

I have no idea how many villains I have knocked out or put an erasure chip in them. Momo and Mei had been working on them for months and everyone here except the Japanese Pros were equipped with them. Momo was making a lot of them once they got it right and they have to be removed surgically or they stay put. They of course do not work on mutant quirks but if we could get one in Handy Man or the Teleporter that would help a lot. 

"Ooh! Dynamight I hear your mentor was All Might. How does it feel to be the cause of his retirement? It's been a couple years have you gotten over almost killing your hero?" I look up at the sadistic voice of Toga and see her looking at me holding a couple knives. 

"I think it is well past time for you to take a dirt nap," I growled and released another explosion towards her and dive at her injecting the chip in her thigh. It wouldn't help in the fight but it would keep her from sneaking up on us anytime soon. 

"What the actual fuck!" She screamed and then suddenly she collapsed and I see a dart sticking out from her shoulder

'Thanks Mei!' I grunt and ran off again. Toga isn't going to be getting up anytime soon. Time dragged as I fought and fought and fought. I was on stage now with Deku at my back as we took on either three or four Nomu's at once. They keep speeding around us so getting a good count is hard. I see a few more coming our way though. 

'Deku, I think the plan is...' I couldn't finish. I blasted two Nomu's in the brain making them finally drop from the sky just for two more to take their places. Is this actually the end?

I hear a panicked scream behind me and I see a guy with a burned and disfigured face reaching for me. My eyes go wide from the shock of All-For-One coming after me. Me! It was Deku who screamed and I ducked and used my explosions to get safely away from the villain. He's here. He's actually here! And he almost got me. 

Why would he come after me? I mean I know that we announced that both Deku and I were mentored by All Might but it was Deku who was chosen. We were very careful to make sure that was in there because he is the only one safe from getting his quirk stolen away unlike the rest of us. 

I slammed into a Nomu and before it could grab me I set off an explosion to make it drop dead. 'I'll take care of the Nomu's you take care of him!' I yell in Wonder and I blast myself up and over the super villain to destroy the brain of one of the Nomu's that was trying to reach Deku. Fuck how many of them are there?

"I see, you two are smart. Not only do you both know about my quirk but you also are decent at strategizing. What kind of code was that I wonder?" The villain's voice set my nerves on end but I continued with what I was doing. 

'Code red, target in sight! Location stage fighting Deku and me!' I shout while launching myself at another Nomu. Seriously how many of these fuckers are there? I have to have taken out at least a few dozen and all the heroes here have been briefed either recently or in the past on how to take them out. It shouldn't be that hard!

'Someone give me a status report on Handy Man and the Teleporter?' I waited and it was Mei who ended up giving it to me. 

'Handy Man is neutralized Eraserhead injected two chips just in case and the Teleporter has a chip and is already in erasure cuffs.' Her report was quick and to the point. 

'Understood, Deku?' I breathed and heard him acknowledge the information. 

"What, you're not going to talk to me? I thought you all liked to talk so much, the last time we kidnapped blondie over there we couldn't get him to shut up about being the number one hero. But I guess since he took America's number one slot he is happy enough and still in school too. Your mentor must be so proud?" AFO was trying to taunt us, me personally but instead I just concentrated on covering for Deku. Making sure that none of the monsters he calls Nomu's got past me. 

'Deku I love you. We can do this!' I yell as I'm sending another explosion into an enemy. 

'I love you too Kacchan, don't forget me?' I turned at his words only to see him completely covered in his quirk and launched at AFO who looked happy to see him coming. 

No! I have to trust him. I have to trust him! I let one of my big attacks go, shooting a whole line of Nomu's down from the air, most missing their heads completely now, some only leaving parts of their jaws. The amount of blood covering me was so gross and to make it worse I was wearing my winter uniform so as to cover as much of my skin as possible. 

I finally get a break from all the Nomu's and see another shot and take down another couple dozen, their bodies falling from the sky. Damn now I'm empty. But it won't take long to refill, not with the way I've been sweating. 

"Ingenious! Truly why didn't All Might choose you? You're strategic and light on your feet. You think quickly and make quick decisions and stick to them." AFO continued to taunt as I sent explosion after explosion at him trying to keep him far enough away and help Deku at the same time. 

"You know I have actually met this boy before? The one you call Deku, yes but I doubt he remembers me," Why the fuck is AFO talking to me? Why does he sound like he is trying to be my friend? None of this makes any sense. 

"I would say he was about four at the time. He had such promising quirks I just couldn't leave them in the hands of a small child now could I?" My blood froze hearing that. Wait what? Nononononononononono. No! This can't be right! I can see Deku looking at him just as panic stricken as I felt. 

"You're the doctor that said I was quirkless!" Deku shouted and our coms went silent. The entire Wonder Duo Team went silent even if they kept fighting. They all heard that. 

"Oh so you do remember me!" AFO laughed and before either Deku or I could react he managed to grab Deku. "The funny thing about your quirk is I can't take it. But I can still give you others. Tell me do you want to guess how painful it is to get multiple quirks at the same time?" He was answered by Deku's screams. 

'Deku the plan!' I shouted and jumped forward, gaining AFO's attention and Deku stopped screaming and taking deep breaths seemed to relax. 

"What the?" AFO felt the difference right away and turned back to Deku just in time for me to get close enough to send an explosion to his face and knock him over. But now Deku had his hand on his neck and his eyes shut still in visible pain. I take my place guarding them. This is one fight I can't help with.