I know the pain has to be terrible. Deku cries for other people or when he gets overwhelmed but not from pain. I did that to him. I am guilty of hurting him like that. Me.

Other villains started showing up, it looks like they were running out of Nomu's finally. Dear All Might please let the plan work. 

'Deku is fighting the big one. Do not let any villains get away, this fight is almost over!' I yelled, getting cheers from our classmates as we all fought harder than ever. Dozens of villains came and I was putting them down. I was reserving my explosions because at this point I don't think I can do more than maybe a handful so they need to be worth it. 

Hand to hand combat it is, I was injecting any and all of them that I could reach and I know that Mei was doing her part too. We were all fighting for our lives and the lives of those around us and Deku seemed to be lifeless on the ground behind me but I knew better. Him and AFO were in a stalemate, a battle for control. All For One vs. One For All and I pray to whatever God there is that Deku wins. 

I hear groans behind me and then screams and a bunch of the villains dropped to their knees, I took the opportunity to inject all the ones I could reach and they tried to make a run for it but were quickly sniped by Mei. 

I look behind me to find Deku standing up and AFO screaming in agony. Something isn't quite right. 

'Deku status report?' Nothing. He just stood there staring at his hands. 

"Midoriya status report?" I asked testing him, he jumped looking at me wide eyed and confused. 

'Kacchan why did you?' I let out a sigh of relief and waved off his question. 

'You weren't responding so I had to test you,' I answered and he slowly nodded. Then he seemed to think better of it and lifted a hand my way and I felt the wind get knocked out of me. I was knocked back and I saw a knife go hurtling past me, where I used to be and landing deep in Deku's leg. He let out a grunt but otherwise stayed quiet, he slowly pulled the blade out and I watched blood return back inside of him and the rip in his suit stitch itself back up again from where I landed. 

What just happened? 

"We won! All-For-One is down!" Deku shouted and a bunch of villains jumped and either Mei's darts got them or the heroes they were fighting were able to take them out for the most part. 

Did we actually win? Did we actually finally complete the mission All Might gave us all those years ago? I looked over at Deku and just then he dropped like a lead weight. 

'Deku is down, Deku is down! Someone get me Recovery Girl now!' I screamed running to catch him just before he hit the ground. I checked his pulse and found it still there and strong. He was breathing too. It was heavy at first but it was calming down as the seconds flew by. Deku passed out. 

'False alarm, Deku just passed out.' I checked AFO next just to be safe and found him breathing too and injected him in each arm and leg just to be safe. If there is anyone that needs multiple injections it is him. 

'Mei put me on the big screen with our coms. I have no idea where the mics are,' and I wait until she gives the all clear. 

"Attention All-For-One is down! I repeat we have WON!" I heard a huge cheer as the heroes redoubled their fights and the villains' morale dropped. Most of the remaining villains were taken out quickly and Mei gave me a couple sets of erassure cuffs and I cuffed AFO at both his hands and ankles. I know it's overkill but I mean this guy is worth every precaution.

I had Deku next to me and I continued to check on him ignoring how Mei still had me be broadcasted on the big screen. "Deku is fine he just passed out from exhaustion, he took out All-For-One," I don't know why I felt the need to explain that but it seemed to work wonders for morale as heroes cheered and before I knew it Recovery Girl was at my side. 

She examined Deku and nodded her agreement before pulling out a couple needles from only God knows where and injected Deku. Once she removed the needle he popped up like someone hit him. 

'Deku stop giving people heart attacks!' I grumble and pop him upside the back of his head. 

'Ow! I'm sorry!' he whined, rubbing his head and Recovery Girl just groaned before standing up. After that everything was just getting all the villains processed and taken away. Thanks to Mei and our other support and legal team members we were able to get each villain processed and taken out almost as soon as we opened the doors again. 

Mei had already sent for the transport vehicles and they were lined up outside before being quickly filled and sent away. At least that was the goal. There were so many villains that we had to wait for more to arrive but Mei had taken that into account before the fighting actually started. I'm glad she is on our team. 

I'm so exhausted I barely even register what time it is; we spent over three hours fighting. That alone is ridiculous, I mean how am I even standing?

"Bakugo! Midoriya!" I turn my head still holding a villain waiting to be loaded in the next van. It was Eraserhead and once the police came and took away the villains we were currently holding we both turned to him. I had already checked with Mei and although we don't have a full count of casualties we can be sure that everyone in class A made it out alive. Mei was the only one not actually in class A that stayed behind to fight. Everyone else helped coordinate police pick ups and medical personal so Recovery Girl was no longer the only person treating people. 

"Yes Sensei?" Deku asked while I just grunted barely able to keep my eyes open but still somehow functioning anyway. Plus Ultra am I right? 

"Did? Did all the students make it out?" He glared at us. I think he is just too worried right now to actually care what his face is doing and he has the most severe case of resting bitch face I have ever seen. 

"Class A made it out alive. I think Grape Juice is the only one that actually got hurt aside from us. He was already bandaged by the EMT's and sent back to work to help with the arrest. His quirk is oddly helpful in that." I groaned, yawning. 

"What do you mean besides you?" Eraserhead glared trying to check us over but couldn't really see anything. Yes winter uniform that's right. 

"I'll live and Deku already saw Recovery Girl, I'm pretty sure it was all done on the big screen, I'm surprised you didn't see it. Deku passed out after fighting All-For-One." Again I yawned, I could feel my head nodding off as I went but I couldn't stop yet we aren't done yet! 

"Bakugo? Bakugo!" 

"Kacchan!" There is the voice I like to hear, Deku when we get home can you just hold me for a while? I'm so tired and thirsty too. I want to cuddle. I don't even remember blinking...


'Kacchan, please wake up! I love you so much. Please wake up?' I could hear my lover's voice sobbing nearby. No that's not right. Deku shouldn't be crying. Why is he crying? 

I force my eyes open only to be blinded by bright white lights and close them again. No, I can't fall asleep! Deku is crying. I can't sleep knowing he is crying. I force them open even in the bright white light. I look around and see that I am in a hospital room. Deku is sitting next to me, his head on the bed holding my hand. In a hospital again huh? Damn what did I do to get here this time?

"I really hate waking up to hear you crying," I croak trying to laugh but my throat is so dry it just hurts. But it didn't matter. Deku heard me and sat bolt upright. I smile at him, still so very tired. I tried to lick my lips and keep talking but Deku stood up getting and holding a cup of water for me to drink from. Oh yes I needed that. I drank the whole cup and he refilled it and I drank it too. 

'Thanks love,' I smile at him as he puts the now full cup of water down next to me. 'So what's the damage this time?' I tried to joke but his face went pale. 

'I-I...' he looked down and I saw the guilt on his face. 

'It's okay whatever it is I'll listen. I trust you,' I smiled at him putting my hand on top of his. Then he told me. How he managed to beat AFO by taking his quirk from him while he was giving him quirks to try and overwhelm him. He told me how he took a lot of them, he had to in order to take All-For-One and then how he managed to give all the crappy quirks back to him and take other good quirks to try and help people. Maybe help our class get stronger even. The things he told me were amazing and fantastic but he was hiding something still. 

'Deku, what's wrong?' I looked him in the eye and when he tried to look away I gently pulled his chin back towards me and saw fresh tears pooling up in his eyes. 

'I had to take your quirk Kacchan. You overworked your body so much that you were about to explode, literally. Your quirkless right now,' A part of me felt relieved that that was all it was but I have a feeling that he wouldn't be like his if he could just give it back now would he? 

'Deku I trust you. If there is anyone in this world who can keep my explosions safe it's you.' I wipe his tears away ignoring the hollow feeling in my chest. 

'But Kacchan what if I can't figure out how to give you your quirk back!' He cried, ah there it is. The fear that he somehow hurt me while trying to save me. 

'I love you nerd, even if that means I have to be quirkless for the rest of my life. So long as I have you by my side it doesn't matter.' I look around and see the room still empty even though we have been talking for a while now. 

'Deku where are we? Where is everyone? Are we safe? Can I kiss you?' I saw him light up at the last question and practically dived on top of me knocking the air out of me before kissing me his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist. I guess that answers all the important questions. 

When we finally pulled apart Deku pulled out his phone and sent a text to our extras he held my hand for about another twenty seconds before letting it go and as if on cue the door opened letting all the extras flood in as well as nurses who kept trying to shoo them out not yet realizing I was awake already. 

"Can you all can it! I have a headache," I held up a hand as if to set off my explosions but nothing happened. Right, that's going to take some getting used to... 

"Bro what just happened?" Kirishima didn't miss that. 

"Dude why didn't your quirk go off?" Neither did Kaminari, shit he is supposed to be the dense one too. 

Icyhot looked at me and understanding clouded his eyes, "Your quirk is gone, isn't it?" The room fell silent at the question and even the nurses froze. 

"Wait someone's quirk can't just be gone. Can it? I've worked as a nurse for a few decades now and there has never-" I wave her off. 

"Yeah, it's gone. For now," I give Deku a meaningful look before turning back to them all. "It will probably be gone for a while too so don't make me actually hit you to get your attention because we all know I can still take you all on!" 

"Oh my All Might. America's number one hero is quirkless!" Kami was starting to freak out. 

"What part of can it can't you understand?" I growled at him. "I will get my quirk back, fuck stop acting like I died or some shit." The room went frosty at that. 

"Fuck who died?" I should have known better than to assume that we actually walked away with everyone. 

"No one, just. There were a lot of close calls, so many are hospitalized and you're not the only one to lose your quirk." I nod now understanding how Todoroki figured it out so quickly. 

"Well maybe they will get their quirks back too. It's going to take a lot of trial and error though. We'll have to work on it," I rub my face now sitting up in my hospital bed. 

"What do you mean?" Kaminari asked and I just shook my head. 

"We have the best team in the world and you think something this small can stop us? That it can stop me? Fuck no! I'll probably have my quirk back before graduation. 

"Kacchan's right, we have the best people in the world on our team. It only makes sense that we can pull it off," Deku smiled back at me and I grinned. I'm glad I was able to reassure him.