Time moved so slowly, I felt like I was missing a piece of myself but thankfully Deku never gave up. I was discharged that same day and he took me back to the dorms and thankfully our room. I was still so sore I told him not to worry about my quirk yet, I needed to heal a bit first. 

He helped me relax and we made slow sweet love only breaking for meals and cuddles. I spent all of my time with him. I couldn't get enough of him. If he was in our room I was there, if he was in the kitchen I was there. I needed him, maybe it was the fact that we very nearly died. Maybe it was the fact he has my quirk and I needed to be close to him in order to feel whole. I really just don't know. 

Once he was forced to go back to school I followed and I threw a fit if anyone tried to stop me. Eraserhead knew about me being quirkless and went around not telling the school by claiming that we all needed to concentrate on hand to hand combat because during the battle so many of us could have done better than we actually did. He also made me sit heroics out for the first two weeks considering I wasn't actually supposed to be back in classes yet. 

Back at the dorms Deku and I hid in our room and he practiced using my quirk for a long time so he could get a feel for it and understand it. I also found out that he was able to get his actual quirks that were stolen from him when we were four. He said it was like wearing a glove that was made just for him. It felt right and he was able to use them almost as soon as he tried them. I doubt that would be the case if he didn't have One-For-All but who really knows?

After the third week Aizawa Sensei took me and Deku to the side and told me that he had to tell them that I lost my quirk. 

"Give us until Monday, he'll have it back by then." Deku sounded so sure of himself that I didn't doubt him for even a second, and neither did our teacher. 

"Okay, don't disappoint me." He put a hand on each of our shoulders and nudged us back towards the dorms. 

We went directly to our room and I locked the door, not able to wait too much longer and no it wasn't my quirk I was waiting for. 'Deku I need you,' I whisper and start walking towards him and our bed. I need to feel him. I need to feel whole and the only way I felt whole was when I was with him. 

We stripped our clothes and I kissed and sucked and bit almost as much as he did but when he pushed his shaft inside of me my whole body arched into his touch, as if I were starved for his attention. 

'Kacchan?' Deku's voice was low and I could feel him kissing on my chest making it all feel so much better. 

'Fuck Deku! Fuck me, please fuck me. It's Friday and I don't want to feel my legs until Monday!' I moaned, my nails already scratching up his back. 

'If that's what you want,' he kissed me, taking my wrist and pinning them above me. 'That's what you'll get,' he crooned and my body flinched under him making him go further inside and I couldn't help the noises I made. I let myself enjoy his touch with everything he was doing to me to the fullest. For once not holding back afraid I might hurt him by exploding on accident. The way he slid himself into me filling me as if that was the only place he ever needed to be. 

Fuck he made me cum a lot, I was panting and Deku had little explosions going off around him which somehow didn't bother me in the least. I just took him in. 'Izuku I can't hold on much longer!' I warned him and sure enough I came but not before he pulled out and took me in his mouth. How does he even do that? How is his timing so perfect? 

'Kacchan I want to try something, do you trust me?' he asked looking up at me, my cock still next to his face. 

'Yes,' I waited to see what he wanted to try, what he wanted to do. He got back on his knees and slid himself back inside my body and just like usual I feel my climax building again. He moved slowly at first but his excitement was getting to him and I could feel myself winding up tighter and tighter and I just couldn't handle too much more. I let out a scream and he cut it off kissing me and when he came I swear that his mind was embracing mine and I could feel his just as easily as I could feel my own. We came together but something was different. I felt whole. Like more whole than before? 

I roll Deku over and get on top of him for once, kissing on him. 'Oi Deku?' I asked and when he finally opened his eyes trying to look at me I grin at the sight of him under me. 'Let me top you?' I asked kissing on his neck again and I get excited when he nodded not yet understanding what I just said. 

I grab the lube and coat his entrance making sure to be liberal with it. I pressed inside feeling him squirm against me. Yes me topping is kind of rare but Deku and I are very aware of each other's bodies. It didn't take long for me to cum but he was a different story and once I came I climbed on top of him and slid him inside of me, that got his full attention. 

'Fuck Deku why haven't we done this before?' I asked him while trying not cum again too soon but the fact was that it was the middle of the night and I needed him. I sat in his lap slowly lifting and lowering myself up and down until he put his hands on my hips and helped me go faster and faster. I came on his chest which wasn't a big deal, no what was a big deal was how Deku pulled me down so hard on himself that I swear he had me seeing stars but my screams of pleasure wouldn't stop. He came. He came hard and it was like an explosion. 

I fell over too tired to care if I pulled him out or if we cleaned up at all. 


Saturday morning and I'm down stairs trying to cook some fucking french toast but Kiri, Kami and Todoroki were getting on my last nerves. 

I slammed the bowl down and held up a hand out of reflex and small pops starting going off in my hand. Wait. What? My quirk is back? I started and so did the others. I set them off slowly getting larger and larger as I did. It didn't take long for my explosions to get to their normal size again. 

"Deku!" I went running up the stairs, the french toast mix forgotten as I ran in setting off my quirk. At first he just groaned telling me to quiet down. Then after several moments his eyes flew open and he sat bolt upright. 

'What?' He started then held up a hand and set off his own explosions but unlike before they had a bit of a green tint to them where mine was red. How did I get my quirk back? Why did it change for Deku?

Deku got dressed while I sent Recovery Girl a text and we raced to her office. Several of our classmates followed not really knowing what was going on but ready in case we needed help. She checked me all over and found nothing wrong with me. It wasn't until now that she found out I had been quirkless this whole time and hit me with her cane. 

The end result we went back to the dorms and I texted All Might and Aizawa Sensei and when they got there I already had a feast being delivered from a nearby restaurant too tired to bother cooking and thankful Shoji had put away the stuff for french toast this morning. 

"Oi extras! I'm still number one!" I laughed setting off my quirk just as both teachers walked into the dorm common room with Present Mic, All Might and Aizawa knew of course but Present Mic; it was really a coin flip if he knew or not. 

All Might practically ran to me and hugged me surprising me for a second and then it was a dog pile effect starting with Deku and Kirishima. The food arrived and I swear it was the biggest party in UA History. We invited all the other dorms claiming it was to celebrate our graduation this week but no one cared. Even class B came and to say they didn't grow the fuck up because of the sports festival would have been a lie. We even invited a couple to join the Wonder Duo after graduation, Monamoa was shocked at the offer and took it with both hands. 


"Katsuki Bakugo!" Nezu called and I stood up and walked across the stage listening to him recount my accomplishments and when I finally arrived at the podium he gave me my diploma and held the mic out for me to say what hero agency I was working for. 

"Wonder Duo, that I founded with my partner Deku." I smiled and walked away like I was supposed to. Not surprising anyone, everyone in class A went to the Wonder Duo. What did surprise everyone was how many from class B were also joining the Wonder Duo. 

When everything was finished we had another party before moving all of our things to the apartment building that we had set up like the dorms. This way we could all stay together if we wanted and we even got a few teleporters from other schools, they didn't really want to be heroes themselves but they did want to work with heroes. With their help we were able to work around the world at any of our branch offices that we wanted. 

Our legal teams worked swiftly and thanks to the fight with AFO being completely recorded the world had a massive change of heart about Pride. It took less than 5 years for all but a handful of countries to outlaw discrimination based on a person's preferences. Deku and I got married quietly a year or two afterwards. 

The world thinks he split up with Momo because she prefered girls and she got married and had a huge lavish wedding. The world also thinks Uraraka and I split for the same reason when she then married Tsu. 

Deku and I are 27 now and at an interview with one of the world's leading hero TV programing and we were joking around and just having fun. 

Interviewer: "What bad luck that both of your long time girlfriends turned out to be a part of the community you swore to protect. Does it make you wish you never held their flag?"

We laughed in response, "No I most certainly do not! I still love Momo and Uraraka. They are my dear friends!" Deku answered. 

"Fuck maybe we should take a page out of their book and go on a date?" I laughed and smiled at Deku. 

He grinned back before standing up and sitting in my lap. "Oh I don't know my husband might not appreciate that?" He was basically purring. 

I pulled him in for a kiss, "Oh I approve. I approve very much." The interviewer was just about having a stroke not able to focus on his questions at this point. 

"YOUR MARRIED TO EACH OTHER!!!" The rest of the interview was a lot of fun and our host was pretty much red the whole time. Our popularity also skyrocketed once the interview was aired. 

Later when we were at home I opened a bottle of wine and brought it out into the living room where Deku was currently chatting with our parents and All Might. I gave everyone a glass and poured for them before pulling Deku into my lap. 

"So Kacchan and I have big news!" Deku was squirming in my lap and I couldn't help smiling at his excitement. 

"Well come on ya brat what is it?" My old hag demanded and I just smiled at her which made her scoot closer to dad. 

"I'm pregnant," I answered and they froze. Yep we decided it should be me that got hit by the quirk to help us have a baby and Deku and I had a lot of fun filling me. It only took two or three sessions with the doctor before I came back as pregnant and I will be showing any day now, I'm about 4 months along. 

"You're pregnant?" Aunty Inko asked, dropping her glass and snatching mine away. 

"Relax it's just sparkling juice. Our baby is going to be strong and healthy after all," I smile nuzzling into Deku who was giggling. "The rest of you need to help us get rid of the wine though." I looked back at them still smiling. 

Deku was on my lap but he was so careful rubbing on my belly that was not nearly so tightly toned as before thanks to the little bit of baby weight. Since being pregnant all I want to do is cuddle and snuggle with Deku. That and eat. Oh my god I'm so hungry all the time! I pick up the slice of cucumber from Deku's plate to nibble on it, still holding him. 

He seemed to get the hint and ran to the kitchen and brought back more that he must have cut up real quickly and sat down gently in my lap and started feeding me the veggie. Damn at least my food cravings were somewhat healthy? I guess? I don't even fucking know.

"I'm going to be a grandma?" My hag asked and then jumped up scaring me. I have also been way too jumpy since I've been pregnant. "Finally!" I rolled my eyes at my mom and aunty before kissing on my husband's neck, not caring in the least that I still had cucumber in my mouth. 

This is our story and for those of you that don't fucking like it. Go suck a dick, I promise you'll feel better. *Wink*

The End.