Chapter 47 - Back to Nature

His first priority was mending his wounded body.

The main problem was Freya's Victa Stigma.

When Freya wounded Viers, her Victa residue made its mark in Viers' body when she injured him. Viers likened it to 'infection', magical ones.

Pathseekers' wounds were hard to heal and this was one of the reasons. Victa Stigma hampered their healing effort. That was why some Pathseekers needed months or years to heal from a grievous injury.

Next was repairing his inner energy veins.

Victa originated from Intio. If Intio was like a heart then the 'inner energy veins' were like blood vessels, pathways for Victa circulation.

Inner energy veins… I'll call it Magic Circuit from now on. Yes, the Fate franchise taught me much. Sounds cooler too.

Viers was in the state of 'half-crippled' in xianxia stories. Very troublesome to heal. Those people who had trouble utilizing their qi or whatever else passed for that in that universe.

But Viers was not a normal cultivator.

The first thing Viers did after waking up was training. He moved outside and sat cross-legged basking in the light of the sun, palms, or palm for the current him, facing upward on his knee. He would appear like he was meditating to other people.

This was the training method of Profound Codex Serpentes Renovamen, the very first technique he received from Clarissa.

Although he might be injured, Viers didn't stop his Intio development. He was only Level 2, and a fledgling Level 2 at that, still far from Level 3 threshold.


Compared to my previous mediocre cultivation manual, this one is a hundred times superior. If I train in a mana-rich environment then my cultivation speed would rise even more.

This particular Profound Codex also had a tasty side benefit, it would raise his vitality or life energy, something he sorely needed right now.

This Profound Codex must be trained in a set. The first was after sundown and the second was after sunrise. The optimal time to practice the Codex was before the user fell asleep and just after waking. The two steps must be done in order and completed or it wouldn't be effective. Doing only the morning step was useless, the same case if only the night step was done.

"The lamias are a race with long lives, one part of the reason is because of this Profound Codex. The Profound Codex that the masses used were the lesser kind derived from this Codex. This version is the best one, only the lamian royalty was permitted to learn it.''

That was what Clarissa said to him the first time he learned Serpentes Renovamen.

The original name was different, Viers changed it to be easier to use.

What's with lamias and long-winded names? Wisdom Snake's Unveiling Gaze, Immortal Snake's Death and Life Esoterica, seriously? Euryale Sight and Serpentes Renovamen are easier to say. Did they need to chase word count too like web novelists?

After his morning cultivation session was complete, Viers went back into the house and continued meditating. Yesterday, Viers walked around the village but today he remained in the house for the whole day. He sat cross-legged like a statue. The Irvings left him alone, they didn't want to disturb him.

Despite his outside appearance, Viers was hard at work healing his body. There was a massive construction effort inside him. The source of Viers' healing factor was his life energy. Since his life energy had gotten dangerously low, the automatic healing he usually enjoyed was hampered and slowed. Viers forcefully overrode the limitation and reduced his life energy even more in exchange for a faster recovery.

With Viers directing the healing factor directly, invoking healing Arte at times, exterminating the Victa Stigma, and operating on the delicate part like a surgeon, his body rapidly returned to a healthy state.

In the late afternoon, Viers opened his eyes and stretched his body to feel the difference. Although he wasn't healed completely, he regained his smooth motor control and became much better than yesterday.

Truly, you cannot appreciate the meaning of health until you become sick.

On the other hand, his life dwindled even further. He calculated he only had a few months left of life span.

I feel… old. I can't really explain it but it strangely felt that way. Thankfully my face isn't wrinkled and my teeth aren't falling off… I must eat some monsters soon. Gasp! Is this my karma for making fun of Clarissa!? Did I really become a 9000-year-old teenager? I'm still 16, right? RIGHT?

And then there was the issue of the Victa in his possession.

During the battle with Freya and the escape after that, he had almost used up all of his Victa. Although new Victa was generated during the time he was unconscious, it didn't change the fact that his Victa was at a critical level.

Viers must eat monsters, it most likely would involve a battle with the said monster.

Battling used Victa, which he was in very short supply of.

Guess I have to be smart when doing it then, Viers determined.

He walked outside the house and spotted Arim. The young father was inside the nearby shack, making pots from clay.

"Ah, Mister Avel. Are you well?"

"Much better. Where's Susan and Luca?"

"Susan was procuring dinner and Luca… should be playing near the river by now."

"...It's almost dark, shall I pick her up?"

"Uhhh, there's no need to trouble yourself, Mister Avel. She usually comes back on her own."

"It's fine, I need the walk."

Viers asked Arim for directions and went to the river. The reddish sky on the horizon was very picturesque.

He found her, playing alone in the riverbank with a straw doll, talking to fishes, and playing house with colored rocks.

Poor girl… Her gift is also a burden. Oh well, guess I must do something.

Viers promised to teach Luca but he must get closer to her first. That meant creating a bridge between them.

With a plan in his head, he returned first. At the house, Arim had just finished working clay and started tilling the field with a hoe.

Viers told him his plan and asked for a bit of clay. Arim happily gave some.

Susan and Luca returned home not long after Viers, before it got dark.

During dinner, the Irvings and Viers ate another… humble meal. A bit fancier than before, perhaps because VIers agreed to help Luca yesterday.

No wonder they all looked a bit skinny.

"Mister Arim, Madam Susan, and little Luca, thank you for the hospitality you have given me. My wounds have become much better. I'll earn my keep starting tomorrow."

"Apologies Mister Avel, we couldn't do more," Susan spoke apologetically.

"Not at all, I'm very grateful you gave help to a complete stranger like me. I might need to buy some stuff for daily necessities. Where do I go if I want to buy things here?"

Granted, Viers was broke at this point. He didn't possess a single copper coin but he figured he could still make a deal with the seller.

"No one," Arim looked amused. "People create their own goods and or barter the rest."

"...No uses of money here?" He was shocked. Viers didn't expect to wind up in such a backwater place.

"Pecan Village has been closed from the bigger world since a decade ago. We're surrounded by monster-infested areas and the only relatively safe route outside was blocked. A particularly dangerous monster moved in from somewhere and made a lair in the area. There used to be small caravans or individual traveling merchants visiting us now and then but no more since that monster came."

Secluded village indeed. I didn't really pay attention at the time but perhaps the river I rode on is also filled with aquatic monsters?

"Oh, how I missed that apple candy that the big bearded merchant used to bring when we were little. Remember that darling?" Arim said.

"Every time a caravan came, it was like a festival. What a precious time, ufufu." Susan also remembered the past fondly.

"Shame Luca hasn't been able to experience that," Arim gently caressed Luca's hair.

"Hmm… "

Viers touched his chin and started thinking.

"But no city officials came to ask for taxes either so not all is bad," Arim added. "Since this village did not get attacked by monsters despite being surrounded by them, we are mostly on our own here. We create our things ourselves. Mister Avel, what do you want to buy?"

"Mmn? Clothes for starters. My previous ones are ruined and the one I wear now are borrowed from you."

"I'm a seamstress so my job is to make clothes. We have some spares, feel free to use that," Susan amiably said.

Viers nodded but determined to pay them back.

"So there has been no coming and going since a decade ago?"

"Well… there was one person who came here about one year ago. He stays at the edge of the village. He's… a bit unique." Arim carefully replied.

"We are all a little different, dear. He isn't bad," Susan said.

"Yeah, you're right. I was insensitive, sorry," Arim nodded a few times.

Luca seldom talked during dinner. She also didn't talk to Viers because of shyness. Since the topic didn't involve her, she seemed bored.

Still, no place to buy stuff, huh? What was I thinking? Did I subconsciously expect a 7-Eleven to exist in this place?