The rest of the dinner was filled with pleasant conversations. The youth said that he wanted to cultivate some crops too. He wouldn't be here for too long so he needed fast-growing vegetables. Turnip was his first choice.
I refuse to leave this place without a true Harvest Moon experience! I must till the soil, plant the seeds, water them every day, and harvest them!
Every experience made him stronger so why not? He liked those games.
Unfortunately, the Irvings didn't have turnip seeds. They only had plant seeds that needed quite a bit of time to mature, which was outside Viers' timetable.
Eh, I'll find some alternative then. Viers was determined to plant some crops.
Luca seemed to want to say something but didn't open her mouth.
The next day, Viers was well-rested and looking hale. At least he no longer needed to walk like a 100-year-old grandpa.
His left hand had started growing too. It was like a baby's hand at first, small and disproportionate. It was quite a disturbing sight so Viers always covered it with a cloth. He still used the arm sling so it didn't look out of place.
"Alright, I need to go outside. I'll return in the evening."
Viers went outside of the village, seeking monsters.
Later that afternoon.
He witnessed two monsters in a territorial dispute, battling each other. Gnashing and biting and mauling each other as if they were mortal enemies.
One was a medium-sized pig but very heavy. Its black mane and tusks looked menacing.
The other was a feline creature with a single glowing green-colored horn. It had three tails.
If I'm not wrong, those are Barbar Warthog and Ajrut Tiger.
Viers spent the whole morning scouting the area. The deeper into the forest, the stronger the monster became. But the entrance area of the forest wasn't as dangerous, next to no monsters but plenty of normal animals. Perfect for the villagers to forage some woodland products or hunt some game.
Using Euryale Sight, he took note of the dangerous ones in the far distance.
Monsters attacked on sight, this is a Red Zone.
Viers used his Euryale Sight almost constantly during his first visit.
Thankfully, the monster's Rank isn't that high. Almost none in Rank 3. I just have to be careful and stay away from them.
Depending on the monster, Orange Zones might be more dangerous than Red Zones and vice-versa.
Viers was looking at the dueling monsters from the branch of a high tree. He decided to intervene. His fingers made a square, a taking photo gesture.
Fatal Soulframe First Form: Horror!
A flash brightened the area for a split second but since it was high noon, it didn't stand out.
Two photos were created, appearing from thin air. One depicted the pig and the tiger on the other.
The two monsters became still and fell like marionettes with their strings cut. They were still breathing, eyes opened but there was only blankness inside them.
Although First Form: Horror can be used for cursing, its main purpose is to attack so I made the attack power quite high. Against those without soul resistance, I can completely capture their souls and turn them into photos. Even if they resist, their soul would be injured.
The photo disappeared, he absorbed them. And just like that two Rank 1 monsters met their demise.
Monster souls couldn't be soul searched but why waste it? I still have some use for you.
Viers killed the monsters who had become soulless husks painlessly before cutting them open and bringing some of their meat back, along with the pelt from the warthog and horn from the tiger. He brought his loot to the forest entrance area where monsters didn't dare to get close for some unknown reason.
Perhaps something in the village is scaring them? And no monster cores, just as I thought.
He felt it was quite a waste to leave the carcass behind, many edible parts remaining but he had no choice, they were too heavy. Viers couldn't bring them without using Victa and he didn't want to waste his precious MP.
Where's my bag of holding? Where's my inventory ring? Why didn't I find those early like the other MCs in their stories? It would make my life a whole lot easier! Viers grumbled while hauling big hunks of meat.
Finally, Viers made a campfire and had a barbeque. He cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and put them on skewers.
After they were cooked enough, Viers chomped on them like a hungry beast. He truly was hungry. The Irvings didn't have a lot of food and he was a freeloader, how could he ask for a bigger portion when they themselves were lacking food?
The meat was tough and hard to bite. They were passable but not particularly good.
I wish I had some salt, even a sprinkle would make these much better.
The chubby youth ate enough meat for four people to have a full belly.
"Aaaahhh…" Viers blurted a voice of satisfaction.
About a month's worth of life energy gained? It might seem a lot from one meal but I've been spending my life energy like water anyway so it actually isn't.
From the scouting, he was 60% convinced Freya and the Level 5 old man did not know his location. Or at least weren't close enough at the moment.
Well, I'll make preparations to vamoose if it comes to that. Is it time already? I'll bring a souvenir for tonight. The Irvings need to eat more meat. They're so skinny.
Viers went back to the village.
"Hello Mister Fish. This is Lulu. I've made the green bread you requested. I hope you and Madam Fish will like it."
Luca was playing by herself again near the river. She heard the sound of someone coming and turned her head. It was the slightly round-bellied one-handed man she saved. He was carrying a doll in his hand.
"Hear me, plebeian. I am the magnificent Poupou. The Lemon King. I come from the yellow moon. What is your name, hairless monkey?"
Luca was taken aback, unsure how to answer.
"Do you not hear me? Or speaking is too hard for you? Or are you simply in awe for my magnificence?"
Avel approached, making it as if the yellow-colored clay doll shaped like a snowman he made yesterday was walking closer to Luca.
"Lu-Luca," the purple-haired girl replied nervously.
"Come now, speak for this king. Mine patience isn't unlimited."
Avel moved the doll as if it was staring at Luca's straw doll. Luca looked like she had a flash of an idea of what was Avel trying to do.
"Lulu! My name is Lulu, a villager."
"Pou-pou-pou," Avel laughed like a silly man. He got into character. "Villager Lulu you say? Very well, at least you can speak. As king, I demand you give me a tour of this place. I must say this place is really amazing. Not as amazing as the magnificent me, of course. But almost."
Avel turned the clay doll left and right. The Lemon King from the moon inspecting the area.
"Now who are these fellows you were talking to earlier? Introduce them to this king."
"Y-yes, Mister Poupou." Luca replied.
"KING Poupou! Address me with my title, Villager Lulu, or I'll have you executed!"
"Yesss! Sorry, ahh, a-apologies," Luca stuttered.
'Lulu' guided 'Poupou' to the river with a lot of fish.
"Mister Fish? Why does he look so boney? Has he eaten anything for the past year? And which one is Madam Fish? They all look the same to me. Hard to differentiate."
"This Mister Crab of yours is really peculiar. I can't imagine having two giant claws instead of my hands. Look at this round and smooth design! Perfection!"
Avel showed his clay doll who had round balls as hands, because making fingers was too difficult. He tried to pass his design defect as a selling point instead.
"Now what's that lanky thing creating those greenies? Trees? Can you eat them? You can't? What's the point for their existence then?"
"So this is called a river, hmn? Where does it go? Ocean? What is that?"
"On the moon there's no need for such things. It's all lemons there. Lemon fruits as far as the eye can see. Why do you think one of the moons is yellow? That was because of the magnificent me! Lemon King Poupou! Bask in my magnificence, villager! Pou-pou-pou-pou!"
Luca started to laugh. Her laughing face was like a cheery morning sun.
Avel played with Luca until the day was late.
"Here, it should be done. Careful, it's hot."
"Thank you, Mister Avel."
Avel caught two fishes from the river. He skewered them and grilled them on a firepit. He gave them both to Luca since he was already full.
"Don't mention it. And Mister Avel sounds off. Call me big brother."
"Un, big brother!" Luca happily replied.
Hehe, what a cute and obedient kid.
Luca was busy munching the fishes while Avel was leisurely watching the sunset.
"Big bro..." Luca said in a small voice.
"Why aren't you afraid of Luca?"
Avel already prepared his answer and had been polishing it for a whole day.
"In a land far, far away, there was a mother duck."
Using his water affinity, he showed Luca the scenes using a water-shaped diorama from the water in the river. She looked remarkably impressed, her eyes were beaming.
"The duck had a lot of eggs. When the eggs hatched, one of the baby birds was different, she was seen as ugly. Her other siblings and the rest of the ducks treated her cruelly. Hitting her with their beaks and speaking ill of her."
Avel directed the opera like a maestro. The water show was very magical, especially for a 10-year-old Luca. He planned to give her an unforgettable memory for a lifetime.
"The ugly duckling was driven away, alone. One day, she saw a flock of white swans flying in the sky."
Avel showed the ducks and swans very clearly so even if Luca had never seen them, she had a visual idea about what he was trying to tell. The ugly duckling was walking alone with its head down, looking like a picture of pity before Avel showed the swans.
"The little ugly duckling was excited, she wanted to fly with them, but she was too young and could not fly. From place to place the duckling wandered, alone. She was always hungry and many foxes wanted to eat her."
"In winter, the ugly duckling couldn't find a house to stay in so she had to take shelter in a cave near a frozen lake. When spring came, the swans she saw in the past descended on the lake."
The maestro made the swans descended majestically, wings opened like a regal spectacle.
"The ugly duckling had grown up and matured. She couldn't stand a life of loneliness anymore so she approached them, thinking it would be better if she were killed by such beautiful birds like them rather than living a life of misery."
"To her surprise, the swans actually accepted her. They gave her a warm welcome and a place among the flock. Only now when looking at her own reflection in the water the ugly duckling realized she was not a duck but had been a swan all along."
"The swan group flew to the air, and the gorgeous swan spread her splendid wings and took flight with her new family."
For the climax, he made the gorgeous swan turn into a crystal clear mirror mid-flight, showing the reflection of a cute young girl with purple hair.
Chapter 48 - Reflection