(Falling to the dark side of the Force. ) (Part two. )

Chapter twelve:

Cale . I knew you'd come for me. Malak thought you might be scared to enter the temple, he doesn't know you like I do. Not anymore. Not since you've changed.

Quickly, Bastila- come we with us! We have to escape before Malak arrives! Juhani said.

Escape? You don't understand. I have sworn allegiance to Lord Malak and the Sith, I am no longer a pawn of the Jedi Council. Replied Bastila.

A pawn of the Jedi Council? What are you talking about? Asked Cale Lestin.

Surely you know what I mean, Cale. Look at what the Council did to you, they turned you into their puppet. The same thing they do to all who are truly strong in the Force. They speak of the dark side as if it something to be feared. But in reality their only goal is to manipulate those who are strong in the Force . The fear of the dark side is a tool to maintain control. Why do you think the Jedi forbid you and Malak from joining the Mandalorian wars? They knew you would realize your true potential and break free from of their domination. Malak has shown me that the Jedi Council have been using me the same way they once tried to use you. They've got holding me back because they knew one day I would surpass them all. Bastila said.

No. I don't believe it! How could you betray us like this, Bastila? Asked Cale.

I resisted at first. I endured the Sith torments with the passionless serenity of a true Jedi, emptying my mind. But after a week of endless tortures I finally saw the truth. Malak forced me to acknowledge my anger and pain. He showed me the liberating power of these emotions. Then he made me see how the Jedi Council has denied me what is mine by right! The Jedi Council gladly used my Battle Meditation in their wars, but they treated me like a child- like an inferior. They were jealous of my power... of what I could become! They wanted me to bow and call them Master and follow their code and obey their order. All the while they were using my Battle Meditation for their own use! Replied Bastila .

I am Cale Lestin, a member of the Jedi Order. Said Cale.

You used to be Cale Lestin, a member of the Jedi Order, but no longer. You are simply a pawn of the Jedi Council and the Republic they serve... like I was until Malak freed me from their shackles! A pity the power you once had is so diluted in you. You could have been strong as I am now... stronger, even. But that will never happen, now. With the power of the Star Forge I will kill Malak and crush the Republic. But I will do so after killing you! Replied Bastila.

(After the battle against Bastila Shan. )

You are stronger than I would have thought possible, after what the Jedi Council did to you. Seems like Malak was wrong- the power of the dark side is not lost to you after all, Cale. Bastila said.

Now you see my true power! Replied Cale.

Yes, Cale! I was there when you almost died in the trap set by the Jedi Council, I used the Force to preserve your life. We are forever linked by my actions on that bridge. The Council tried to exploit our bond. They hoped your memories would lead me to the Star Forge. But in our shared visions of the Star maps I also tasted the power of the taint within you! You deserve to rule by my side, not Malak. I see that now. Together we can destroy my old Master. Join with me and become my apprentice! Bastila told him.

How can I join you, if I don't remember who I am? Asked Cale Lestin.

Your mind was badly damaged to ever fully restore your memories, Cale. But your power, your strength of will, these things still remain! Once long ago you defied the Jedi Council, freeing yourself from their control. You can claim your rightful title as my apprentice. Together we can defeat Malak and take back what is rightfully ours! Bastila told him.

How do I know you won't betray me? Cale Lestin asked her.

It is your loyalty that will keep you as my apprentice. I swore allegiance to Malak only because I thought you lost the power you once wielded. But you have proven yourself in our power. I see you possess the strength to help me destroy Malak. Now I see you will make a worthy Sith Apprentice. Bastila told him.

Yes! Together we can rule the galaxy! Replied Cale Lestin.

Listen to me... the dark side leads to death and destruction. I've seen the horrors the Sith have unleashed on the galaxy. Turn away from this path. Replied Jolee Bindo.

Shut up, old man. Your time is over! The age of the Jedi and the Republic is no more! This is the age of Darth Venus and and the Sith! Bastila told him.

Don't do this, kid. I don't want to, but I'll fight you if I have to. Even if it cost me my life. Replied Jolee Bindo.

Then you must die! Cale Lestin said.

A true Jedi would never bow to the Sith. If this is your decision then I have no choice but to do battle against you. Replied Juhani.

Kill her! Rend her flesh! Show her the fate of all who stand against us! Embrace the power of the dark side! Bastila Shan told Cale.

Death to the Jedi! Said Cale Lestin.

Yes! The sacrificial blood will consecrate this ancient temple in the name of the Sith! With the death of the Jedi the birth of Darth Venus and Darth Zeth will be complete! Replied Bastila.

(After the death of Jolee Bindo and Juhani two Jedi Knights. )

We will have to disable the energy shield around the temple before we can leave. There is a computer here on the temple summit that can access the power generators. We can also disable the disruptor field that protects the Star Forge. Otherwise, the Ebon Hawk won't be able to leave the planet without crashing.

(Time skip. )

Bastila you're alive! I was worried about you. For a minute there I was sure we'd never see you again once Malak got his... w... wait a minute. Where are Juhani and Jolee Bindo? Are they okay? What exactly happened inside that temple? Asked Carth Onasi.

I've reclaimed the title of Darth Zeth. Carth. Cale Lestin told him.

The Jedi Council has failed, Carth. Cale Lestin as become my apprentice! Together we will destroy Malak and seize his fleet, then use it to crush the Republic! Juhani and Jolee would not swear loyalty to me the new ruler of the Sith. They died for their foolishness. Now swer loyalty to me, or face your own death! Bastila said.

What? No! We serve the Republic! You're no better than Malak! We'll never swear allegiance to one who serves the dark side! Carth said.

I guess we'll just have to kill you all! Darth Zeth told him.

Wait, Lord Zeth. Carth only speaks for himself, he does not speak for the others. He may find he stands alone here! The droids will continue to serve us Cale, they are programmed to obey their Masters. And there are others who might join us. The Republic is doomed. The Sith as returned! Who will swear loyalty to me? Bastila said.

You're Bastila and I'll follow you anywhere. It doesn't matter who you're fighting against. I'll be by your side. Mandalorians don't have any great love for the Republic anyway. Light side dark side. It doesn't matter. It makes no difference to me Bastila. I'll stick by you no matter what comes. Canderous told her.

Not everyone is willing to throw their life away to the Republic, Carth! Darth Zeth said.

I saw what the Sith did to Taris- anyone who serves the dark side is evil! Biz Z and I are with Carth on this one! Mission said.

No, Mission. I am bound by a life debt. I must stand with Bastila. Zaalbar said.

Zaalbar. Bastila's a Sith! Just like Malak! It's not betrayal if you break your life debt now! Mission told her friend.

If I go back on my vow I am betraying myself, my people and my ancestors. I cannot do that. Please Mission, join us. Zaalbar pleaded to her friend.

No, Zaalbar. I don't care! I won't help the Sith against the Republic! Not for anything! Not even for you! Mission replied.

You don't have to help the Sith, Mission. Not while I'm here. I see now it was a mistake to let you go into the temple alone. I should have seen this coming. First Saul Karath, and now you guys. I should be an expert in betrayal by now! But nothing you say can make me betray the Republic, and I won't stand by and let you become a ruler of the Sith, Bastila! Carth said.

You don't stand a chance against all of us, Carth. Darth Zeth replied.

Run for it, Mission! Go! Go! Carth said while running for his life.

Let him go! We have more things to worry about. We have to get to the Star Forge and kill Malak. Then we can turn our attention to the Republic. Bastila told her apprentice, while giving his shoulder a tight squeeze.

No this can't be happening! It can't be happening! Mission said.

You should have run while you had the chance. Darth Zeth told her.

No! I'm not going to just stand by and do nothing. You and Bastila will just have to kill me! But I don't think ya'll will. I don't believe you've gone over to the dark side Bastila. I don't think you will kill me. Not if I attack you first. Mission said.

I won't kill. But Zaalbar will, if I tell him to. Bastila replied.

I have sworn allegiance to you Bastila. I will serve you as long as I draw breath. I will not break my bow. But you cannot ask me to kill my best friend. Zaalbar told Bastila.

Looks like you have to do your own dirty work Bastila. If you got the guts! Mission replied.

Bastila then uses (Mind Control on Zaalbar. ) You swore a life debt to me, Zaalbar! You will do as I say!

I have no choice. The life debt is greater than any single life, it is a solemn vow of all my people. I cannot break it, not even for you. Forgive me, Mission. Zaalbar said with tears in his eyes.

Zaalbar, what are you saying? Bastila can't force you to do anything you don't want to! It's me, Big Z- Mission! Mission total her Wookie friend.

Mission, forgive me!!! Zaalbar cried once more.

Please, Zaalbar don't do this! Please! No!!! Zaalbar then decapitated his sixteen year old friend, leaving her body to wither on the floor.

Well done, my Master. You are as ruthless as your old Master ever was! Cale Lestin told Bastila.