(Making a complete fool of the Republic. )

Chapter thirteen:

The Republic Fleet must have got the message Carth sent as we were crashing onto that planet. Maybe we can use their arrival to our advantage. If Malak is distracted by the attack, we should be able to get in close enough to dock on the Star Forge and hunt the Dark Lord down! Bastila Shan said.

This is Admiral Forn Dodonna to the Ebon Hawk, do you read us? Admiral Dodonna asked.

Admiral Dodonna, this is Bastila Shan of the Jedi Order . We are receiving your transmission. Bastila replied.

It is good to hear your voice Bastila. We thought you were lost to us. Carth's transmission reported that Malak had taken you prisoner. Said Admiral Dodonna.

The Jedi sent to rescue me from the Dark Lord did their job well; though I am sorry to report Carth did not survive the mission. Replied Bastila.

His lost is a great blow to the Republic. We could have used him in this battle. We were about to pull back. We're taking heavy losses against the Star Forge. Admiral Dodonna said.

Don't pull back, Admiral. You have to attack the Star Forge now, otherwise the Sith will use it's power to destroy the Republic. Replied Bastila.

I'll try to press the attack but we can't out much longer. Not unless you use your Battle Meditation to turn the tide. This is Master Vandar. A number of Jedi Knights have joined the fleet, under his command. Admiral Dodonna said.

Bastila's power could help us win the battle, Admiral, but it will mean nothing if Malak escapes. Destroying the Star Forge is secondary to stopping the Sith threat once and for all. Replied Master Vandar.

What are you proposing? Asked Admiral Dodonna.

A small squadron of Jedi Knights in snub fighters could penetrate the Sith blockade and dock on the space station. If they can find Malak we could end the threat of the Sith. Forever. Replied Master Vandar.

In order the fleet to press the attack and provide some cover for your fighters. But what of Bastila and her Battle Meditation? Asked Admiral Dodonna.

Bastila, you and, the Padawan... should join us. We need the combined strength of our entire Order to defeat Malak. Said Master Vandar.

As you wish, Master Vandar. And may the Force be with you. The fools! Even Master Vandar did not realize that I have become the new Dark Lord of the Sith! The Jedi strike team and the Republic forces will provide a perfect distraction as we hunt down my ex- Master. And once we have slain, I can use my Battle Meditation and the power of the Star Forge to crush the Republic fleet. All of our enemies will be destroyed in a single glorious day! Replied Bastila.