Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part 24

Kana had figured as much. She thought that there was something going on between Bridan and Cia. Mainly because of her first day there when Cia let her stay for free, putting everything on Bridan's tab. But she never said anything since she did think she had the right to ask such personal questions to someone she had just met. "You haven't seen or heard from him since yesterday?" 

"No, I haven't. That is why I came to ask you..." Cia replied, her face pale as a ghost. She had already lost her husband. She did not wish to lose the only other person she had ever loved.

"Yesterday I did run into someone who tried to stick a sword up my butt…. I wonder if they were actually out to kill me instead… But why would they try to stick a sword up my butt if he was going to kill me? Fetish?" Kana scratched her head. She seemed pretty obsessed with the whole sword sticking up her butt incident even though no such incident had actually happened.