Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part 25

The judge looked at Kana, quite surprised how she was able to deduce everything so easily. He then glanced at Durke Berg, who nodded his head.  Seeing this, the judge adjusted himself as he said: "Since you already know, I will not beat around the bush then. I hereby sentence you to death for stealing and harming members of the royal family!"

"Oh really?" A voice came from outside the door. The door opened, and when they saw who walked in, their faces all fell. Walking in looking like a beggar on the side of the road was a man wearing an old dirty, ripped up shirt, pants, and a pair of cloth shoes that had a hole in the tips where the toes were supposed to go.

"Brother, why are you here!? And dressed like a beggar at that?" Duke Berg frowned seeing his brother walk in. He had a bad feeling something was going to happen.