A Drunk Kana

[AN: Last week's bonus Chapter 5/5]

Kana looked at the menu she was just given. Her eyes scanned the page until it stopped on the most important four letters in her life. M.E.A.T.  "I will take four orders of this here and then for a drink…. I will have four mugs of this fruit ale." 

The waitress looked at Kana a little funny when she heard the last part. "Miss, The fruit ale is very strong. Just one mug can get even the mightiest of men drunk." 

"Mmm, four is fine. Also, bring out a bunch of snacks as well." Kana was in a cheery mood. She had never really drank any alcohol before, so this was going to be a new experience for her. She looked around at the men, who all seemed to be sailors. Some were trying to sneak peeks at her, while others were bluntly staring at her. She sneered at these dirty men and decided to just ignore them.