Yana Part 1

"Ugh… I feel sick..." Kana slowly opened her eyes and looked around in a daze. Naru and Aoi were already awake, sitting next to her, leaning against her leg. "What time is it?" 

"Kana, it's a little past midday." Aoi replied. 

Kana let out a sigh as she sat up. She held her head, trying to remember what she did the previous day, but everything was a complete blank after she had her second mug of fruit ale. "Ugh… Aoi, Naru, what happened last night?"

"We are not sure either we were sipping your ale all night. I only remember laughing and cheering you on." Aoi answered.

"I blanked out after you set the inn on fire." Naru answered.

"Ermmm…" Kana paused, her face turning pale. "I did what and the who now?"

"You set the inn on fire and then stole a keg of fruit ale after that, I don't remember." Naru lowered his head for some reason he felt like he should not have mentioned the whole 'setting the inn on fire' thing.