Asking For Help

Kana looked at the large cube in front of her and let out a long sigh. "Let's investigate first. There are many stations around here with those infocubes. Misaki, help me loo… Put your pants back on!"

"Tch. " Misaki, who was pulling her pants down, paused and clicked her tongue before slowly pulling them back up. 

"Help me look around for important things." Kana ordered before walking over to one of the desks stationed right underneath the cube. Misaki stomped over to another table with a bunch of papers on them and began reading through them.

After turning the infocube on, Kana began going through all the files. "Let's see the Galaxy Cube is able to generate unlimited power, which is what is powering the entire subfloor area. But this is only one of its uses. They found another kind of power inside of it, and after tapping into it and using just a small fraction of that power, it was able to teleport a fruit from one table to another."