Misaki The Genius?

"Kana, this thing is quite amazing!" Eie shouted as she inspected the Galaxy cube. "It has three different kinds of energies within it. Two of which they had tested and one of which they could not access for some reason.  But in the end, they really screwed up when they tried to use this power for transportation. While it can be used to transfer small objects short distances, that is it. The real use of this power is to actually break down living cells to recharge itself. If this was used on a large scale, it would kill every living being in the world. 

"Any idiot who would turn this thing on to do such a thing is just asking to die along with it. Although you can reconstruct the cells, you would need to do so in a short period of time. But these damn idiots thought they could use it to teleport an entire planet. Such stupidity amazes me!" Eie was really amazed that the people who were tinkering with this were able to be as advanced as they were!