Becoming Family

"Oh ho!" Kana yelled out as a blob of water appeared in front of her. She poked the blob of water, but surprisingly it did not break. Seeing the blob of water made Kana wish she had a cup. Since the things she wished for both came true, she decided to try her luck once more. "If only I had a cup to put the water in…."

Kana looked around and almost cheered when she saw a cup rise up from the rock next to her. She picked it up and examined it. When she saw it was fine she scooped the blob of water up into it and took a sip. "Mmm, tasty! Bell here, try some."

Bell was awake but quiet. She seemed to be still trying to process everything that had happened. When Kana moved the cup to her lips and tilted it, she did begin to drink. Luckily Bell was a good girl and still listened.