Meet In The Sea Of Stars

As time went on, Kana got better at magic and even discovered she could take on a humanoid form. This new discovery was big to Kana because it allowed her to sneak into human villages to get a few items that people happily 'donated'. Even if they were not taken under the best of conditions, Kana still had to do it for Bell's sake.

The days and weeks had turned to months, and in a flash, Bell was now fourteen. Although she was fourteen now, she still looked twelve since she had stopped growing altogether. Her vampire blood had something to do with this. 

Kana had trained Bell in both her forms allowing her to get used to both monster and human combat. Sometimes in the middle of a fight, Bell was forced to quickly adjust to the situation since Kana would suddenly transform from human into her 'lizard' form and then back. Sometimes she would even toss out some spells to really keep Bell on her toes.