To The Sea Of Stars

The two girls chatted with one another for a long time before an old man who kept getting ignored couldn't take it anymore. "Ahem! I am still here, you know! I can now finally….. Wait…. Girl, why are you rolling up your sleeves? Why are you cracking your knuckles!?"

Old Dan was confused about Kana's actions all the way up to the point when her fist contacted his face and sent him flying through the air. He rotated around in a perfect spiral as he cut a straight line through the air. He wondered…. Why did she hit him? 

Kana looked at the old man she sent flying and gave a proud snort! "Humph! Taking peeks at me!"

"Pfft! Hahahaha! I told that perverted old man he would end up getting knocked senseless, and I was right!" Camlia was holding her stomach as she laughed. She always found it amusing when Old Dan was beaten up.