A New Goddess Is Born

"Sister Bi are you sure?" Mei Ling asked. The two girls were in their room on the ship. Bi Ling finally decided to tell Mei Ling she wanted to have her own body so that Mei Ling could finally follow her new path.

"Mm…. I need to find my own path in life. You have found yours. But Mei…. I will always be there to protect you, so no matter what, do not think I do not wish to be by your side anymore." Bi Ling did not want Mei Ling to think she was going to abandon her. 

"I know." Mie Ling smiled. She felt it was slightly regretful, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. "Let's talk with Mama."

"Mmm…" the girls walked out to where their Mama was having tea with their new godmother. The day Camlia boarded the ship, she took every one of Kana's kids as her godchildren without hesitation. 

"Oh! Bi and Mei!" Camlia called out, pulling the girl into her arms and hugging her.