The Place Where She Opened Her Heart

A golden light enveloped Bi Ling's body. Mei Ling stared at her sister in shock. Within that golden light, Mei Ling could see golden armor covering her sister's body along with a silverish golden transparent barrier that surrounded her in a hexagonal pattern. While this was all truly surprising, the thing that surprised Mei Ling the most was the gentle nature of the light. It felt soothing and made Mei Ling remain calm even though this shocking scene was placed in front of her. It seemed very holy….

This scene did not last long. Soon the light diminished as if what had just happened never happened. The armor and barrier were now both gone. All that was left was Bi Ling peacefully sleeping on the bed with a smile on her face. Mei Ling looked at her sister and also smiled. She had a feeling, a feeling that maybe just maybe, her sister would now have a path of her own.