Chapter 26

At first, I don't remember anything. Not where I was, or what happened before I was out. However suddenly, my eyes pop open as I recall what had happened. They found me.

I sit up slowly to see bot of them hovering over me like the creepy stalkers they were. "Where is your loving husband and the police at huh?" I hear Dayton ask sarcastically as I struggle to stay focused. "What are you talking about?" I ask cautiously. How did he know they were coming. "Oh, we know about the silent alarm you tripped upstairs." Brooke starts as she points a gun in my face making me wish the couch would swallow me whole. "Now what is going to happen is you're going to call Alex who is probably still at the station and tell him you accidentally set it off and then take your ass upstairs and turn it off." She tells me so calmly that if she hadn't been waving a gun in my face, I would have laughed.