My bucketlist! (Part 2) - Steak Day

"Steak? You're joking... right?" said Bless as he looks at Emilia seriously.

"Why would I be joking about it? You said I can write any wishes I wanted. So, I want to eat steak!" She replied happily.

"I mean, you have eaten steak before am I right?" Bless asked Emilia for confirmation.

She quickly looks away from him. As if she's hiding the embarrassing truth of her answer.

"Y-you see, actually I have never eaten steak before in my entire life, hehe." She finally spills the beans to Bless and he was shocked by it.

He burst into laughter when he thinks that Emilia was joking about the fact she never tried steak before. "Hahahaha!! You're definitely not being serious, are you? There's no way you never eat steak in your life before, right?"

Eventually, he accepted the fact that Emilia was telling the truth to him when her expression speaks louder than her word. He was left with his jaw dropped widely while Emilia embarrassingly looked away from him.

"How can you never taste a steak before?! Even if you have been locked down in this hospital for ages, the cafe here does provide the customer with steak in their menu!" He shouted abruptly at Emilia in shock.

"Shut the hell up! What do you expect?! I'm a patient here! We as the patients have stuff we can't eat due to our medical condition! Besides, the doctor didn't know what's my sickness is yet. So he restrained me from consuming any food that is high in cholesterol!" She attacked him back furiously with her words while hitting Bless's head with the note.

"Ouch ouch! Okay, I understand! Stop hitting me dammit!" He replied while he covered his head with his hands.

Nonetheless, both of them calm down and the room slowly filled with silence. But in reality, Bless was trying his best to hold his laughter when he can't believe how funny it is to meet a person who never tasted steak in their life before. On the other hand, Emilia was quite pissed when she saw how Bless reacted and she quickly swung her note at him with full force, almost grazing his forehead in the process. That was a close call that he's able to dodge before the note hit him or his forehead could have split in two.

You can say that he escaped death once again in his life. Emilia was giving him the death glare after she swung the note at him. He behaved himself and said to her,

*Cough* "Okay, I'll buy you the steak at the cafe tonight if that what you wish for,"

"NO! Are you stupid?! That isn't how I want to get my steak!" She rejected Bless opinion quickly.

"Wait what-? Then how do you expect us to get steak if it's not from the cafe?!" He asked Emilia.

"How should I know?! Aren't you the one saying you gonna help me with my wish! SO FIND A WAY!" She started scolding Bless out of nowhere.

"Oh, my freaking god. If I know you'll act childish like this in the end I would have just ignored your request!" Bless was annoyed with how Emilia reacting and he shook her on her shoulder.

Emilia was about to cry after hearing what Bless said to her. He quickly switched the topic around and apologized for what he said,

"AAAAHHH don't cry! I'm sorry! I was joking! I do wanna help you, dummy. I do!"

She punched Bless on his shoulder and shouted at him, "Then help me with it sincerely!"

"I am! Oh my god. Then tell me how do you actually want to eat your steak?"

She stopped hitting him and crossed her arm together and replied, "I was thinking that we can cook the steak by ourselves and not just buy the food at some restaurant or cafe. Maybe we can grill it or BBQ the steak somewhere, hehe." Emilia started drooling as she lost in her thoughts.

"Oi oi, where do you think we're at? This is not your house. You can't just do anything you like. We will definitely get in trouble if people find out about it. Especially if that person is Maria." said Bless as he shook his head in disagreement.

"I find out about what?" A familiar voice suddenly presents behind him and as he turns around, it was Maria herself.

"M-Maria?! Uh, it was nothing really! hahaha!" He quickly covered the topic they been talking about when he realized Maria was there.

"You don't have to hide about it. I heard everything. You expect you can get away with this?" She gazed at him menacingly which brings goosebump all over Bless's body.

"I'm sorry! Don't scold us! our intention is good! We bring no harm!" He quickly apologized to Maria while bowing at her non-stop.

"Do you think I'll let you get away with this? How do you think you going to buy all the things you needed without any transportation and supervision of someone?"

Wait, wha-" he was confused with what Maria said,

"Enough talking and go change your clothes. We'll head out to the store and buy some stuff now," said Maria. She walks straight to the door and opens it for Bless.

"Aunt Maria! I wanna come too!" Emilia quickly beg for Maria to bring her along but in the end, she replied,

"No! Where do you think you're going, young lady. You stay here and behave yourself. I'll be going with Bless only. You aren't allowed to leave the hospital."

Emilia pouted as Maria didn't let her tag along. Meanwhile, Bless quietly walk out of her room as Maria stands by the door and holding the knob.

Apparently, Maria wasn't mad at them for coming out with an outrageous idea to get a steak. Instead, she's helping them both with the progress. Bless straight away headed to his room and change his clothing. Adam was there and seems a bit confused with what happened. He saw Maria was waiting for Bless outside of their room, wearing just casual wear as if she's done with her working shift.

He couldn't help but ask Bless what is he up to, "Uh, dude. Why is Maria out there? And where are you going with her wearing that?"

Bless turned around and look at Adam while he's putting on his jean and said, "Uh it's hard to explain but I gotta go now!"

"Oi! don't tell me you're going on a date with her?!" Adam replied jealously and followed him to the door.

As Bless opens the door, Maria look at him and said, "You're done?"

He replied, "Y-yes ma'am"

When they were about to leave, Adam stopped them and said, "I'm going too!" and they both just stared at him silently.

Maria informed the receptionist that she will bring both Bless and Adam out to buy some stuff at the nearby supermarket. After a few signed documents and approvals from the staff, they finally left the hospital and headed straight to the underground parking lot. They were riding Maria's 2015 Honda Civic out from the lot and both Adam and Bless looks quite excited. As if they haven't been out of the hospital for quite a while.

The supermarket they're heading to isn't far from the hospital. Despite it only took them 10 minutes to reach their destination on foot, Maria decided to use her car as a safety measure for Adam and Bless. Bless sat at the front passenger seat while Adam sat at the back. Adam was emitting a deadly aura that makes Bless feels quite uncomfortable. He knew Adam was feeling jealous for not being able to sit beside Maria while she's driving.

Although that's the case, Adam was able to talk comfortably to Maria, asking about her days at work and sometimes talking about random stuff. Meanwhile, Bless felt quite awkward and wasn't able to join their conversations. He just sits straight and kept his mouth shut. He kept wondering why Maria didn't scold them but instead helping them with Emilia's request.

As soon as they arrived, they headed straight to the frozen food aisle in search of a cut of meat to be made as steak. At that time, Adam can't keep his leg from moving and were going all over the place. He took all the snacks he felt like having and fizzy drinks that he can enjoy when they head back to the hospital.

That leaves both Maria and Bless alone to look for the meat. Maria realized that she didn't know what type of cuts that Emilia wanted to eat, so she asked Bless,

"Bless, did Emilia told you what kind of meat she wanted to have?"

He sprung in fear as Maria called him out. She was confused with Bless reaction yet Bless replied to her awkwardly,

"N-no! I didn't know which cut that she wants."

She sighed, "Relax, Bless. I don't eat people. Why are you acting like you scared to have me around you."

"I'm sorry. I was just confused with your agenda. Why are you helping us instead? I mean, making a BBQ or cooking at the hospital is strictly forbidden. But when you heard my conversation with Emilia, you didn't seem like going against it." Bless replied to her as he explains what he felt at the moment.

"Who said I'm not against it? If you guys gonna do it behind my back. I would definitely scold both of you afterwards. But-"

Bless was curious, the way Maria said to him as if there's something in her mind right now.

"-After seeing how happy Emilia is in these few days, I can't help but support you in completing her request. To be honest, after taking care of her since she was still a small child. This was the first time I've seen her this cheerful. She has never been smiling so brightly before... until you showed up." Maria mutter while looking at the shelves filled with a cut of steak.

She looked at Bless and tap his back softly, "I'm really glad you're able to be there for her. My only wish is to see her having a happy life before she's gone. So I'll support whatever you both going to do. As long as everything is under my supervision."

He smiled after hearing what Maria said and replied to her, "I understand. Sorry for acting scared just now. I will do my best to help her out. You can definitely count on me, Maria."

"Thank you, Bless. All I wanna see is my precious baby be all happy and have good laughter. Ah, I'm really thankful that I choose to be a nurse. I could watch over all types of patients while working and Emilia is definitely my number 1 favourite." She started mumbling random things in the end.

Things slowly look weird for Bless when he listens to Maria but all he can do is just laugh it off, "Hahaha, that's a weird fetish to have Maria. Then, is Adam one of your favourite too?"

"Adam? Nah, he's just an annoying pest I have to take care of as a nurse." She replied with her eyes turning pale.

'Ouch! Better not let Adam hear this haha. I feel bad for him.' said Bless to himself.

Not long after, Adam returns with a bunch of weird foods and drink in his hands and he looked all cheerful and happy.

"Adam, put that back to where you found it," Maria suddenly gazed at him dangerously.

"Aww come on! I'll pay it using my own allowance!" replied Adam while hugging the food in his hand.

*Sigh* Fine... Go put those things in the trolley."

"Hehehe, nice!" Adam shouted joyfully.

Bless softly giggles while being amused by Adam and Maria's reaction. Adam straight away looks for an empty trolley to put the snacks that he has down. Maria, on the other hand, took out her smartphone from her pocket and starts dialling a number. As soon as the beeping sound can be heard, she handed the phone to Bless and said,

"Go ask Emilia what type of cuts she wanted to try out."