The story revolves around Bless, a young man whose path intertwines with Emilia's due to a fortuitous accident that befalls him. Disoriented and confined to a hospital bed, Bless finds solace in Emilia's comforting smile, as she reassures him that everything will be alright. Thus begins their remarkable journey, filled with heartwarming moments and the determination to fulfill Emilia's bucket list, ensuring she lives her final months without regrets.
Emilia's presence brings a ray of sunshine to Bless's life, her sweet and gentle nature captivating his heart from the moment they meet. As they embark on their adventure together, they create precious memories that weave an intricate tapestry of love, friendship, and joy.
With each passing day, Bless dedicates himself to making Emilia's dreams come true. From simple acts of kindness to grand adventures, he becomes her steadfast companion, offering unwavering support and a shoulder to lean on. Together, they embrace life's beauty, cherishing every moment and finding solace in each other's company.
As they check off items from Emilia's bucket list, their bond grows stronger, their hearts intertwining in a symphony of love and compassion. Amidst laughter and tears, they navigate through challenges, drawing strength from their shared experiences and the unbreakable connection they have forged.
However, as the months slip away, the bitter reality of Emilia's limited time weighs heavily upon them. Yet, their spirits remain resilient, their love transcending the boundaries of time. Together, they discover the power of living in the present, finding beauty in the simplest of moments and embracing the profound meaning of a life well-lived.
Through Bless and Emilia's extraordinary journey, we witness the transformative power of love, compassion, and the pursuit of a life free from regrets. Their story serves as a reminder to cherish every precious moment, to embrace the beauty of human connections.
The synopsis is very good and it makes readers go for the read. I like bless's character and I like the way he talks to himself😄. It is a soft, emotional love story which will make readers feel every emotion from the characters. I like the way the author portrayed everything so beautifully and waiting for more chapters. Good luck💜😊👏
I am not a drama-fan. I always prefer to read action types but this one is very good. It's quite easy to read, the emotion flowing is very effective. I liked Isabella too much. I hope she gets what she deserves :) Congrats to the author. Keep going on to write pls.
Maa sha Allah. I like the mysterious bit of the book. The synopsis lives the reader wondering what the female lead if suffering from and if their love will be cut short by the unexpected disease. The male protagonist sounds like a hopeless romantic, every girls dream man.😊 looking forward to reading more of your work.kudos.
good read. the story has good flow. kudos to author. highly recommended. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
This is actually a very sweet read and a very good option to kill time. The characters seems pretty interesting, especially that roommate of Bless. All the names of the characters are very cute and the plot is just simply superb. A commendable job done by the author. Kudos to the author. You have the perfect storytelling skill. Keep Writing. :-)
This seems like it's going to be an amazing book, from the title to the synopsis to the first chapter. Left me already wondering what the lie is ??? Good writing quality, great writing skills. Well done author🤗
The synopsis is what attracted me. Av very intriguing and captivating story,well developed characters and relatable too. I love this, a job well done to the author👍👍👍👍
This book reminds me of Fault In Our Stars...The synopsis hooked me to read further...I loved how Bless & Emilia's characters developed in each chapter...Looking Forward to reading more chapters...The author's style of writing is well written...I highly recommend everyone to read this book...Kudos work, Author!
The synopsis is interesting. Reminds me of my favourite novel "the fault in our stars". Beautifully written, captivates you to read further and you wish for the story to never end.
The synopsis is extremely interesting. Captivating story from the beginning, cant wait for more uploads. Characters are relatable and I grew fond of them as the story developed. Well written and easy to read. Excellent novel, well done. [img=recommend]
This book is gonna be one of those which makes my eyes do the waterworks but I'm still gonna read it because it's just that good. Once I started, I couldn't put down the book. Author has done real job in putting the emotions of the MC in the book.
I just know that this novel is going to break my heart. Truly, it was amazing, how the author put us through a roller coaster of emotions. a precious gem worth reading! ♥♥♥
A very interesting storyline that gets you wanting to read more .I love the romance that seems so innocent. It's cute. There are some errors here and there. But it is a lovely book regardless
I enjoyed reading the story. The flow of the narration is on-point, easy-to-read, and has less errors when it comes to technicalities. May the author will continue writing this story. <3
Wow, this story is one of a good story I have read, the writing is smooth.. The author knows their character well and the situation isn't awkward to read.. Keep up the good work ..