Part 2 - Beginning Of A Friendship?

The elevator finally reaches down to the Ground Floor. The door slowly opens and Bless moves out from the lift, look back at Emilia, she rather looks quite cautious. Looking left and right over and over before stepping out, afraid that she might get caught by the staff for going out by herself without any supervision. Bless was amused when he watches how careful Emilia is being at the moment, he smiles as he waited for her to come to him.

"Relax! You being so worrywart right now hahaha!" Said Bless as he chuckles when Emilia behave like that.

"You know how bad it would be if I get in trouble! Aunt Marie will never let me go out if she catches me here." She replied as she's regretting about following Bless around.

The hospital is rather calm during the night. There's staff working and some patients also can be seen walking around at the lobby. They slowly walk through the lobby as Emilia trying to hide from any passing by staff members to avoid getting caught.

"Ah, I never expected that this hospital looks so beautiful. Rather it looks more like a hotel rather than a hospital." Bless spoke to himself casually as he rests his hand inside his sweater.

"Can we be quick already! I had a bad feeling about this so come on!" Emilia whispered to Bless as she walks beside him closely.

"Oh relax! There's nothing to be afraid of. Our mission is simple! Find something to eat and go back. Easy right~" Bless replied as he looks towards Emilia while smiling brightly.

"Well, since you been here longer than I do, do you know where is the cafe or any convenient store around?" Asked Bless as he stops right in the middle of the lobby.

"H-how do I know! Aunt Marie never let me go down here by myself so I never remember well about the layout of this floor.. besides, WHY ARE WE STOPPING HERE! People might see us!!" Replied Emilia as she rushes Bless to move away from their location right now.

"Woah Woah, slow down~. Before we start walking aimlessly, why don't we ask the staff over there at the counter where we can buy ourselves some food." He starts walking toward the counter and quickly Emilia pulls him back and said,

"W-wait! You going to leave me here?!"

"Hmm... Won't it be troublesome if they saw you here if we go together?" Asked Bless as he looks at her.

"Uh... Yes.. but" she hesitates for some reason.

"Now now, just stay still here I'll be right back okay~" Emilia let go of Bless and he starts walking towards the counter. Emilia on the other hand stays there while again being cautious with her surrounding, looking back and forth to ensure no one she knows is around.

"Excuse me!" Bless said to the staff members.

"How can I help you, sir?" The staff replied as he stops doing his work.

"You see, I'm still new around here. Can I know where can I buy some food here?" Bless asked politely.

"Ah! For your information, the hospital has a store on the 2nd floor and a restaurant on the 11th floor. You can buy some food there or any other items you needed." The staff replied to him as he showed the map layout of the hospital.

"Thank you for your help! I'll be on my way now." Said Bless as he walks back towards Emilia while looking at the staff and waves goodbye.

"You're very welcome, Sir. Glad to help you!"

The staff stands and bowed a little as Bless walks away.

Approaching Emilia, Bless starts wondering why does Emilia wasn't able to move around by herself in this hospital. As we know, a few minutes ago, patients can be seen around moving freely all by themselves within the lobby. So why can't Emilia?. He just ignored those questions in his head for the meantime and as he arrived at Emilia,

"Okay okay, let's go! I'm sorry for torturing you this way hahaha. You look quite scared of being all alone here." He teased her while laughing at her behaviour for the past few minutes.

"Shut up! I wasn't scared of being alone here! It just that I can get in big trouble if I get caught! Enough, you know where to go right? Let's move!" She replied madly as she looks angrily at Bless.

"Hahaha okay, sheesh. You such a fiery woman I would say. Well, the staff said there's a restaurant on the 11th Floor, why don't we go there first." He walks slowly towards the elevator while Emilia quietly follows him at the back grumpily.

They entered the elevator and the door began to close, bringing them towards their destination. As they arrived at the 11th Floor, they start approaching the restaurant that can be seen on the other end of the corridor. Looking at the sign, its written 'AUBE'. There's also a menu on the entrance of the restaurant. Bless starts looking thru the menu slowly, flipping every page while looking at the price of the food they're selling. Taking out the wallet inside the pocket of his sweater, he looked inside to see how much money did Isabella left for him.

"... 10000 yen.. that's it.. HOW CHEAPSKATE CAN SHE BE!! ISABELLA!!" He shouted furiously when he knew the money she left for him isn't much. Emilia who is just standing beside him makes a grin as she said,

"Ah~ too bad.. seems like you have to deal with the food that the hospital prepared for you~"

Bless was annoyed with her word and he replied,

"Ah! I won't give up! There's no way I would spend my days here eating that food!"

He then remembers that the staff told him there's a convenience store on the 2nd floor and he suddenly eases himself.

"Yes! There's still hope! Let's go to the convenience store instead! If I can't get proper food here, the classic convenience paradise is always here to help!" He said as he pushes the back of Emilia back towards the elevator.

"Hmph... Come on! I want to go back to my room quick!" She mumbled as she slowly walks towards the elevator while Bless pushing her from the back.

They entered the elevator again, the door closes and it brings them down to the 2nd floor. They walked for a few minutes along the windowed corridor, they both looked outside of the window and Emilia suddenly stopped. Admiring the view of brightly lit Tokyo Tower that shines the night sky, she stands closer to the window, placing her hand onto them as she leans forward a little without saying a word. Bless who just walked passed her realized that she stopped,

"Hey. Come -" he realized the face she was making isn't the one that she usually put on herself. He stopped his word, letting Emilia gaze onto the night, admiring the beauty of Tokyo Tower that stands tall at the horizon.

Bless quietly walked close to her, poking her shoulder, making Emilia looks towards him and he gently said.

"I'm pretty sure looking at this scene while eating something sweet will makes it even better" he smiled. Emilia slowly looked down as she follows Bless quietly walking towards the convenience store.

"Wait me out here okay?" Asked Bless to Emilia. She nodded while facing back towards the window, letting herself succumb with the beauty of the outside world.

After a few minutes passed, she felt a cold sensation onto her neck as Bless place a popsicle there to let her know he's back. She startled and was about to get mad at Bless but stopped as soon as she saw Bless handing her the popsicle.

Bless just smiled, reaching his hand forward as he holds the ice cream.

"As I said, the scene will look even better while we eat something sweet."

She hesitated to take the ice cream off from Bless's hand, but slowly she braves herself to do so. She didn't say a word as Bless walks her towards a table beside the windows. He pulled the chair for her and said,

"Come come! Sit here" she sat.

Bless move over to the other side and sit on the other chair while he takes out a bun from the plastic bag and opens it.

"Ah~ finally some good food to enjoy!" He starts gobbling down the bun happily.

Emilia on the other hand, just sat there quietly still looking over the window while holding the ice cream on her hand. Bless quickly snitch it off from her hand and she was startled.


Bless tear the ice cream wrap open and give it back to Emilia.

"Come on now, you gonna let it melt if you don't eat it."

She looked at the ice cream, slowly takes it away from Bless's hand. She stared for a brief moment, gulping her saliva in her throat like she never even tried eating ice cream before. She took a bite off the ice cream and looks over the Tokyo Tower. The sweet taste of the ice cream slowly coated her tongue as it melts inside mouth.

"Sweet.." is the only word that comes out from her mouth faintly. Bless who quietly stare at her while eating the bun realized that tears start rolling down onto Emilia's cheek. He began to panic.

Eh?! Wait, did you hate ice cream that much?! I knew I shouldn't have bought that flavour, it might be too intense for you I guess!" Said Bless as he tried to understand the situation.

Emilia suddenly laughs softly as she wiped her tears off. Bless was confused as he explains and apologizing for buying the ice cream for Emilia. She stopped him from talking and softly said

"Thank you.." her brightest smile suddenly made Bless's heart skipped a beat. He was speechless as he gazes towards the beauty in front of him. He was about to blush and replied to her,

"A-ah!! You're welcome! I was worried that you might hate the ice cream or something! But turns out you love it! Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed it." He starts spouting words around.

"Emilia Blanche.." Emilia suddenly said her full name.

"Eh?.." Bless suddenly startled.

"I haven't properly introduced myself to you. My name is Emilia Blanche... I'm mix Japanese and french. My father is french and my mother is Japanese." Emilia explained as she eats the ice cream slowly.

"O-oh!! Nice to meet you then Emilia Blanche! My name Bless. Just Bless. I'm glad we're finally able to properly introduce ourselves!." He replied while reaching Emilia's hand to shakes it.

Emilia grabs his hand, shaking it while smiling innocently. Bless was mesmerised with her beauty and began to blush. He quickly pulls his hands away from Emilia's and tries to calm himself by taking out numerous food from the plastic bag.

"So whats make you hospitalised here, Emilia?" Asked Bless as he opens up a snack and munch on it.

She hesitated to speak about it and replied to Bless,

"Well... Its a secret! Why would I tell you in the first place pervert!"

"Hahaha okay fine, sorry for asking. You look quite moody when you were staring at the window. I wonder what was in your mind." He asked as he shared some of the snacks with Emilia.

She took a bite of the snacks and her face quickly showed how much she enjoyed the food. It looks more like it was her first time having these kinds of food.

"Have you ever wonder, what is the limit of humans until they stop trying.." she gazes through the window as she asked Bless.

He was confused with the question but he tried his best to answer it.

"Well, for me there's no limit onto somebody as long as they keep on moving forward and try harder in their life.." he replied.

"What if they can no longer keep on going.. does that mean that they reached their limits?" She suddenly asked.

He remains silent for a moment, trying to think of the best answer he could tell, he then replied.

"Nonsense, there's always be some other way for them to keep pushing their selves. No matter how hard it would be.." he replied cautiously.

"Then, what if death that's holding them back... there's no way to get away from that right?" She quickly asked as her eyes looking towards the ice cream that slowly melts onto her hand. Bless wasn't able to answer it, he just remains silent while thinking for the best word to convince Emilia.

"Forget about it! I was just asking weird stuff. I'm sorry." Emilia said again while smiling.

"Ahh.. i- I'll tell you my answer once I know what to say!" He replied.

Bless tried ignoring the fact that the question is being asked to him and he tried to change the topic to make things less awkward. He tried making some jokes and talk about random stuff with Emilia to keep the conversation flowing. They both ended up enjoying their time together, eating snacks that Bless bought and laughing with each other. Emilia rather seems amusing, somehow she looks like all of the food that she's eating with Bless was like her first time. Time passed by in a glimpse of an eye, they both walk back into the elevator and goes back to their room together. Bless was smiling happily along the way and it makes Emilia wonder what's wrong with him.

"What's with that creepy smile..." She looks at Bless confusedly.

"How can I not be happy right now hahaha! I finally able to be friends with you after all those nonsense we have been thru at first."

"F-friends.." she replied faintly.

"Ahh! Well, I'm just being nice here because you shared the snacks with me just now." Emilia pouted as she looks away from Bless.

"Hahahahaha! Fine fine~ whatever you say." He laughs amusingly.

They both sat down on their beds and Bless suddenly looks at her and said,

"I'll be in your care." He smiled.

Emilia who looks at him for a brief moment doesn't show any reaction, instead, she pouted and looks the other way as she lay down. Bless laid his back on the bed and try to get some sleep while he's smiling nonstop.

"Goodnight.." Said Bless towards Emilia as he closes his eyes and gets to sleep.

Emilia didn't answer him, yet she's blushed from his word. She softly whispered to herself.

"Friends.." she faintly blushed, showing how happy she is that Bless considered her as his friend.

The night passed slowly and both of them finally fell asleep. The word friends kept on playing in Emilia's mind as she sleeps, slowly making her smile in the process. But what's confusing is, does a word friend enough to make someone blushed that way? Does that mean she never had a friend before? The probability of that is still uncertain. As the morning begins, Bless heard a loud noise and the voice of people talking which awakes him. He opened his eyes and looked over to Emilia's bed.

"She's not breathing! Check her pulse!"

"Her pulses is decreasing!"

"Get her doctor here! Now!!"

"Place the oxygen mask on her!"

"Emilia! Wake up, Emilia!"

He was shocked to see what just happened. Emilia, on her bed, isn't moving nor breathing. Her body turns pale and the doctors and nurses around tried their best to save Emilia's life.

"What's... Happening.."