Part 1 - The truth Unspoken? and a new friend?

"What's... happening..."

The night before,

Emilia woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep in the end as her mind keep reminding her of Bless's words when he called her his friend. The happiness that she conceived by his word was making her smile endlessly. Wrapping herself in the blanket, she secretly peeks onto Bless who was already asleep.

"He's... my friend now.." she said as her expression show a sign of relief that Bless considered her as his friend.

In Emilia's mind, there is a ton of ideas and expectation lingers around on what the future between her and Bless might hold. All the fun stuff they can do together and the memories that she will share with him. It excites her none the less. She kept on looking towards Bless, watching him asleep while softly smiles.

"I can't wait to see what activities we can do together tomorrow! But.. maybe he would annoy me as he always did.. ugh.." said, Emilia to herself as she softly giggles.

All of a sudden, Bless turns around and faces towards her as he sleeps which surprised her that she thought he might be awake due to her giggles. Emilia closes her mouth with her hands, avoiding herself from making any more noises that could disturb Bless's goodnight sleep. Unconsciously, she deeply gazes onto Bless, admiring his look as her hand reaching out as if she was trying to grasp him.

"he's good looking... I wonder if Bless and Isabella are secretly dating..." she randomly mumbles as she snuggling her pillow while staring at Bless.

Realizing that she just spouted nonsense, Emilia blushes faintly and her snuggles began to tightening onto her pillow, covering her face while closing her eyes slowly.

"W-well... that isn't my problem if they're dating anyways! it's not like I would be jealous of it or anything! We just know each other for a few days!" she quickly turns herself around, facing towards the ceiling that is filled with the glow in the dark star. Her mood quickly changes as her mind suddenly flashes with negative thoughts. Her heart starts aching slightly as she kept thinking of that negativity. She tried her best to ignore those feelings and try to get some sleep.

Yet still unable to sleep, she whispers to herself "Would I even able to experience love..."

Emilia pensive away, staring at the window as the soft light of the moon shines onto her. The pain that has been bothering her heart slowly getting stronger and stronger, putting a lot of strain onto her chest. Gripping her chest tightly as she tries to ignore the pain but unconsciously her breathing began to tense up. Realizing the pain isn't something normal, she tries to call out Bless for help but wasn't able to. Her voice won't come out even how hard she tries to speak.

"What's wrong with my body right now... no... I hate this... Bless help me... please..." she said to herself as she desperately reaching out to Bless for help.

Emilia's vision starts blurring out when her body uncontrollably sweating nonstop. She curls her body tightly, hugging herself tightly as she tries to bear the pain that over time getting worse than before. She looks paler and paler, tears rolling down her cheeks the moment she realized nobody sees that she's in danger.

"I don't want to end this way... I still have things I want to try out... Please god, one more chance... let me live a little longer..."

Emilia is finally unable to resist the pain any longer. She is no longer able to stay conscious to call for help, her eyes slowly close as her body stop tensing up.

The next day, Aunt Maria enters her duty as a nurse, doing her usual routine of serving Emilia her breakfast and checking up on her conditions early in the morning. She brings the food tray over to Emilia's room and places it down on Emilia's table. Expecting that Emilia is just sleeping, she tries to wake her up gently.

"Emilia, wake up. Your breakfast is here." upon touching Emilia's body, she realized something is wrong with her as her body is looking pale yet her body temperature is quite high at the same time. Aunt Maria quickly looks over Emilia's face that she seems to be struggling to breathe. Trying desperately to wake her up but Emilia doesn't show any sign of movement.

"Emilia!" calling out her name as she cautiously waking her up.

Aunt Maria quickly realized that Emilia's conditions are in danger. She calls out Emilia's Doctor and a few other nurses for help. The doctor arrived a minute after and proceed on checking Emilia's pulses.

"Her pulse is critically low! someone put her an oxygen mask now! Maria! get the Pulse Oximetry here quick!" said the doctor to all the nurses around.

All of them desperately trying to save Emilia's life which ends up waking Bless in the process. Bless was suddenly awakes quickly looks over onto Emilia's bed where he heard the noises came from. Shocked after seeing what happened, he was speechless. Unable to cope with anything that is happening around him at that moment.

"What's... happening..." said, Bless.

The nurses move all around the room, going in and out getting the equipment that the doctor asked for. After wearing the oxygen mask and installing the Pulse Oximetry onto Emilia, they began with the procedure of waking Emilia up again. Her vital was unstable, she was unable to breathe properly even with the oxygen mask on. Aunt Maria realized that Bless was looking towards them with such a shocking face, he was worried about Emilia's condition. Quickly Maria closed the curtain that is in between Emilia's and Bless's bed, separating them all together so that Bless won't be able to see what was happening.

"Ms. Maria! what happened to Emilia?! what's wrong with her tell me!" Bless shouted as Maria quickly covers the curtain over. She ignored Bless's questions entirely and focusing on helping Emilia. Bless was speechless afterward, his mind lingers with all sorts of questions about Emilia. What was her disease to begin with? Why is she not waking up? Bless was depressed to see the once giddy Emilia is now being unconscious on her bed desperately fighting for her life as the doctor and the nurses helping her out.

He wasn't able to see her condition but all the noises and the conversation he heard on the other side make him worried. The sound of beeping that comes from the Pulse Oximetry suddenly getting fainter as time passed by and suddenly a constant beep can be heard. His heart sank as he realized that Emilia's vital stop pulsing. He can't do anything to help her but only pray for her safety. He heard the doctor called one of the nurses to quickly bring over a defibrillator. Bless was scared at that time, trying to calm himself as he desperately prays for Emilia's life.

The nurse came back with the defibrillator and began installing it for the doctor to proceed with the situation. The sound of the instrument changes and beeping as it was used onto Emilia can be heard soon after. Yet still, no reaction came from the Pulse Oximetry on the first try. Bless closes his eyes and resting his head over his knee on the bed, praying nonstop that she will be okay. The second trial is being done, but there's only a slight reaction onto the Oximetry just for a while.

"Please... god, whatever happens, save her life! Please!" Bless prayed in his heart.

Onto the third trial, finally, a beeping sound is emitted from the Pulse Oximetry. Emilia's vital came back and slowly stabilized. Everyone was relieved when Emilia finally breathe again and Bless on the other side showed the most relief among all of them.

"Thank you... thank you, god..." said Bless to himself with relief.

Few minutes after ensuring that Emilia is stabilized, the doctor then asked the nurse that Emilia must be admitted into the ICU room on the 6th floor to be under constant surveillance by the nurse and other doctors. As Emilia was pushed past from the front of Bless's bed, he finally able to see her condition for a glimpse. She was still unconscious, her body is pale as she is gently wrapped around with her blanket by Aunt Maria. Bless was upset to see how bad she was at that time. Unable to say a word, All of them finally left the room, leaving Bless behind all alone.

"Why isn't she telling me what is her problem actually is... I don't get it... She look normal last night." said Bless onto himself as he looks down at his hand.

That day has ended in a glimpse, Bless heard the news from Maria that Emilia will be staying in the ICU ward for at most a week to ensure that she is stable. Bless tried asking Maria what was Emilia's sickness is about but Maria dodges the question all the time. Feeling hopeless, Bless wasn't able to calm himself from feeling worried for Emilia. Day after day has gone, yet there is no other news about Emilia's conditions. Bless can only wait in the room and go by with his normal routine of resting up. Every night Bless just stares upon Emilia's bed while having his memories about her flashing in his mind. Her smile, her laugh, her presence in the room makes Bless's heart sank when he is reminded of it.

On the third day, Maria met up with Bless to tell him the news that he will be transferred into the men's ward on that day. He will no longer be staying in Emilia's room although the room that he is transferred to isn't that far from Emilia's and it is on the same floor as her. Bless felt quite down when he knew he couldn't see Emilia one last time before getting to his new ward. He packed his item with the help of Maria, without a word came out of his mouth, he just looks at Emilia's bed for the last time before sitting onto the wheelchair that is being pushed by Maria. Leaving the room with his bag of clothing on his lap, he proceeds towards his new room on the other end of the corridor. Passing through the elevator that he was once entered with Emilia reminded him of that day they were hanging out. He just gazes upon it as he being push across the corridor by Maria.

"We are here, Bless. Although we were still unable to get you your own private room, you will be staying here with another patient of the same gender. Hope you will be able to be an acquaintance with him soon." said Maria to Bless as she stopped the wheelchair right in front of the door. Looking at a small panel at the side of the door, Bless saw a name written on it.

"Adam..." He whispered to himself.

Maria then opened the door and gently pushes Bless into the room as he is still in the wheelchair. His eyes move all over the room as he was shocked to see that the room is quite messy with all sorts of stuff lying on the floor such as books and few working tools around the corner. Lingering his eyes towards the bed that his acquaintance should be, that person wasn't there. Confused where that person might be, he then heard rumbling noises came from the other side of the bed on the floor.

"Adam! Can you please tidy up your room. You agreed to clean it up before your new roommate is here!" Maria nagged onto someone that happens to be sitting on the floor on the other side of the bed.

The person quickly rise from the floor, looking straight to Bless and smiled innocently while saying,

"Oh-oh! was it today! I'm sorry Ms. Marie! and hello there young lad, the name is Adam! Nice to meet you, roomie!"