Part 2 - The truth Unspoken? and a new friend?

Arrived at the new room that he is admitted to, Bless sits on his bed with the help of Maria and began to introduce himself to Adam.

"Hey, my name is Bless. Looks like we'll be roommates from now on," he said. Adam actively replied to him "Hi hi! I'm Adam, nice to meet you." they both shake hands as Adam approaches Bless.

Something was disturbing Bless at first when he looks towards Adam. There are no words that came out from his mouth afterwards instead he just stared at him for a moment although he is keen to ask something to Adam.

Maria suddenly interrupted their conversation and scolded Adam for not cleaning his room.

Adam! You agreed to clean up your room yesterday remember?! Look at all this mess you've made. It's even dirtier than before rather than being cleaner!" Maria shouted,

"hehe, sorry Maria. I totally forgot about our deal," replied Adam as he quickly tidying up the room.

"Since you forgot about the deal, means the stuff you asked me to buy is no longer needed, right?" Maria said upon gazing at him madly.

"No, wait! I'm cleaning up my room now! So please help me get the LEGO Mindstorm set at the store for me! I beg you! I've saved all my money for that thing so please!" Adam begged as he knew the deal was off. Desperately cleaning all his mess up, Maria on the other hand ignored him and walked straight to the door.

She turns around, "Adam, be nice to Bless and be friends with him."

with her death glaring aimed straight at Adam, he jolted and agreed to what Maria asked for without questioning her.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" he froze in place in fear until Maria left the room. As the click from the doorknob filled the entire room the moment it is being shut, Adam returned to his usual state,

"Noooo... There goes my chance to get the Mindstorm." He mourned while regretted himself for breaking the deal, he jumps onto the bed with disappointment written on his face sighing over things that have happened.

Bless stood silently on his bed, wondering what was that all about. Adam seems no stranger to Maria; just as Emilia is with her. He assumed that most patient here knew Maria as much as Emilia and Adam do. But within his curiosity, he couldn't help but ask Adam personally.

"So, Most patients in this hospital knew who Maria is huh?" he looked over Adam. "Nah, not really. Despite taking care of lots of patients here, she mainly focuses on a few of them including me."

"By a few, you mean like Emilia?"

"Emilia? Oh, that girl in the private ward on the female section. Yeah, apparently that girl is Maria's favourite patient I guess," Adam replied.

Bless couldn't help but wonder if Adam knew who is Emilia, so he asked about it. "You know about that girl Emilia?" gawking at Adam, showing his interest in her towards him.

"To be honest, I don't really know much about her nor do I always see her around. She usually locks herself up in her room. Only sometimes I do catch her sneaking up somewhere." said Adam while he starts cleaning up his room.

Bless is reminded when Adam told him about Emilia sneaking out from her room that on his second day of being conscious, she was not around since morning until past afternoon. He began to ask even more question about Emilia to Adam, making Adam curious as to why Bless is interested in her.

"So do you know what was the reason she's admitted into this hospital too?" Adam interrupted Bless's question instead saying, "Well, why are you curious about her all of sudden? I don't really know much or even talk to her either. She's not easily approachable and the reason I knew her is that Maria usually speaks about her whenever she was scolding me."

"Ah... I see. I'm sorry about that." Bless replied as he laid on his bed. Deeply gazes onto the ceiling, his mind is still restless from thinking about Emilia. Adam who quietly peek onto him asked,

"So what happened to you, I mean, How are you admitted into the hospital." Bless began explaining to Adam about his incident while in the meantime Adam still tidying up his room, storing all the tools into the drawer beside his bed.

Bless asked the same question towards Adam but Adam just smiled. Slowly approaches his bed when he finished storing all his items, he sat on the bed while looking straight out of the window and suddenly his hand reach onto his head and grabbed his hair. Bless unable to describe his emotion when he saw that what Adam was pulling isn't really his hair but a wig that's covering his almost hairless head. He realized the thing that was bothering him from the beginning was Adam suspicious-looking hair.

Adam placed the wig that he is wearing beside him and said, "I am diagnosed with cancer. What cancer do you wonder?" He gazes towards Bless and softly carved a painful smile on his face.

"It was lung cancer. The doctor said that chances for me to survive it are extremely low. He said that cancer has spread further into my lymph nodes and in the middle of my chest. I did quite a few chemotherapies which as you can see, does nothing to help me other than losing my hair."

Bless know at that time, no word would be able to make Adam feel better. Instead, all he was able to say is, "I'm sorry."

Adam turned around, facing himself towards Bless. He smiled as he gently put the wig back on top of his head. "What are you apologizing for? Haha, you don't have to worry. I accepted my fate to be like this."

"Say, why are you interested in that person Emilia?" Adam asked as he reaches a small notepad in the drawer next to his bed.

"She was my roommate before I came here." Bless looked down on his hand. "Somehow, despite living with her in the same room for a couple of days. I wasn't able to learn anything from her. She was quite an interesting one, although having her mood changes quite often. She's a very nice person."

Adam starts scribbling down things in the notepad as he listens to Bless, "So? The problem with her is?" He asked. Bless was reserved for a few moments, deeply stares into his hand as he remembered the scene that occurs a few days back in Emilia's room.

"A few days ago, we were just hanging out on the 11th Floor. Buying some foods, talking some stuff; you know, wasting time together. I really thought that everything was getting better between me and her. But then, the next day, she was admitted into the ICU room. I was quite shocked at the time. I felt like... what happened at the time was all my fault..." Bless express his unease feeling.

"Instead of blaming yourself on what has happened, why don't you find out the truth about her?" Adam interrupted.

"I did, I asked her about her situation and conditions but most of the time she tried to dodge those questions," said Bless.

"Well, first you need to understand that girls are quite overprotective. Of course, she won't tell you straight away what's her problem is. Show her that you care about it, you need to gain her trust first and get closer to her. Why don't you try having a deep conversation with her next time? Persuade her to tell you, but don't overdo it" Adam elaborate his idea.

"I... I don't even know if we will ever see each other again..." said Bless as he gloom about the situation.

"Nonsense! Of course, you'll meet her again. it's not like you will be discharged from this hospital any time soon. I heard from Maria, you still have to do rehabilitation and being under constant care to ensure you completely healed. So I'm sure you'll be able to see her one day," Adam replied while putting the notepad down onto his lap.

"You have to stop worrying over small things you know. Just go on with your life for now and talk with her when you find the chance in the future."

"I understand. *sigh* sorry that our first conversation has to be about listening to my problem. It's quite rare for this to happen. I don't usually be this gloomy heh..." said Bless as he scratches his cheek.

"Hahahaha! it's fine! I totally get you." Adam smiled.

Bless try to change the topic for their conversation. Thinking it would be impolite if he keeps on talking about his problem to Adam. He remembered that Adam room was filled with some working tools so he begins to ask,

"Adam, what are you doing with all those tools?" Bless said while he pointed out the location of the tools.

"Oh! hahaha, well I'm actually an Engineering student. In detail, I'm majoring in Mechatronic Engineering. or I was..." He mumbled, "Those tools are for me to use on my projects that were asked by my clients. When I said I totally get you. I wasn't this gloomy either before I was admitted to this hospital due to my condition. I used to be quite a joyful kid,"

Bless was confused, Adam said that he was an engineering student. But what does he mean by clients? and so Bless asked,

"Wait, client? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, when I found out I was diagnosed with this cancer. I had to be warded in the hospital for my treatments. I can't really go out or even go to my university anymore to study. I need constant care to ensure that it won't get any worst." said Adam while laying on his side as he faces Bless.

"So I decided to quit university. Instead, I use all my knowledge and skills that I gained for the past few years studying to work online for some company to design things for them. Of course, it was with the help of someone I know that have connections. Well, this is also how I somewhat cover parts of my bills for the treatment here" Adam suddenly reaches under his bed and pulls up a device that he created to show to Bless.

"This is the prototype I've been working on at the moment." The item that he showed to Bless is a prototype of a smart device that consists of Artificial Intelligence that could help people manage their health care and well being. In short, it is a device that mainly focusing on patients or people with health problems as their consumers.

Adam handed the device to Bless and he was quite impressed with Adam skills to be able to design such complicated things.

"You know, my dream was to work in a huge company to create a perfect Artificial Intelligence or a robot that is helpful to people in the future. But well, with this kind of state I'm in right now. I guess this is how much I can do to realize my dream."

"Woah, are you a genius or something?!" Bless replied as he was very impressed by Adam's prototype.

"Hahahaha, I'm not a genius. Maybe just a hard-working guy who wants to create a better future," said Adam as he laughs.

"Anyways, it's good to have a roomie for the first time. I haven't been able to get this kind of conversation with someone for a long time,"

"I wish we could be good friends in the future"

Bless smiled as he handed back the device to Adam and politely said, "Likewise,"

The day slowly goes by, Bless and Adam quickly become friendly with each other. Spending their time talking and watching Adam do his work, improving the device that he made. But deep in Bless thought, he knew Adam was right. He should do something about Emilia. He needs to learn about her problems if he wants to know the answer. Despite, he still wasn't sure how to meet Emilia again nor he knew how is she right now.