Part 2 - The Day We Met

The next day finally started as Bless woke up with a sense of throbbing onto his head where the injuries were. The mild pulsing slowly making him wide awake as it becomes an annoying disturbance for him. He holds his hand onto his head, pressing against the wound that was patched up by some bandages, tightly closing his eyes shut and trying to ease the pain down. As the sensation began to disappear, he then slowly open his eyes and look towards Emilia's bed.

"Huh... She wasn't there." He said as his hand still pressing against the bandages.

He then looks around, realizing that the room is filled with Emilia's belongings. There are some drawings and sketches carefully taped on the wall, picture of famous landmarks and tourist attraction close by the window of the room, ceiling filled with a bunch of stickers and glow in the dark stars are also scattered around and even a dresser across Emilia's bed with tons of origami and figurines laying on top of it.

"Huh.. how can I not realized those things here last night... Well whatever, maybe I wasn't focusing on it much. Did she live here or something?.. Besides, where is she right now.." He said to himself as his eyes linger around the room.

Bless then look towards his leg and gently swaying it around while it is still intact with the structural support. He realized that he no longer felt any pain from it. He decided to take his leg off from the structural support and tried to stand up while his leg is still covered with the plaster.

"Huh.. that's weird. Shouldn't it still feel hurt if I do this? I mean... I couldn't heal this fast can I? Wait.. how long was I being unconscious before?" He startled as he began to balance himself while standing.

*pant pant* "huh.. even standing up feels awkward.. and somehow it's tiring.. what the hell.." as he said that, he began to baby walk across the room and look over Emilia's dresser. The origami on top of the dresser is made with such skills yet he senses something off with all of them.

Bless then walk towards the drawing on the wall and quietly stare at it. It's beautiful, the way it was drawn, the shadings, scenery drawings, even portraits on the wall looks well made and has been put a lot of time into it. Yet all of them felt like it missing something important.

"She's skilful no doubt.. maybe this is what she does to waste her time around.." said Bless as he unconsciously touches the drawing softly.

Sound of car horns and ambulance sirens can be heard from the window and he took a glance on the scene for a bit.

"Tenth floor huh.." he said as he began to open the window.

He leans himself to the window, resting his arm onto the railing as he felt the cold breeze flowing onto his face soothingly.

"Ah.. feels nice to have some fresh air... it's cold thought.." said Bless. He began to rest his cheek onto his arm and close his eyes, enjoying the cold air softly blowing into the room.

"... Wait.. cold.. air?.." he startled and suddenly shoot his head up straight.

"HOW LONG WAS I BEING UNCONSCIOUS?!" He screamed as his eyes were wide open when he realizes something were off.

"Wait! Didn't?! .. uhh last time I remember it was in the middle of summer?! What's the date now actually?!" He rushes back to his bed carefully so he didn't hurt his leg again.

Bless searched over to his side of the room for his belongings while making a mess in progress as he couldn't find any of his clothing nor his bag pack. He opened the small shelf beside his bed, only to find out his broken phone. The screen of the phone is shattered in thousands of pieces while the body of it filled with scratches and dents all over. He presses the on/off button hoping that it would turn on but nothing happens. The only thing that the phone made is just a mild buzzing as he can faintly see a battery logo indicates that the phone is out of juice.

"Oh my god.. how long has it been.. even my phone died." He mumbles while he searches for his charger in the shelf. Failed to find the charger, he gave up and put his phone back down in the shelf and closes it shut.

The mild sensation over his wound on his head suddenly came back, twitches even stronger and much painful as each second passed through. His eyes start jittering when the pain suddenly began to bother him even more. Placing his hand back on his head, he suddenly felt dizzy while his breathing suddenly getting stronger and tighter.

"Shit... I think too much... Argh!" Said Bless while he presses his wound even harder bearing the pain down as best he could.

Bless briefly took his hand off from his head and look over it. Realizes that it was covered in his blood, his body began to sway around as his mind suddenly felt tired. The bandages quickly soaked with his blood and he began to lose his consciousness bit by bit. Trying to reach over the emergency call button above his bed, he failed and falls flat on the floor. His sight began to gets blurry while his body starts to sweat bullets as he tried to bear the pain that getting stronger.

"Calm down... I need to calm down.. why did I overthinking myself just now.. this is bad.. my body isn't moving... I can't see anything... I need.. to call for help.." He forcefully tries to move his body back up, able to grasp the bedsheet with his hand and he pulled himself up until he can sit on the floor. He began to sweat even more than before while his breathing is getting uncontrollable and his head still being tortured by the pain from his wound. The moment he is about to lose his consciousness completely, he heard the sound of an open door and the voice of a familiar woman calling his name loudly.

"Bless!" The person said. He was able to glance for a brief moment before falling back down on the floor but wasn't able to tell who that person was due to his blurry vision. His eyes stare right towards where the voice came from and that person rushed towards him, starts holding and wrapping him within her arms while she called for help.

"Nurse! Nurse! Help! Where are you!-" she screamed. Bless who just lay there quietly doesn't show any reaction nor movement and began to lose his consciousness completely.

"Ah... I'm tired... I can't... feel anything..." These words play in his mind the moment he loses consciousness.

Few hours passed. Bless woke up again from his sleep and begin to stare deeply onto the ceiling for a brief moment and wondered what just happened back then. When he was about to move his body, he felt a gentle feeling of a person grasping his left hand. Slowly squeezing the hand down, he looks over to his left wondered who that person may be.

"So u finally woke up, Bless." Said the person.

"Ah... it's you... Isabella.." Bless replied as he looks towards her gently with a faint smile.

Isabella, a very beautiful woman with dark brownish wavy hair and a graceful posture along with an appealing body figure, sitting next to Bless's bed while holding her phone on her left hand and grasping Bless's hand on the other. She looks back towards Bless and replied his smile with a happy face as she knew Bless is okay. Tears began to roll onto her cheek when she suddenly hugged Bless gently and softly said

"I'm glad that you're awake now... I thought I would never see those smile of yours ever again.." she cried as she quietly nuzzles her face onto Bless's shoulder while her hand wrapping around him gently.

Bless were speechless for a moment and just hugged her back while he faintly blushes from her words. His hand travels up to Isabella's head and softly brushes her hair and rubs her head to comfort her while she's crying. They keep on hugging until Isabella were able to remain calm and stop crying. She wipes over her tears with her napkins and leans her back onto the chair that she's sitting on.

"How long.. did I sleep?" Asked Bless while he rests his back onto the pillow.

"Just now? Wasn't that long. Maybe around 2-3 hours?" Replied Isabella as she tries to help Bless resting his back.

"Heh... I see but then how long was I unconscious? Because you seem to be quite a relief to see me again." He asked again and showed his appreciation towards Isabella for helping him with a smile.

"Hmm up until now? Well, u have been in a state of coma for about 3 months?" Isabella replied casually.

"WHAT?! 3 MONTHS? You're joking right?" He was shocked to learn that he was actually in a coma for that long.

"There there, I know its too much for you to cope with all this right now. Don't overthink yourself. You know you're lucky that I was right on time when you fall on the floor. If not, things can be much worst later on." She pouted as she lectures Bless to be more careful next time.

"Ah, fine I won't think about it. Sorry for making a ruckus.. hehe" Bless replied as his eye quickly looks away while he scratches his finger onto his cheek.

"Give me your hand.." asked Isabella out of nowhere.

"Huh?.." Bless replied as he just obeys what Isabella asked him to do.

Isabella suddenly grips Bless's hand and said, "WHAT THE HECK WAS YOU DOING JUST NOW HAH?! Me finding you on the floor all of sudden?! And if you already awake why didn't you contact me right away?!"

She began to lecture Bless again and again and there's nothing Bless can say to shut her up.

"Well I'm sorry for not contacting you when I was awake, as you can see.. my phone is broken right now and I didn't have any charger to fill it up too. Besides, I just woke up yesterday. I don't even have that much strength when I woke up." Bless tried to calm her down with his explanation while showing his broken phone on the shelf.

"Well... Sigh, fine. You know how hard it was to find where you get transfer to. I spent almost 2 hours asking the staff around at the other hospital you been warded before." Isabella said as she took a water bottle out from the plastic bag she brings with her. Filling up a polystyrene cup with the water, she then hands it over to Bless. Bless takes it without saying a word and quickly chug on it as he realizes how thirsty he was.

"So.. you're saying I was transferred in this hospital like a few days ago?" Asked Bless as he put down the cup on his lap after finish drinking.

"Yeah. And what a miracle you woke up the day afterwards." Said Isabella. She then looks over to Emilia's bed and said

"So you have a roommate huh. Who is this person?" Isabella asked Bless as she looks around the room.

"Hm... I don't know too. I only speak to her once yesterday when I woke up." Bless replied while he gets himself comfortable on the bed.

"Oh well, that doesn't matter. It's just temporary I guess. I asked the management about your issue and the time you will get your room in the male ward and they said this is temporary since most wards are "full house" at the moment. So it may take about 2-3 days to put you in the same room with the other guy." Said Isabella. She moves towards the window and shut it and pulls the curtain close.

"I was wondering too why they let me stay in here despite this is a woman's ward. I mean, shouldn't I be staying with other guys in the men's ward?" Asked Bless as he looks at Isabella slowly walks towards him and sit on the side of his bed.

Isabella pinch Bless's cheeks and said "as I said, the staff told me the ward is full at the moment so you had to stay here until there's a free room later on. Despite, you were in a state of coma when you were transferred into this place so they might think it's fine to do so since you can't make any trouble while you're flat on the bed."

Bless screamed in pain as his cheek being pinched by Isabella and he then replied "Ow ow ow! Okay, I get it! Stop its hurt!"

"Sigh.. I'll ask them to make sure you get your room as quickly as possible. So while you're here.. don't cause any trouble or make any ruckus okay?!" Isabella looked down on her phone, turning it on and look at the time displayed on top of the screen.

"It's 3:40 p.m. already. I should get going now. Oh, since you're awake, I should let you know I won't be able to visit you for a month or two. I have to fly to Paris for work. Also, you're lucky that I bring your clothes with me just in case you might need it." Isabella scratches her head showing her dissatisfaction for not being able to visit Bless for the time being. She then places the bag she was carrying with her underneath Bless's bed.

Bless just nodded from her words and wave her goodbye as she walks out from the room smiling softly towards Bless while she closed the door shut. From afar, Emilia can be seen walking towards her room and shocked to see who she just saw coming out from it. She just hides in the corner of the corridor, peeking and waiting for Isabella to walks away from her room and whisper to herself mildly.
