Part 3 - The Day We Met

Few minutes after Isabella leaves the room, Emilia showed up with a wide smile on her face as she opened the door. Bless who was laying on the bed looks straight to her as she walks in and as soon she realized that Bless was looking, her facial reaction changes completely, reminded her how he teased her yesterday. Bless didn't say a word when she looks at him menacingly. Keeping her eyes, glaring towards him like she was about to strangle him to death.

Bless just put an awkward smile on his face and said, "uh... Hey!.."

She keeps on glaring at him without a word coming out from her mouth. Emilia walk slowly towards her bed and gently sat on it. As soon as she comfortably rests her back down on the bed, she pouted. Looking away from Bless staring right at the window with her arm crosses to her chest.

Bless was amused by Emilia's behavior which ends up breaks his character and starts cracking up. Emilia look back at Bless with such a grumpy face and said

"What so funny huh?!"

Bless tries to stop laughing by looking away from her and whispered

"She's a weird one. Pffft!"

Emilia faintly heard what he said and again she throws her pillow towards him and shouted

"You're rude! What did you call me?! Weird?! You're the weird one!!"

Bless took the pillow right before it's about to fall on the floor and said

"Thank you for the gift again! Like I said, once given shall not be taken back." he chuckles as he places the pillow right onto his lap.

Emilia was about to rage but then give up to do so as she figures that ignoring him is much better than talking to him. She then looks away again but this time she reaches her hand to the desk right beside her bed and grabbed a book for her to read. Bless didn't say anything but just put a faint smile on his face as he enjoyed having another pillow to use to rest his head on. Emilia just secretly peeks her eyes on Bless as she about to open the book and pouted. Seeing her pillow being used by someone irritated her but she tries to remain calm and starts to read.

"Ah... It's so cold today isn't it.." Said, Bless. He tried to start a conversation with Emilia but he was ignored.

"I'm pretty stoked to know how comfortable this pillow is.." Still, no reply from Emilia even though he teases her with those words.

"Hey E-m-i-l-i-a, what are you reading there?" He glances at Emilia. Still, no reaction from her as she flips onto the next page.

Bless peek onto the title of the book Emilia was reading and it's written, 'Wonders of the World'. He then looks towards her while laying onto the side of his body and said,

"Oh... So you love to go places huh?"

"Don't talk to me.." Emilia finally replied for the first time after few minutes of ignoring Bless.

"Cold... Sheeeeesshh. You know I was hoping we could start over and talk normally to each other. I mean we are going to be roommates for a couple of days here. We can't just pretend that we both did not exist here..." Said bless while he begins to rest his head back onto Emilia's pillow. Crossing his arm on his head, he closes his eyes and relaxes.

Emilia who sneakily having her eyes constantly at Bless was furious after seeing her pillow is freely touched by a guy. She gripped the book hard and trying to remain herself calm and replied to Bless.

"Shut up. You're disturbing me.." She then reaches for her earbuds on the desk. Switching it on and pairing it with her smartphone, she plugs it into her ears gently and starts the music. She then places the phone on the side of her bed while continuing her reading once again.

"Okay, fine~," said, Bless. He stops bothering Emilia for a moment and remain quiet for a couple of minutes. The room became silent as both of them didn't say a word nor making any noises, only the sound of flipped pages can be heard from Emilia reading the book. But faintly Bless could also hear the sound emitted from Emilia's earbuds that she's wearing. He softly smiled and said,

"To be Loved - Isabella. *giggles* I never thought that song would be so popular around the world. We were just playing around with words and end up with those lyrics. How amusing.." Emilia heard what Bless said and startled a little. She then asked,


"Oh, someone seems curious~ ready to talk now?" Bless teases her once again.

Emilia end up reaching her limit and closes the book that she was reading and suddenly shouted,

"Can you stop irritates me!!" Her anger slowly carved on her face as she about to throw her book towards Bless. But of course, she didn't throw it.

Bless remain stationery at the same position he is at the moment and replied to Emilia,

"Hahaha okay, I'm sorry I'll stop!" He steadily raises his back and sits upright while facing towards Emilia.

"By we, I mean me and Bella." He then rests his back as he uses a remote placed at the side panel of the bed to incline the top of it so he can sit comfortably.

"Bella? Do you mean Isabella?!" She suddenly gets excited and her anger disappeared instantly.

Bless looks at her with a smile and said, "Yeah. Bella"

Emilia gets even curious and asked Bless,

"So the person who visited the room just now. Was that The Isabella?!"

"Oh? So you saw her leaving huh. Yeah, that's The Isabella."

Isabella is a world-known singer and songwriter. Her fame starts to bloom when she published her album 'Relive the Summer'. It was a successful hit in Japan and after few weeks airing on YouTube and radio across the country, her talent sprouted and she became well known by people around the globe. Not only she's a great singer, but also her beauty paired with the personalities she has that made everyone fell for her. Emilia was overly excited as she found out that Bless knows Isabella personally. She began to ask tons of question, quickly overwhelming Bless in progress.

"So how is she like?!"

"How does it feels being acquainted with a world-famous singer?!"

"How did you guys met?!"

Emilia keeps shooting out a lot of questions towards Bless, He tried to calm her down by saying,

"Woah slow down there hahaha! One at a time okay! But hey~ everything comes with a price you know."

Emilia was confused when Bless said that and she replied,

"Wha-?! What you mean?.."

Bless smiled and said, "Well before we start talking about Bella, how bout we reintroduce ourselves first? Our first impression with each other is rather bad you know. So now, that's the price you need to pay before I answer you about Bella."

Emilia startled and gets annoyed with Bless but there's nothing she can do about it. She just sighs and said,

"Ugh fine!.."

"Very well then, let's begin! I'll start first. The name Bless. I'm being hospitalised here due to an accident a few months ago which put me in a state of coma. But as you can see, I'm wide awake now" said, Bless. Smiling as he looks towards Emilia.

".. E-.. Emilia. My name is Emilia.." She replied.

"So why have you been hospitalised here in the first place Emilia?" asked Bless.

Emilia's expression changes into a cold stare, looking away while not saying any word at Bless.

"So?.." Bless persuade her to tell.

She looks at Bless and smiles innocently as she replied softly,

"I... I'm here because I have a frail body. So I tend to get sick easily!"

"Huh. Something feels off with that.." Bless said to himself.

He then persuades Emilia to tell the truth by asking,

"Heh... I see. Then why is this room filled with stuff like you've been living here for quite some time?"

Emilia startled a little, thinking a way to dodge the question she then asked Bless.

"Well! I'm quite curious about you too. I mean why are you being placed in my room since it's a woman's ward. It's quite rare to see this happen."

"Dodging my question huh..." Said, Bless onto himself.

"Oh yeah, you don't have to worry about that! I won't be long here and will be transferred back to men's ward once there's an empty room for me. So the reason why I been sent here maybe because I was in a coma. So they might be thinking it's fine for now because I won't be causing any problem if I'm not awake right?" Bless replied to Emilia while he gazes upon her.

Emilia tries to not make eye contact with Bless and tries making out a new topic to avoid herself from being questions again.

"So how did you get into an accident?" She asked

"Oh haha well, I was on my way to fetch Bella and was on the phone with her. Then, without realizing I got hit by a truck I think? I can't quite remember." Bless replied while scratching the back of his head.

He then took out his broken phone and showed it to Emilia and said,

"Look at my baby, I just bought it a few days before the accident happens. How sad, it was expensive too. I wasted 2 months worth of salary to buy this *sigh*." He holds his broken phone closed to his cheek while mourning over it.

"Well, she probably didn't want to talk about her conditions right now. It's better if I let it be for now." Bless said to himself as he stares down on the floor.

"Anyways! About me and Bella, we're childhood friends. If that answered your question. About how is she personally well, she's a nice person not gonna lie. She never said no when it comes to helping someone. And... Well, she's the only person who approaches me when no one else does.." Bless sprouted some words about Isabella while softly smile when his memories flashes onto him.

"Ahh! Forget about the last part! She's a very well mannered person I would say. But she has her sisterly behavior towards me that bothersome sometimes." He deflected his word as he realizes that he spouting random moments.

Emilia smiled brightly as she listens to Bless, her eyes shines as she knew her idol was a very nice person in and out.

"W... Will she comes here again?!" She rushes towards her dresser and opened one of the drawers. She pulled out one of Isabella's CD album and showed it to Bless.

"I want to meet her so bad. Will she come and pay a visit again?? I wish she could autograph this album for me! You see, I have been quite a big fan of her since I was little. Knowing that someone who knew her is here with me making me excited!" Said, Emilia as she hugged the CD on her hands.

"Ah too bad though. She told me she couldn't come for a few months because she has works to do in Paris." Bless felt bad for having to let Emilia down but there's nothing he can do about it.

Emilia just stood still facing her drawer. Her giddy side suddenly disappeared as she just holds the disk on her hand and looks at it with a sad face. Almost as if she going to cry. But after she places the disk back into the drawer, she pretends to be acting normally and said,

"Ahh, that's a bummer! I really hope she could come! I should have just walked straight to her when I saw her just now." She then approaches her bed again and sat down. She looks over the window with an expression that almost as if she was regretting not doing so. Bless who see her behavior tried cheering her up by saying,

"Oh come on! There's always a next time you know!"

Emilia just remains quiet, she reaches out for her book while on the other hand plugging her earbuds back into her ears. Resting her back on the pillow, she realizes Bless placed the pillow she thrown to him a moment ago back on her bed while she wasn't looking. She didn't say a word and starts reading her book again.

"Uhh, are you okay?" Bless asked her as he looked at Emilia confusingly.

"We're done talking, haven't we? Now stop bothering me." She replied with a cold hard stare towards Bless.

"Eh. She changes quick.." Said Bless onto himself.

Few hours have passed, and both of them just minding their own business ever since. Bless taking a nap on his bed while Emilia still reading her books quietly. Then a knocking sound on the door can be heard and a guy wearing a lab coat with a pen and few papers on his hand entered their room. He wakes Bless up and said,

"Hai I'm Doctor Fukuoka. I heard the news from the nurse that you're finally awake."