"Give. Him. BACK!" I screamed as I started charging towards this supposed goddess of love, feeling the ground beneath me shatter. The closer I got to her I saw fear in her eyes, I could feel the horror pouring from her soul as I approached closer. I will kill her before she takes anyone else I love.
--20 hours earlier--
"Renae! We need to go." Tyler yelled at me as I clung to Owen and Eve.
"Just a few more minutes." I fought my tears to the best of my abilities as I kissed my babies goodbye.
"I'll keep them safe baby girl." My dads tears rolled down his face as he grabbed Eve from me and laid her in her crib in his living room.
"I don't want to say goodbye." I cried wiping the tear that fell onto Owens face.
"You're not saying goodbye. You're saying you're going to save their future." He took Owen from me and placed him in the same crib with Eve. They grabbed each others hands and sighed in relief at the feeling of being together.
"Mommy will be back okay, and when I come back I'm going to shower you both in so much love you won't even realize I was gone." I bent over and kissed them both. "I promise.." I whispered as I slowly stood back up.
"It's time to go babe." Adam stood in the doorway not looking inwards.
"Bye dad. We'll be back soon." I hugged him tightly and looked at my babies one last time before leaving.
I walked out the door holding tightly onto Adams hand fighting myself to turn around and run back to my babies. I remembered the treaty, if something happens to my dad then they'll take care of them, it was apart of the treaty, luckily Koda came back a week later after the twins were born so I was able to sign it before we had to leave for Italy once again. I shook my head at the thought, no they won't be left with no parents. I swear one of us will come back.
---Narrators POV---
"They won't be coming back will they?" Jarrods tears filled his eyes as he stared at his grandchildren.
"No. They're not supposed to survive this. At least not Renae.." Rosias emotions were hard like a rock but even she had shed tears as she watched her strongest daughter walk towards her death.
"How much longer till we get to Rome?" Renae asked Eros again.
"Five less minutes since the last time you asked. I know you want to get back but you need to have patience." Eros sighed.
"How long do you think we'll be gone?" She bit her lip.
"Hopefully we'll do everything right and be back on a plane back home in three days time. Please relax and shut the hell up." Tyler rubbed his temples exhausted.
Renae dropped her head onto Adams sleeping shoulder and could not help but cry. The tears soaking down his shirt woke him.
"What's the matter?" He picked his head up and wiped her tears.
"She's being annoying as me, and that's saying something." Tyler huffed.
"You need to relax. Both of you. How about a drink?" Adam waved his hand to the flight attendant and asked for two vodkas.
"I don't want to drink. I want my kids back in my arms." Renae whispered into Adams shoulder.
"I know. I do too. We'll see them again okay? You just need to think how excited they'll be when they get to see you again." He kissed her forehead in an attempt at easing her anxiety.
"Here you go." The attendant handed the drinks to Adam and Renae. Adam handed his glass back to Tyler and as soon as it was in Tyler's hand, he tossed it to the back of his throat.
"Oh that's so much better. Can I have yours?" He reached forward trying to grab the drink out of Renaes hand.
"No. You had your own. Let Renae have a moment of relaxation." Eros slapped his hand.
"Sheesh. She doesn't even like to drink anyways." Tyler pouted in his seat.
"Here. I don't want it." Renae handed her drink to Tyler and leaned back in her seat taking a deep breath.
"Try to get some sleep okay?" Adam brushed the hair out of her face and pulled her so she was cuddling into his chest.
"Okay.." She whispered as she silently wept, fearing the truth of what was about to happen.
--Adams POV--
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Jefferson whispered into my ear from behind me as Renae fell asleep in my arms.
"She'll be fine. She doesn't have a choice." I sighed as I laid my head on hers.
"We will now be landing in Rome. Thank you for flying with us." I barely heard the voice over the intercom. I was more worried about Renae. Her emotions are what drive her so how is she going to handle being away from our kids? Until we had to get off the plane I let her sleep. When I woke her up she had bags under her eyes and they were puffy.
"You should've woken me up sooner." She stretched as she walked down the aisle.
"You needed your rest. You've spent every single hour, minute and second taking care of me and the twins. You've barely even slept." I rubbed her back with my free hand.
"Do you think we'll have any issues with Kylie?" Rae looked at me scared of what was going to happen.
"I don't think so, but I also have no clue what's going to happen so maybe we should be prepared for anything." I sighed. As we got off the airplane I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders and I knew exactly what it was.
"You're dreading this aren't you?" Jefferson plopped his hand on my shoulder only adding more weight.
"I am. Something doesn't feel right." I said quietly hoping Rae didn't hear me.
"You felt it to?" Eros asked looking concerned.
"I felt it too." Tyler whispered.
"If you guys keep whispering about me I will lose more of my patience." Renae stopped in her tracks and she was surrounded by a dark color.. like the night sky..
"We weren't talking about you. We're talking about how we're regretting this." Jay spoke up and hugged her but she was unphased.
"Let's just get this over with." She walked out of Jays hold and I noticed the humans could see her glow, she was attracting their attention, everyone's attention.
"Come on." I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her speeding our walk.
We got lucky to get out of the airport. We got a hotel room just in case, even if Rae did not want us to.
"We need to get going. I can hear the voices." Rae whispered staring out the window.
"You can hear what?" I rubbed her back. She looked at me in shock and shook her head.
"Let's just get going." She walked away from me.
"Yay. Adventure time." Tyler clapped his hands and stood up from the bed.
"How long do we have to walk? I'm getting tired." Tyler moaned as he sat on his knees.
"Come on." Rae kneeled in front of him offering to carry him on her back.
"I can carry-" Eros tried to speak.
"It's fine. Now we can speed walk. Follow me." Renae cut him off. Something about her was off. Like she didn't have any emotions.
"Maybe we should stop." I grabbed her arm.
"Why would we do that?!" She snapped at me.
"Because there's something wrong with you!" I snapped back. She just stood there holding Tyler on her back with no reaction.
"We need to get this done and over with." She tried to turn and walk away but I tightened my grip on her arm.
"No. We need to figure out what's wrong with you. I know you miss the twins and want to get back but you can't fight or break a curse like this."
"WE'RE NOT GOING BACK TO THEM!" She screamed as tears flooded down her face dropping Tyler and falling to the ground.
"W-what..?" I whispered.
"What do you mean we're not going back to them?" Jay helped Tyler stand up.
"It's a feeling I have. I don't think we're supposed to-" She paused taking a deep breath. "I know we're not supposed to survive this. At least, I know I'm not." She clenched her fist holding it to the ground. As she pushed her fist into the ground cracks began to form, engulfing her arms.
"Rae.." Eros whispered to her.
"Eros please.. the sooner I can do this the better.. if I'm really not going to survive I want this pain and uncertainty to be over with already." She pushed herself off the ground pulling her arms out of the ground and wiped her tears.
"Adam. No matter what, I will make sure you survive this." She looked at me and for the first time since we left the kids she had another emotion other then fear and anger. It was love and pride.
"We'll both survive this. I know we will." I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my arms. "I've waited for you for over three thousand years. I'm never letting you go." I whispered.
"They're here." She looked up.
"Quirinal Hill is just over there. Perhaps up there?" Eros looked up the hill. Rae nodded her head and quickly grabbed Tyler and ran up the hill with the rest of us following quickly behind her.
"What is a mixed creature like you doing here?" A familiar voice rang. She had dirty blonde hair that reached her hips, her lips were full and pink while her eyes, they screamed hatred, they were a plain green color but I could not place her voice.
"I'm here to break the eternal curse. It will be broken." Renae stood tall. She placed Tyler on the ground and stepped forward, in hopes of protecting us four men she cherished so much.
---Narrators POV---
"How can a petty little brat like you break such a mighty curse?" The goddess-like creature laughed.
"What is your name?" Eros stepped forward.
"You may call me... Aphrodite." She smirked.
"You are not who you say but I won't argue." Tyler smirked back.
"And who are you to say I'm not?!" She became angry.
"I've met her myself. I know exactly what she looks like. God's may be able to change their form and what they look like but they cannot change their eyes." Tyler crossed his arms.
"Very well then." She snapped her fingers leaving ash where Tyler stood.
"TYLER!!" Renae screamed dropping to her knees next to the pile of ash.
"Oh he's fine. Stop with the yelling your human voices are so annoying." She rubbed her temples. "I couldn't have him giving you my identity. Not yet anyways."
"If I'm right you're the witch who created vampirism?" Renae glared at her as she stood with all her anger flashing above in the storm clouds.
"My my! Wow honey you're so smart! What a waste to just make that boy disappear." She clapped her hands and sighed.
"What are you doing here?" Adam called out.
"Listen pretty boy. You remind me of someone I truly despise so I'm going to ask you to shut your mouth before I have your head warming my fireplace."
"DON'T SPEAK TO HIM!" Renaes body was lifted off the ground and the three remaining souls floated behind her.
"No need to show off your power. I know I can't take you myself." She rolled her eyes.
"Then why are you here?!" Renae snapped lowering herself and the three to the ground.
"Well to show you exactly how I felt all those years ago. Maybe to make you agree to not break my curse." She tucked her hands behind her.
"And what makes you think I'll ever feel what you feel?" Renae was losing her patience.
"Like this." She snapped her fingers making them all fall into a deep sleep.
"If you can even survive little miss Empathy." She snarled and turned around looking to the skies waiting for the almighty to meet her once more and keep her curse intact.