Chapter 2

---Renaes POV---

I woke up in the forest. Everything was covered in snow and I was alone.

"Adam?" I called out. No answer. "Eros?" Again no answer. "Jefferson?!" I tried calling louder to, again, no answer.

"Nolla?" I turned around to see a woman standing there in little clothing. My body instinctively threw a ball of some sort that I wasn't holding earlier just a moment ago.

"Don't sneak up on me like that." The words came from my lips but it was not my voice.

"Sorry. Come, we spotted a human civilization." My head nodded, I tried to fight but it wasn't reacting otherwise, my body began following her, against all my efforts I couldn't command my own body.

"Wait.. is this the story of Nolla? The Nolla from the story?" Suddenly the woman and myself froze in place.

"If you wish to break this curse Renae. Then you need to live it. I agree with Nolla. We changed her name in this... simulation type situation because she wishes for no one to know her name. You need to make the right choices if you want to survive." I heard a voice say.

"What if I don't want any part of this?" I snapped.

"Then you will perish and your children won't be able to survive. If you don't break the curse then the secrets of mythical creatures will be revealed to the evil world and your kind will be purged. Heed my warning. Keep a level head and do as you are asked."

"Fine. If I keep a level head and wake up to all the people I love killed, I will find you and anyone affiliated to Nolla and make sure its a slow painful death." I spat at the air.

"Noted. I shall see you soon darling." I took a deep breath and just with that breath of air we began walking again. Taking the voices advice into consideration I did everything I needed to do. I followed the woman- or rather witch to an area that seemed to be a camp. I was confused because the areas around us was absolutely freezing and even tho the clothes we wore was so small and revealing we were still warm.

"How does this work?" I pressed a snowball against my stomach feeling no cold.

"Nolla? You're the one who made this spell. You should know better then anyone else how it works." The woman laughed.

"Kai! You found Nolla?" Another witch ran towards us. I looked at the woman who found me in the forest and assumed she was Kai.

"Yes. Kai found me. Hera, have you found the location of the humans?" The first sentence was my own words but the second was not mine. I shook my head at my inability in control and just continued with the story.

"Yes I did. The leaders son wanted us to stay. We need to pack up right now." She started rolling up matts and tossing them in bags.

"You talked to them?!" Kai screamed.

"Nolla talked to him first! I was just following her." Hera cowardly answered.

"Dammit Nolla!" She slapped the back of my head. Instinctively I grabbed her hand and felt fire coming out of my hand.

"No!" I screamed at myself pulling my hand back.

"Nolla?" Hera looked at me.

"Yes?" I looked back at her and placed my hand at my side.

"Are you okay? You didn't punish Kai for hitting you like you always do.." she scratched her head.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Kai looked at her arm as the slight burn faded away.

"I'm fine. Just don't do it again." I felt the anger in me subside. Soon I felt like it was actually me in this situation and not Nolla.

"Come on." I grabbed a bag and tossed it over my shoulder almost falling to the ground and I realized the strength I had was not with me any longer.

"What are you doing?" Kai laughed.

"Uhh.. building strength?" I smiled as I struggled to carry the bag.

"We don't need strength." She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers then all of the bags including the one I was hold started floating behind us.

"Lead the way Nolla." Hera smiled. Without knowing the exact way I lead the way to a small village.

"Nolla!" A guy from behind me yelled making me stop in my tracks. I knew exactly whose voice it was.

"Adam?" I turned and saw Adam run to me and hug me.

"Who's Adam? You know my name is Trin." He laughed.

"Oh uh.. sorry. How are you?" I hugged him back. Feeling his arms wrapped around me was exactly what I needed. Was Adam stuck in this.. simulation with me? If he was what about the rest of them?

"I convinced my father to let you and your friends stay here while you regain your strength and hunt for food." He pulled back and smiled. He looked younger. Not much younger but he definitely didn't have the three thousand year old vampire feeling to him anymore.

"That's excellent!" I smiled stepping back. I wanted to hold onto him more but if I am in a simulation that my life depends on, I need to keep my senses cleared.

"Trin. Introduce your guests." I looked and saw Eros walking towards us.

"Eros?" I whispered.

"Yes that's Eros. How did you know?" He smiled and laughed.

"I.. uh, lucky guess?"

"Lucky? What's that?" Kai looked at me confused.

"Never mind. Father, this is Nolla, Kai, Hera, and the rest of her coven." Adam- er Trin motioned towards us.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Eros extended his hand.

"Pleasures all mine." I grabbed his hand and he looked at me odd.

"You wish to shake my hand like a man?" He smirked.

"Oh sorry. I guess.." I was stammering my words.

"Oh you witches must great each other differently. This is the way we greet women." He turned my hand and kissed the back of it. The feeling of his lips on my hand almost made me dizzy, as his lips left my hand I craved for them to be there longer. I looked over to Adam who seemed hurt.

"So you're the leader of this coven, my son tells me." He smiled letting go of my hand.

"Oh well I don't know about that.. I think we all do our part and we make a good community." I could feel myself struggling for words. I was waiting for my body to do something or anything and lead me into what I was supposed to do but it was all me and I had no idea what to do.

"Oh shes just being modest." Kai laughed and she stepped in and grabbed Eros arm. "This is how we greet our own sir." She smiled as he grabbed onto her arm.

"Isn't that lovely. Please, we have a shelter prepared just for you." He smiled leading the way to a larger shack like building. I walked inside and felt the warmth.

"The best shelter we could make in such short notice." Trin rubbed his arm.

"It's perfect." I smiled as I walked in. There was a fire pit in the middle with twelve beds surrounding it.

"Perfect. We have a feast tonight when you will be settled in." Eros smiled as he exited the shelter.

"I can't wait." I smiled as I sat on one of the beds.


For dinner we had a large roasted pig. I enjoyed the taste even tho I normally didn't like to eat anything related to a pig. I was sitting at one of the fires when Adam approached me.

"Hi ad- er Hi Trin." I couldn't help but get excited when he sat next to me.

"Hi Nolla. You look very beautiful tonight." He smiled while he looked into the flames.

"Thank you. Do you also like watching the fire?"

"I do. Its my favorite pass time at night. I enjoy watching the flames dance together and wrap around each other. The smell makes me happy as well." He smiled brighter.

"As do I. The smoke is a great way to trap heat. It's how I made the spell to keep us warm when we travel." I widened my eyes as those words came out. Just like vomit they came out.

"Did you have another idea for another spell?" He looked at me curiously.

"Actually yes. We can talk about something else tho. That spell will have to wait till I get home." I smiled keeping my eyes on the dancing flames.

"I wish to find a love like fire."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, just how the flames merge together. If you bring two flames together they make one. Like this." He picked up two of the branches that were on fire and held them apart. "See? Two different flames. But if you put them together." He pushed the two branches together. "And now they're one." He smiled, and watching his smile as the flame reflected in his eyes I felt whole. I felt the love I had for my husband.

"And I just wish to have that one day. I don't care how long it takes." He dropped the branches into the fire and sighed losing his smile.

"You will get that one day. I promise." I grabbed his hand. He looked me in the eye and I felt the spark like every time we kissed.

"I hope so. Thank you Nolla." He kissed my cheek and got up. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Trin." I smiled. My heart was racing and I felt the butterflies.

I sat there still looking into the fire. Everything around me just seemed to melt into silence as the owls came out to hunt. I watched the large snow owl cross the sky and land on a nearby branch.

"They're beautiful, are they not?" Eros said from behind me, making me jump.

"Oh, Eros.. please don't sneak up on me like that." I huffed trying to calm my racing heart.

"Apologies. I did not mean to sneak up on you." He laughed as he sat down on the log next to me.

"It's okay, I was just transfixed on the owl I guess." I sighed looking back at the owl, who was staring directly at me.

"You witches have a very odd way of speaking.. well you do."

"Sorry, this is a bit new for me." I smirked looking back to the fire.

"It is new for us as well. Please forgive us if we do anything to offend you in any way."

"You haven't offended us. Why would you think you have?"

"The look in your eye says to stay alert. To be aware of anything and everything around you." I looked to see him examining me closely.

"Forgive me.. I have a lot on my mind. I wish I could tell you about it, but I can't."

"You're not planning to attack us are you?" He smirked.

"Goodness no. I wouldn't even dream of that. It's just magic stuff. I really don't even know how to explain it." I looked back to the fire and felt my chest grow heavy. All I wanted was my children in my arms, but I couldn't tell him that. I can't tell anyone here anything.

"I see. I simply jest with you but your mind still seems full. I hope whatever issue you have, you will be able to figure out." He patted my shoulder before standing up. "I am retiring now, you should get your rest while you can." He walked away leaving me alone with the fire and the owl still staring at me.

"Are you supposed to keep watch of me or something? Shoo!" I stood up and rolled my hands making it fly off.

"Do you not remember the meaning of the white Owl Nolla?" Kai walked towards me almost making me jump into the fire.

"Does anyone know how to make any noise? I need to tie bells around you people." I grabbed my chest and stepped away from the fire.

"What are bells? Forget it, answer my question." She stopped on the other side of the log and watched me as I searched my head for an answer.

"Uhm.. something about snow owls warn us of possible death in the future?" I clenched my jaw in worry I messed something up.

"Exactly, and you proceeded to rid that one." She shook her head. "Come rest."