Chapter 3

I slept really well regardless of my bed being just a leather matt on the floor. I spent most of the night dreaming of Adam and me. I wanted to get back to the kids so I woke up ready to do whatever I needed to do.

"Nolla! Come the humans wish to break their fastings." Kai called I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"You mean breakfast?" I chuckled to myself.

"You know of our morning meals?" Adam popped his head behind Kai making me fall back on my rear end.

"Can people just stop scaring me already?" I asked myself as he helped me up.

"Sorry. I did not mean to scare you. Are you ready for breakfast?" He smiled as he dusted off some of the dirt from the back of my legs. I felt the heat in my cheeks rise as I felt his hand reach closer and closer to my rear.

"Okay that's good. Let's go eat." I turned around quickly grabbing onto my backside.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help." He looked down to my feet still bent over and stood up and his eyes slowly raised to my eyes.

"You seem.. familiar.." he squinted his eyes as he stared into mine.

"" I turned and walked out of the shelter. I took a deep breath as soon as I couldn't see him anymore. This seems like it may be harder then I thought.


Two weeks had passed. Trin and I kept having nightly conversations before he went to bed and he checked in on me as soon as the sun rised in the morning. I even went to the river to get a bath... I realized women in this time do not undress completely when bathing in the river.. I also learned most of the time men bathe with the women to protect them from potential predators.. fun day I've had today.

"Uh-hm." Trins voice shook me from my thoughts. I lifted my eyes from the fire and smiled as I saw Trin sit next to me.

"Hey." I smiled watching his blush.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier today.. I did not know witches bathed... completely.."

"Oh God no, don't be sorry.. I should be sorry, I did not realize you would be joining me." I instantly blushed.

"Are you okay? Your cheeks are turning red. Are you cold?" He scooted closer to me.

"Huh? Oh- oh no! N-No! I mean.. no what I mean is.." I continued to fumble with my words and finally caved. "Yeah. Yes I'm cold." I struggled to get those words out. He wrapped his pelt over me that he had on his shoulders and instantly I saw him shivering.

"Here. I dont need it." I tried to throw it over his shoulders but he caught my hand.

"No, you are cold. Here." He smiled as he put it back on me.

"How about this?" I took half of it and wrapped it around him and cuddled into his shoulder.

"Uhm.." he whispered. I looked up to see him blushing.

"Now whos turning red?" I swear it was the first time I've ever seen him so innocently blush before.

"I am?" He lifted his hand to his cheeks and started turning more red.

"Here." I pulled away slightly so our skin wasn't touching.


"No need to be ashamed or embarrassed. It's cold outside, survival one oh one is to cuddle when it's cold. I've heard it's better to cuddle naked to keep all the possible heat but.."

"Survival one oh one?"

"Oh uh. Sorry.. something completely different from now. Forget I said anything.." I shook my head and looked back to the fire.

"You smell nice." I looked to see his face half an inch away from mine.

"Uh.. well I did have a hard time finding ingredients for a decent shampoo but I did pretty good." I blushed looking back to the fire.

"Hmm. Smells like mint and pine."

"Yeah I used the oils from the pine trees and collected mint as well. My hair feels so much better having some moisture in it." I fiddled with the split ends in Nollas hair and rolled my eyes at how dry and dead her hair felt but trust me, it was worse before.

"You look really pretty by the fire." I turned my head again and without realizing his lips smashed into mine. Feeling the warmth from the fire felt cold compared to the heat I felt coming from him. Sparks were lighting in my stomach burning hotter and hotter.

"I should go to bed." I pulled away from the kiss tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Just a few more minutes." He begged.

"How about this." I leaned over and kissed his cheek and stood up and walked back to the shelter. As I laid in the bed I couldn't help but run my fingers over my lips, still feeling his lips on mine wishing I could kiss him more.


Another week had passed. We had been talking about running away with eachother but both of us hasn't meant it when we do. I remembered the story and got curious. I decided our next conversation would be serious on this topic.

"Nolla. What are you doing out by the river? I was scared I'd see you naked swimming again." Trin laughed.

"Trin. I have a question for you. It's a serious question." He sat down on a rock and looked at me.

"Whats the matter?"

"If I can- no when I find a spell that can let us live forever together, we wouldn't age, we'd be strong, we could fly. Would you take the potion with me?" He seemed dazed.

"I'll live forever with you if you can do it. I want to be with you." He smiled. Honestly I couldn't tell if he was actually serious or not. As I was about to ask him Eros called for us. I still had yet to see Jefferson or Tyler. I didn't even know if they were here too or not.

We walked back in silence as I thought about how to even create the spell. Soon I realized I had trailed off somewhere else and I was lost. Waiting for help I started on creating vampirism. It mainly started with chanting and blood rituals but eventually I realized all it took was some of my blood with some very special herbs. I took the potion without realizing if it had actually worked and as soon as it went down my throat everything went black.


I woke up again in the forest. My stomach sunk to the ground as I remembered the story. I got up and as I shot up I was twenty feet in the air.

"Holy crap!" As soon as I spoke I crashed to the ground face first. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled grabbing my forehead. Instantly I got up and started running, I followed the scent of roasted pigs. When I got back, the shelter we had been using was torn down.

"I'm sorry Nolla, we thought you had already left. Trin went with your coven because they thought you had moved on to study the bears." Eros looked so sad. A part of me wanted to hug him but I knew what was to come. I kept the container with the remaining potion in it close to me.

"KAI! TRIN?! HERA?!" I screamed running through the forest.

I stopped when I heard voices. I looked through the bushes and to my horror. Adam.. or Trin were laying under the same blanket he was shirtless and I couldn't tell if they had clothes on underneath because she wore as little amount of clothes as possible. I stood there and waited. I couldn't move, I was frozen with fear. Would I have to spend eternity alone? Did Trin actually love me? I stayed there till I saw them get up I saw Trin had pants on and Kai was still fully dressed in her normal clothes. I gathered up enough courage to walk over there. I held my breath and knew exactly what he was going to say even tho he wasn't saying it to me.

"I love you, I love you so much it hurts! I don't know how I'm going to live without you." I stopped and stood frozen not able to breathe. If my heart was capable of beating it would be falling apart. I stood there hanging onto the potion wishing I could die. I didn't want to live through this.

"Nolla?" Kais voice shook me out of my thoughts. Clinging to the potion with both my hands I stayed where I was and breathed feeling of my tears fall down my face.

"Nolla?! Where have you been?" He ran over to me and hugged me. Feeling his body pressed against mine, I still felt the heat and compassion coming from him.

"Trin..?" I whispered barely able to talk. He pulled back and looked at me and instantly became concerned. He kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my face.

"Whats wrong?" He started brushing my hair out of my face and my eyes landed on Kai who looked concerned as well.

"You were sleeping together.." I managed to croak out as more tears fell.

"What? Oh. Oh! No! No we did sleep together but we didn't do anything I swear!" Kai spoke up.

"It was really cold last night and Kais spell for warmth wore off and I was cold so we cuddled like you told me." He tried to explained and looked at Kai disgusted.

"Only you knew how to use that spell that keeps us warm and we couldn't find you." Kai protested.

"Why did you tell her you love her?" I looked down at the potion in my hands.

"Oh Nolla.. he wasn't telling me that." Kai began laughing.

"I did not want to tell you like this.. I asked Kai to help me tell you how I felt. She was helping me, I repeated it to her after she told me what to say.." Trin looked ashamed.

"You have no idea how much that means to me." I cried as I placed the potion on the ground and threw myself into his arms.

"I love you Nolla." He whispered.

"I love you Trin." I whispered back.

"What is that?" He said pointing to the potion. I wiped my eyes and picked it up.

"You remember how I told you about living forever? I did it. You can stab me and I'll instantly heal. Oh and watch this." I handed him the potion and ran over to a large boulder and lifted it up above my head with ease. His eyes were large. I placed the boulder back down and walked to him.

"I had to test it on myself first before I let you try it. In order for it to work for you, you need to add a little of your own blood. If you still want to do this with me you can but you don't need-" he interrupted me by kissing me.

"I'll gladly do this with you." He smiled while grabbing a hunting knife off of a nearby table and cut open the palm of his hand letting his blood spill into the potion.

"When you drink this, it will be like you're falling asleep. When you wake your heart won't be beating." I grabbed the container before he placed it to his lips.

"If I could. I'd stop the earths spinning if it meant I could spend it with you." He smiled and pushed my hand back gulping it down.