"Well done. I've never seen anyone with so much restraint." The same voice I heard from almost a month ago rang as the rest of the world froze.
"What?" I looked up and around.
"I wonder tho. Would you mind if I put you in a different situation?"
"Excuse me?" I dropped my hands at my side just wanting to give up.
"I'll take that as a yes!" Before I could say anything I was back to being frozen in the bushes. They were talking just as before and the potion was back in my hands. I walked over and heard the same line.
"Nolla?" The emotions were the same, I was having a hard time speaking but I was irritated I had to do this again.
"Trin..?" He looked at me and he looked worried but his lust was gone.
"Nolla? Where have you been?" He pulled me into a hug just the same as before. His hug wasn't filled with heat and love this time.
"You.. were.. you were in bed.. together.." He pulled back and looked at me and then Kai.
"Nolla.. we have to talk to you." He held onto my shoulders.
"You don't love me do you?" I closed my eyes letting the tears fall. This hurt. It hurt a lot.
"Nolla of course I love you." He grabbed my chin making me look at him.
"But not like I love you." I clenched the container trying not to break it.
"I'm sorry.. you were gone for days and while you were gone.. I fell in love with Kai.." he whispered dropping his hands from me. All I wanted was his hands back on my body, even if just the comfort from a friend.
"Nolla, I fell for him too. He's not at fault. I always thought he was so handsome but you were smitten and I didn't want to cross any lines.. you disappeared and he wanted to help us find you.. at first that's all it was.." Kai whispered scared of what I would do. Hearing her fear made me even more sad.
"I'm not going to lie. I'm hurt, but there's nothing I can do if you love her more then me. I'd rather you be happy instead of miserable with me... guess we won't be needing this then huh?" I looked down to the potion and dropped it to the ground letting the bowl shatter and the contents scatter and trickle from the broken glass.
"What was that?" Trin asked confused.
"You remember how I asked you to live forever with me?" I smiled but the tears kept falling. "I did it. I was going to bring you the potion to give you immortality and super strength and instant healing but.. you didn't want to live with me.. and that's okay." I hugged them both.
"You didn't drink any did you?" Kai asked concerned.
"I had to test it." I shrugged wiping the tears from my face.
"But now you'll live all alone. Forever." Trin looked hurt as he spoke.
"I'm okay with that. As long as the people I love are happy." He pulled me into a hug squeezing me tighter.
"I love you, so much." He kissed the top of my head making me cry more.
"Not as much as I love you.." I cried into his arms.
"That's it! I've seen enough!" A different voice yelled and next thing I knew I was back in my own body a top the mountain I felt I hadn't seen for a lifetime.
"No one on this planet would ever be okay with that! Why the hell are you?!" She screamed in my face.
"It's called having a heart." I spat at her as I stood to my feet. Adam, Eros and Jefferson were still laying motionless on the ground. I ran to Adams side and held onto him.
"They should be waking up soon. Calm down." She rolled her eyes crossing her arms.
"Why do any of this?" I screamed at her standing up.
"For me to see if I should really break the curse." A voice from the sky spoke. It was the same voice that I heard when I first woke up in that forest.
"And?" I looked up feeling warmth.
"And I will. If you had the strength even after all your hardships to do the right thing in two different situations. Maybe we should've looked at what really happened instead of listening to a heart broken selfish witch." It spoke plain and clear. He was irritated and I could feel his irritation was towards her and himself.
"What? No! You can't do that!" She screamed into the sky.
"Yes I can and will. I will strip you of your powers if you continue with this charade!" He yelled back shaking the hilltop. Suddenly the shaking woke the guys up. I knelt down at Adams side and held onto him as he woke up.
"Renae?" He looked at me in disbelief.
"I'm here babe. I'm here." I cupped his face as he caught onto his consciousness.
"You can't let this ugly little creature break the curse! Humankind must destroy the world so we can start a new world!" She screamed into the sky.
"She is not the ugly creature here. You are!" Eros yelled getting up.
"You think she's prettier then me?" She glared with a smirk taking a step towards Eros.
"As a matter of fact, I don't think any beauty could ever match Renaes. Inside and out!" He spat at her.
"Enough. Where's Tyler?!" I yelled at her as I felt anger wash over me.
"Fine." She smirked. Suddenly Eros fell to the ground and Tyler appeared exactly where he was before. "Fair trade in my opinion." She had a wicked grin on her face.
"Eros?" I looked at him and could feel nothing from him. No emotions no feelings whatsoever. I left Adam sitting on the ground and crawled to Eros' lifeless body.
"Give. Him. BACK!" I screamed as I started running towards her feeling the ground beneath me shatter and the closer I got to her I saw fear in her eyes, I could feel the horror pouring from her soul as I approached closer. I will kill her before she takes anyone else I love. Feeling all the pure rage burn inside of me I froze before I my hand reached her throat. Only inches away were my claws from digging into her skin, yet she stood there motionless.
"I know you're watching. I don't know if this is a test or not but you know what I can do. Give me Eros back. Now!" I yelled into the sky.
"I didn't expect you to catch on. Even I am surprised. I was hoping you would have killed her. She has been quite annoying for the last three thousand years." I turned to Adam holding Eros body.
"Was that actually my Adam and Eros.. what I went through?"
"No. Well yes and no. Eros was a common name back then, Trins fathers name was Eros but in history he was not the Eros you're getting back now. The same cannot be said for Adam, his soul is the same but he was a different person then he is now.." Finally a figure came down. He was in white robes hiding his face.
"I'm still confused. Why was I put through all of this?"
"Because I had to find out if you were ready. You going through the simulation was merely breaking the curse on humanity. The rest was to see if you were ready to come back home." He smiled.
"Back home? To my children, back home." I took a step back.
"No my dear. Back home where you belong. At our side." He lifted his hood exposing his face. He had white hair with blond strands running through. He had a full beard and his eyes were a terrifying grey with a white pupil.
"What? No. I need to go home to my children." He extended his hand and as soon as he did I felt my body freeze. He waved his fingers towards him and my body gravitated towards him.
"Wait! What about Eros?" I cried.
"If you really want him returned to his body then so shall it be, but you must come with me willingly." He dropped his hand and in return dropping me.
"Are you saying if I don't go willingly you won't return Eros?" I glared at him.
"Yes. That is what I'm saying." He smirked. Not wanting to risk anything I took a deep breath and looked at Adam.
"Can I say goodbye?" I looked to him as a tear fell from my eye.
"Make it quick." He stood there and waved his hand. I turned to see Tyler helping Jefferson stand and Adam holding onto Eros' still lifeless body.
"I'd like to say goodbye to Eros too." I yelled over my shoulder.
"Fine." He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers causing Eros to take a large breath.
"Oh my god." I cried as I leapt towards them holding onto them both.
"Rae.. you can't leave.." Adam cried holding onto me.
"I can't let him take you guys. I told you I'd do everything I could to make sure you survive. If this is how then so be it. Our kids need someone." I cried as I pulled back.
"No. They can't grow up without their mother." I could feel all his pain.
"Rae.. if you're leaving because of me.." Eros started.
"No. I'm leaving to protect everyone I love. You guys, my kids, my family. Rosia was right. Adam, I owe her some money now." I laughed wiping the tears.
"Time is a virtue." The god was getting irritated.
"Will Tyler die if I leave?"
"No. I'll make sure he has a long happy life." He rolled his eyes.
"Not very convincing." I glared at him.
"I apologize. He will have a long happy, healthy life here as long as you come with me now." I could feel he was being genuine so I turned to see Tyler and Jefferson both crying.
"Don't do that." I sniffled as I wrapped my arms around them both.
"I can't say goodbye Rae.." Tyler whispered in my ear.
"At least you get the chance to.. remember what you told me? I need you to move on now. I need you to find love and be happy without me." I quickly kissed him.
"Rae.. I just got you in my life.. this isn't fair.." Jefferson was crying hard into my shoulder.
"I know it's not. I'll be watching you guys though. So any time you decide to act stupid, be sure to know that I'll be there laughing at you." I chuckled wiping my tears pulling away from our hug.
"I don't want to say goodbye.." Jefferson couldn't even look me in the eyes. I couldn't blame him tho. I grabbed his chin making him look at me which only made him cry more.
"Live and love. Be kind to everyone and see the world for it's good. Okay?" Tears in my eyes fought to fall as my lip quivered.
"Okay." His lip quivered just as mine had done and he wrapped his arms around me one more time and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you little sis."
"I love you too big bro." I returned his kiss on his cheek.
I turned around and slowly started walking towards the god before I stopped and took a breath.
"Renae wait." I turned around and Adam slammed his lips into mine. This kiss.. this damn kiss.. I felt all the earths ammunition exploding in my heart and I felt like we were flying in the air. I placed my hand on his shoulders as his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. Air seemed to be something I no longer needed. If I could live forever in this kiss I would and could.
"It's time." The god placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked back to Adam who was more hurt then I've ever seen from him before.
"I love you, so much it hurts. Living without you is something I could never imagine. I need you to live and love and have as much kindness in your heart as I do. That's all I ask of you.." I looked up at him as he closed his eyes letting the tears fall.
"I'll do everything for you my love." He leaned forward and gently gave me one last gentle kiss. I stepped back holding onto his arms as they slowly slipped away out of my grasp.
"Goodbye.. I love you guys.. tell my babies I did everything I could for them.." I grabbed the gods hand as I felt the air pull us up. Adam and Eros tried running to me but a white light flashed and they were gone. All of them.. they were just gone..