--Eros POV--
Shes gone.. she just disappeared.. going home at first seemed impossible.. Adam and I both lunged ourselves so we could keep her here but she just... left.. vanished. It's only been two weeks but it feels like it was only hours ago. We made it back to Jarrods. Adam was quick to make sure his children were safe. Even though we had to take a boat home since all flights were canceled. As soon as he saw Owen he started questioning Rosia everything she knew about the gods and which one created her.
"Adam I can't tell you more then I have. I'm sorry. I want her back too, I was just getting to know my daughter." Rosia snapped at Adams thousandth question.
"I need her back.. I couldn't take care of my first child with help, I can't take care of two without her." He sobbed.
He was really broken. He lost his twin flame after three thousand years of searching. It's only been two weeks. I feel terrible, we've had to share a room and he doesn't sleep at night, he hasn't slept since they took her. The only reason he keeps going is because he has hope that he can get her back, either that or he's staying strong for his children. However I share that hope with him. I've gone over the prophecy as many times as I could, Tyler's helped me with it and no where does it indicate her not coming home. It also never mentioned anything about her having children so she should have the option to raise her children. At least we think.
"The gods are always jabbering about free will, why not let her have it dammit?!" Jefferson punched the floor he was sitting on creating a hole underneath him forcing him to fall into the basement.
"Dammit Jay!" Jarrod yelled placing Eve in her crib.
"What the actual..?" Tyler looked up into the whole.
"Can I get a little help? I think I got a little something." Jay spoke silently pointing to his back. I ran down the stairs and picked him up exposing the nails and wood stabbed into his back.
"Hold still." I rolled my eyes as I dropped him onto his stomach and started pulling out the nails and wood.
"Hey dad?" Jay spoke up looking to the pile of nails.
"What?" Jarrod yelled from the hole above us.
"Why do you have silver nails? They're not strong at all."
"They came with the place when it was built. It was a school for vampires so we kept silver anywhere to protect us from the wolves. Adam should've sent you to a better school." Jarrod rubbed his temples.
"What's this?" I looked up at a note sitting on the dryer. "Jarrod is this yours?" I called out unfolding the paper.
"What is it?" Adam started walking down the stairs.
"Oh uh.." I whispered seeing what it was. He grabbed the paper out of my hand.
"This is.." He started choking up. "This is her.." The tears started falling. It was a picture of Renae standing in her pajamas at her front door with bruises on her face.
"Hey that's from when Rae first moved in." Jarrod started smiling and then lost his smile when he realized the situation again.
"Excuse me." Adam folded the picture and tucked it into his pocket and ran upstairs.
"So are you going to fix this?" Jarrod kicked Jay still sitting on the ground.
"Ouch." He rubbed his leg.
"I'll be right back." I walked past them both and followed Adam upstairs into Renaes old room.
"Adam.. you can't live like this.." I closed the door behind me and got hit in the face with her pillow.
"It still smells like her Eros. I can't survive like this!" He started tearing the bed apart.
"Adam.." I fought my own tears.. he was angry and rightfully so.
"No! I can't do this alone! I can't do this without her.. she's the one that freed me from the pitch black fog and now that she's gone it's coming back! I can't go back into the fog!" He dropped to his knees holding onto her blanket. "I can't go back into that fog.." He cried into the blanket letting out screams of pain.
"Adam we'll get her back. I know we will." I whispered not knowing what else to say.
"How?!" He threw the blanket on the bed and started walking towards me angrily. "How can anyone know that we can get her back from a fucking God! She was the only one who was strong enough to be able to stand up to them! How the hell are WE going to get HER BACK?!" He screamed turning red in the face.
"Adam.. what did she ask of you before she left?" I stepped back against the door not wanting to agitate him.
"This is bullshit! I can't even enjoy the company of my own children because they remind me of her! They smell like her! Owen looks exactly like her! The caramelized brown eyes, dark brown hair, their skin both so smooth. I can't think when I see Owen because I just see her, so how am I going to raise them by myself?!"
"You're not going to raise them by yourself. We're all here for you and for them."
"You can't actually say that because you're spending your time trying to find her along with Tyler and Rosia and then Jay is too busy with Braxton having a life, I'm not going to take that away from him, will you?!" He continued to yell.
"Adam calm down. You'll scare the babies." I sighed.
"THEN SO BE IT! BECAUSE I'M SCARED! Because I'm scared!" He slowly started backing up searching the room for anything to grasp. "B-because I'm scared.." He fell backwards onto the bed. "I'm absolutely terrified.." His once screaming, earth shaking voice was now brought to a broken whisper. He brought his shaking hands to his face as he silently sobbed. He was more broken then I thought he was. She's not dead though because if she did die, he wouldn't be able to talk at all. He'd be on a killing spree, killing everyone and everything in his path.
"Adam.." I whispered as I dropped onto the bed wrapping my arms around him holding him as he cried.
"I need her.. so much.. I can't sleep, eat or even breathe.. I don't want to live without her.. even if I find happiness again."
"I know buddy.. I know." And for the remainder of the evening I held onto him as he wept. I fought my own tears smelling her scent all over the room. I wanted to get out of there but I couldn't leave Adam in there. We may not be real brothers but he's taken care of me as if I were his real brother.
--two weeks later--
"Adam! Eve needs to be changed." I shouted down the hallway.
"Can you change her? I'm giving Owen his bath." He shouted from the bathroom. I rolled my eyes as I started to change her diaper. We were still at Jarrods. Adam didn't have the strength to go home. He was scared to go home and not see her standing there and I didn't blame him.
"Where's my grandbabies?!" Jarrod came in the door after he finished a work day.
"Perfect timing. Owens getting a bath and I just changed stinky here." I smiled as I handed her to him.
"Eros! Eros! Eros!" Tyler came rushing in the door and slamming it behind him.
"Tyler calm down! What if one of the babies were laying down there and you just stomped on them?!" I slapped the side of his head.
"I know, I'm sorry but there's something you need to see! Like now!" He grabbed onto my arm and started pulling me. Without moving an inch I looked down the hallway to see if Adam could hear. Jarrod was carrying Eve down the hall and making baby noises.
"Is it about Rae?" I whispered and Tyler nodded his head vigorously.
Without a moments hesitation I pushed him out the door and followed closely behind him. We continued to walk till we were in a clearing.
"Okay first of all I want to say how slow this process is now that you're not helping me with this." Tyler panted fanning himself with his hand.
"Tyler." I growled.
"Okay okay! Now I don't know if this is an actual lead or not. Renae and I used to watch this movie all the time and this time when I watched it, because I was feeling down, something happened to it." He was talking fast.
"Something.. happened to it? How?"
"Well, it was on DVD and it just started skipping. I checked it to see if it was scratched but it was in perfect condition so I checked the DVD player, I even bought a new one just so I could watch it. They are crazy expensive by the way."
"Tyler there is a point. Do I need to find it myself?"
"Right. Sorry. My point is I think Rae left me a message in the movie!"
"What makes you think that?" I tossed my hands in the air getting tired of these dead ends.
"Because if you listen to it, it's her voice asking for help." He pulled out his phone and played a file.
"Adam, Eros, Tyler and Jefferson.. I need your help.. I'm stuck with Hades and he's been.. I need you four.. the.. wants to- they plan- kill me. Please help me." Her voice was shaky, she sounded just as broken as Adam has been.
"An actual recording of her begging for help. Adam won't think this ones a dead end you idiot, come on!" I slapped the side of his head and took his phone out of his hand and ran as fast as possible back to the house. I kicked open the door and ran to the bathroom.
"Adam!" I yelled.
"You idiot! I just got him to sleep!" Adam yelled from the other room. I walked into the third bedroom that had been turned into a nursery. He was putting Owen to bed.
"Okay I'm really sorry but.." I grabbed Owen from him and put him in Jarrods free arm as he held Eve in his other arm. "You need to see this. Now. Or rather hear it." I pulled on his arm.
"Eros if this is another dead end-"
"It's not I swear. She reached out!" I grinned. Suddenly color started to fill his eyes again. The want to live again filled his soul.
"What do you mean?" He walked out of the door but Jarrod followed us with the crying children in his arms.
"L-Listen to this." I fumbled with the phone. Over the crying babies we couldn't hear anything.
"Jarrod. Can you please take them into the other room?"
"Yeah. Sorry." He turned around and walked into the nursery and closed the door behind us giving us more silence.
"Adam, Eros, Tyler and Jefferson.." He heard her voice when she called our names and he dropped the phone. Luckily I caught it before it hit the ground.
"R-re-replay that!" Adam stuttered. I fumbled with the phone once more and replayed the message.
"Oh my god.. someone wants to kill her? Why is she with Hades? What the hell is missing from this message? Why is she so depressed?" Adam started yelling getting worked up.
"Next time I'd like a ride." Tyler panted as he walked in the door.
"Holy crap! She needs us!" Adam slapped his forehead and started pacing.