Chapter 6

"How can we help?" Jefferson came around the corner.

"Where'd you come from?" I asked concerned.

"I heard the door get busted down and I heard everything after Tyler came in. I also heard some yelling." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Tyler, go take the kids, Jarrod needs to hear this." I patted Tyler's back as he slugged to the nursery. Soon Jarrod came out and we played it again for Jarrod and Jefferson.

"Oh my god.." Jarrod whispered.

"Oh my death God is more like it." I rubbed my temples at Jays bad joke.

"NOO DON'T POOP!" We heard Tyler scream from the bedroom followed by laughter from the kids and cries from Tyler for help.

"I'll go help him. Call Rosia, she should be finishing up at the hospital about now." He looked at the clock and walked into the nursery.

"Adam, you call Rosia. Jay you and I are going to go get that movie from Tyler's room.. back at the house.." I looked to Adam. He was still upset he couldn't go back to the house.

"No. Jay you call Rosia. Eros I'm coming with you." He stood tall.

"Adam, I can't have you breaking down as soon as you see the house. I'm happy you're trying now but-"

"I'm coming. Lets go." He quickly put on his shoes and ran out the door.

"Guess I'm staying." Jay pulled out his phone. I rolled my eyes and started running after Adam.

As I approached the house I stopped next to Adam. He was shaking staring at the house that was once filled with love and light but now dark, silent and cold. I looked to his clenched hands as he fought off the tears and fear.

"I'll be right back." I placed my hand gently on his shoulder trying to walk past him.

"No. I'm not staying out here." He whispered through gritted teeth.

I nodded my head as we slowly approached the house. I stared at the pillars looking at the one spot where she chipped the paint when she tried to hang Christmas lights.


"Eros, can you help hold the latter please?" She asked as she took a step onto the ladder feeling it wobble.

"You're pregnant. You cannot be climbing ladders to put up lights. You hold the ladder, I'll climb." I laughed as I grabbed her waist pulling her off the ladder.

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do anything around here! I was the one who wanted to decorate anyways so I should be the one to decorate!" She yelled as she tried kicking out of my arms.

"How about I'll do the top half of the pillars and you do the bottom?" I laughed as I placed her on the ground.

"There's no talking you out of this is there?" She crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine, but if you don't do it like I want then you'll have to redo them." She rolled her eyes grabbing the ladder.

"Hold it steady." I smiled as I climbed up the ladder. I wrapped it around the pillar making sure to place the cord on the hooks she had already placed up there.

"Just give it here. I'm letting go." She giggled as I dangled the string of lights around her. She grabbed onto the lights and wrapped it around some more, she pulled one of the hooks from her pocket and tried to stick it on the pillar but her strength shook her causing her to break the hook and chip the side of the pillar.

"Do not tell Adam." I laughed as I jumped down.

"Look! It looks like a star!" Her smile was bright and we shared a laugh till Adam came out of the house.

End of flashback

"Eros..?" Adams voice shook me from my memories.

"What is it?" I asked quietly walking into the entry way seeing her shoes stacked neatly in the hall closet.

"I don't.. I don't know if I can go in there.." He stopped at the doorway and froze.

"I understand. Walk around back and I'll meet you at the guest house." I nodded my head slowly closing the door behind me. We didn't need to go through the house but I needed to. All the memories I have with her give me strength and the road ahead was going to need more strength then I'll ever have on my own. I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the living room. Exactly how she left it, nursing pillow sitting on the arm of the couch and a blanket draped over the back of the couch. Her scent was everywhere. Her scent seemed to make the air more inviting and warm. Even tho it was cold and quiet the memory of her mixed with her scent gave the inviting feeling of a kitchen filled with the scent of cookies and cake.

"Damn.." I whispered as I saw the dress she had been sewing for Eve. It was a large dress so she could grow into it but she never got to finish it. I could feel the air growing heavy as a tear stained my cheek.

"I need to do this.." I whispered to myself trying to gain any and all strength I could. I averted my eyes and walked to the backdoor. I already saw Adam standing out there facing away from the house. He was talking to someone. I opened the door quietly without letting him know I was back there already.

"Rae.. I don't know how to do this.. I don't know how to do anything without you. Even going to save you, I'm more then willing but will I actually be able to do it? Or will I crack under pressure the second I see you? I'm the oldest living vampire and I'm the strongest of us all be I was always the weakest when it came to mental and emotional states. You were my strength but you're not here.. even our kids are stronger then I am. What do you want me to do..?" He spoke silently. His voice was more broken then I have ever heard before. As he spoke I knew exactly what he meant. When we were young he was always seen as tough and strong but emotionally he was the weakest of the entire planet. He always believed love was something that he would find and be able to hold onto forever but he couldn't hold onto her.

"I've tried to speak with you every single night since you've been gone and you never answer.. are you even listening? Can you even hear me? Do you even want to hear my voice..? Because all I want right now is to hear your voice, to feel you in my arms.. to feel your lips pressed against mine.. even if you hate me, I don't care as long as I could see you.. I cannot keep living like everything is fine. I can't keep pretending. When Owen smiles at me.. every feeling I have I don't even know what they are anymore.. it's been four weeks.. to be precise its been twenty nine days and twenty three hours. Please.. tell me I'm doing the right thing trying to find you.." He was pleading as he stared at the moon. Suddenly I felt hands behind me pushing me out into the open and a voice broke out from behind me.

"You are doing the right thing. I love you. I love you both." Her voice rang in my ears as I crashed to the ground. I saw Adam turn around as quick as possible and he looked as white as a ghost. I turned around to see nothing but a white mist fading.

"Renae?" I whispered as I tried to get back up on my feet.

"Come on. We need to do this quickly." I looked at Adam who seemed to have a new sense of strength.

We ran back to Jarrods with the movie Tyler told us about. I stood in the livingroom hesitating to put in the DVD.

"Just put it in!" Jay was getting impatient.

"Should we wait for Rosia?" Adam was biting his thumb.

"No need. I'm here." She came out of the basement with a smile on her face.

"Then play it!" Braxton sat next to Jay holding onto his hand.

I held my breath as I pressed the play button. Opening credits began playing and we waited for any skipping. Until it finally happened. Her voice filled the room, it was cracked and missing important details but it was something.

"I'm going to put a tracker spell on this, whatever magic she used will end up coming back to her and we can at least find the general location of her." Rosia scratched her head as Jarrod kept his arms around her.

"Will it work?" Adam continued biting his thumb.

"It will work. However if she is the one who sent it, is the next question. I do not see why anyone else would send that. Hades is not a god to mess with." She took a long deep breath and walked over grabbing the DVD from me.

"What if its not her?" I asked nervous.

"Then whoever did send it should be able to lead us to her." She patted my back and walked into Jarrods bedroom.

"What should we do while we're waiting?" Jay spoke standing up.

"I guess we play the waiting game for now." Jarrod scratched his head.

"No. We've played the waiting game for a solid month. The twins are a whole month older without their mother so we cannot wait any longer." Adam shook his head placing his hands at his side. "There's a witch in Italy that we need to see. One that started this whole thing." He got an irritated look on his face.

"Who? Nolla?" I answered. She was the only witch that fit the description.

"Yes, but that's not her only name." Adam shook his head in defeat.

"What's her other name?" Braxton stood up fixing his jacket.


---Adams POV---

She was part of the reason I was so upset. After that god took Rae, he bestowed life on the witch and the second I saw her face, even if for a split second, I knew exactly who it was. I tried to leave Italy as quickly as I could but every plane had some kind of troubles, so we ended up opting for a boat ride. I refused to admit is was Kylie but I knew now was the moment to admit the truth.

"What do you mean Nolla is Kylie?" Eros took a cautious step towards me.

"I saw her.. when he gave her a human life. I saw her but just barely." I whispered sitting on the chair.

"And for a month you didn't think to tell anyone?" Kelly raised her voice getting irritated.

"You have no place to speak to him like that." Jay slapped her.

"No she's right... I should've said something the second I saw her but I couldn't bring myself to admit or see that she is the cause for all the problems.. I thought we got rid of her.. for good, so I doubted what I saw but I know exactly who I saw." I dropped my head in my hands. I wanted to be blamed for everything that has happened because I felt like I was to blame. No, I knew I was to blame.

"Adam, none of this is because of you. She is psychotic. You thought she was trapped at the fire in the ashes but clearly she found a way to fool us yet again." Eros dropped his hand on my shoulder. As his hand met my shoulder his phone started ringing.

"Who's that?" Tyler looked at Eros in a bit of annoyance.

"Oh, that's just my wife. I'll call her back later."

"Eros. Talk to her. You've been kind enough to help me through this, go talk to your wife." I smiled trying to reassure him.

"I still forget that he's married half of the time." Braxtons eyes squinted at the door.

"I think we all do. He doesn't act like he's married. Well he acts like he's married to Adam." Jay laughed slapping my back.

"Patience is low. Strength for wanting to throw something as far as Greenland, is very high and tempted. Hand off, now." I spoke annoyed.